Part 20 (1/2)

5. Fort Hall.

15. Small Branch.-Camp is three miles below the crossing of Port Neuf River, which is fordable. Good wood, water, and gra.s.s.

10. American Falls.-Good camp.

13. Raft River.-Road rough and rocky. Sage for fuel; gra.s.s scarce.

17. Bend of Swamp Creek.-Gra.s.s scarce.

20. On Snake River.-Road crosses Swamp and Goose Creeks. Wood on the hills; gra.s.s short.

25. Rock Creek.-Road crosses one small creek, and is very rough and rocky for several miles, when it enters a sandy region, where the gra.s.s is scarce; sage plenty, and willows on the creek.

24. Snake River.-Road crosses several small branches. There is but little gra.s.s except in narrow patches along the river bottom.

26. Fis.h.i.+ng Falls.-Road very crooked and rough, crossing two small streams.

29. Snake River.-Road crosses several small creeks, but leaves the main river to the north, and runs upon an elevated plateau. Good gra.s.s at camp.

16. Snake River (ford).-Road tortuous; ford good in low water.

19. Small Branch.-Road crosses Snake River, and follows up a small branch, leaving the river to the left. Good gra.s.s. Road ascends to a high plateau, which it keeps during the whole distance.

26. River ”Aux Rochers.”-Road Hot Springs, and is rough. Wood, water, and gra.s.s plenty.

22. Small Creek.-Road crosses two small branches, and is very rocky, but at camp gra.s.s, wood, and water are abundant.

23. Rio Boise.-Road crosses one small creek, and follows along the Boise River. Good wood, water, and gra.s.s.

26. Fort Boise.-Road follows the south bank of Boise River to the fort.

2. Fort Boise.-Road crosses Boise River. Good ford at ordinary stages. Gra.s.s good in the river bottom.

20. River ”Aux Matthews.”-Good road. Gra.s.s abundant, but coa.r.s.e; wood and water plenty.

27. Snake River.-Road over a rough country. Gra.s.s scarce and of a poor quality.

20. Burnt River.-Road leaves Snake River, and takes across Burnt River, following up the north side of this to the camp. It is mountainous and rough, but the gra.s.s is good, and there is wood along the river.

22. Burnt River.-Road continues up the river, and is still rough and mountainous. Gra.s.s and wood plenty.

26. Small Branch.-Road over a divide to ”Powder River.” It is still rough, but getting better. The gra.s.s is good.

13. Powder River.-Good road; gra.s.s plenty.

21. Creek.-Road a divide, crossing several small streams, and is smooth, with plenty of gra.s.s and fuel.

20. Creek.-Road crosses one small branch, and is rather rough. The gra.s.s and fuel are good and abundant.

21. Creek.-Road follows down the creek for ten miles, then turns up a small branch, and is good. There is plenty of gra.s.s and fuel.

12. Branch.-Road crosses a divide and strikes another branch.

5. Small branch of the Umatilah River.-Good road, with plenty of wood and gra.s.s.

16. Branch of Wallah Wallah River.-Wood, water, and gra.s.s.

18. Wallah Wallah River.-Wood, water, and gra.s.s. Columbia River at Fort Wallah Wallah.-Wood, water, and gra.s.s.

10. Butler Creek.-Good camp.

18. Wells's Spring.-Good camp.

12. Willow Creek.-Good camp.

13. Cedar Spring.-Good camp.

6. John Day's River.-Good camp.

5. Forks of Road.-No camping. Left-hand road for wagons, and right-hand for pack trains. This itinerary takes the left.

10. Ouley's Camp.-Good camp.

19. Soot's River.-Good camp.

6. Fall River.-Good camp.

10. Utah's River.-Good camp.

18. Soot's River.-Good camp.

6. Soot's River.-Good camp. Road follows up the river, crossing it several times.

16. Sand River Fork.-Good gra.s.s a mile and a half to the left of the road.

8. Good Camp.

15. Royal Hill Camp.-Good camp.

7. Sandy River.-But little gra.s.s.

45. Down the River.-Good camps all the distance.

25. Oregon City.-Good camps all the distance.

75. Salem.-Good camps all the distance.