26 RNG: Texan In Another World - V2.13 - A Venomous Star (2/2)

The blade drew arcs in the Air and the archer had run out of cover . Spotting him once again, Mike ran after the Archer intending to get information. He could always carry him back to the Castle for Vella to toy with, but something was off.

Mike noticed immediately as he pinned the Archer down while holding onto her chest. Mike pulled his hand back and punched her square in the Jaw. The clasp on the archers helmet came undone and Mike saw the woman behind the mask.

A look of dissatisfaction washed over her face.

”What's your fucking problem with me?” Mike wasn't sure what was going on, but the others who had come with her were already dead.

They had been minced during his clearing of the battlefield, their usefulness only extended to the point that their corpses padded the falling trees for the ground.

”My father.. you killed my father!” The Archer was furious, she kicked and bit at Mike. Thrashing her arms around really tried to get him to react.

Her tooth finally came into contact with Mike's skin and she regretted it. The snake-like fang on the right broke the moment she bit down. Her body seemed rather sleek, Mike ran his hand down her body to check things out. He was impressed but he couldn't just let some viper loose.

Mike froze her arms to the ground with his hands and stood up.

”This won't hold me!” The Snake-Lady archer had a bad attitude.

”Who the hell is your Father?” Mike was pretty annoyed, he shouted at the snake-lady.

”My Father was the Goger's City Lord, Juliaer Vietrest.” When the words came out, Mike twitched... Again someone had brought him into their troubles.

”Do you know how he died? or even why?” Mike's question stopped the Snake-lady.

She looked over at him with deathly caution. ”No.”

Ashamed she looked away. She was a killer and a very skilled archer but it was sort of nice to see her change her attitude even if it was only a bit.

”Goger's City Lord went after private property without reason, even after being paid off handsomely he went further with his greed. He died at the hands of a Woman, and he lost everything including his life that night.” Mike sort of wanted to kick at the girl, but in the end he thought it was wrong since she was already pinned down.

”Do you have any reason do attack me again?”

”Or, do I need to just end this here...” Mike pulled the chain again and yanked the sword back into his hand.

She was pinned, and he was pointing his blade down.

”I will not submit.” The woman was angry, she had no patience and she was being forced down by the Ice.

Mike shook his head.

”I never asked you to submit. I barely even met your father, he was an asshole by the way.”

Mike searched her and stored her gear into his ring. she was nearly naked after he was done so he took out a robe and handed it to her.

”Wear this, come with me.” Mike passed her the robe.

”Act up and I'll make a pair of boots out of you.” Mike really liked her skin, She could have been a model on Earth for that reason alone. Physically, she was quite attractive.

Mike escorted the snake lady while they talked a bit more. Pilor was one of the hatchlings from a brood that survived the City Lords subjugation of these areas. She was raised as his daughter but when she turned thirteen he wanted to marry her off and expand his kingdom.

She agreed, but at what price. Five years afterward she was being hunted by someone for being a survivor of her husbands Royal Court.

They had followed her for a long time, after losing them she finally decided that she could return home. She was unlikely to be followed.

When she arrived at the city, she saw the changes that had taken place over several months.

She waited but she still didn't see the new City Master or the Casino Owner until she finally spotted Mike. To her, Mike was the guy she had to kill for her fathers justice.

”Are you hungry?” Mike wasn't sure but she was pretty thin.

”No. I had a meal yesterday, I will be fine.” Pilor kept quiet and was a bit nervous as they walked up to the newly repainted castle that was now being dwarfed by some of the new construction.

Vella walked outside and met Mike with a smile. She noticed the Aspei beside Mike and turned to face her.

”And what is your name young lady?” Vella was trying to smile but it looked like a toothy grin.

”So you're the one that killed my father.” Pilor stared intently at Vella's face and then stepped back.

”That's a rather long name.” Vella started to laugh.

”Pilor could you just introduce yourself, this is Vella. She's my..well, anyways” Mike rubbed his head a little and left the two alone.

He could see that they were getting acquainted and so Mike flew the Dragoon back the Casino to met up with Cara.

Cara was crying again, Mike had originally thought that it was something to do with him being human. Now that he was a Titan, Mike had expected that there would be some change to the situation. Despite all of his consummation, he had not produced a single heir.