23 RNG: Texan In Another World - V2.10 - Change of Leadership (2/2)

The zone around the Altar was a perfect place to put the plants, Mike didn't need a shit ton of them. The walls inside the throne room extended to nearly a hundred feet height. Mike planted seeds in a row around the Alter and Mike had always been a bit of a clean freak, when he saw the changes he had just completed Mike cast the cleanup spell again. The Throne room began to sparkle and Mike thought maybe he had gone a bit overboard.

The broken roots that had given him power were still green and held fluids. Mike wondered what he could use them for, If it contained any of the Titan Source he would definitely have to consider them as extremely precious items. Mike stored everything he could find and then walked to the alter again. Placing both hands on the Alter and pumping some spiritual sense into them, Mike could feel that there was something buried underneath.

He didn't want to disrupt the girls rest so Mike let it go for the night. He was impressed with their commitment to continuing his vision while he was indisposed. The Girls had proven themselves capable, and that's exactly what Mike liked the most about them. Their drive toward being self sufficient had never made Mike feel anything but compassion and trust toward them after they came into his care.

”Tomorrow we have a lot to discuss” Mike kissed the girls on the cheeks while they slept before he laid down beside them. As if they were waiting, the troop turned toward him and embraced him in their sleep.

Mike laughed inside, closed his eyes and waited for dawn.

Mike woke up to the feeling of someone fondling him, when he looked it wasn't a single hand or face caressing his body. Mike seemed to leak out his charm while he slept, the girls were sucking way like it was breakfast on a stick.

'Ahem...' Mike felt his erection ramming the back of Vella's throat, then Cara took over.

”This is a nice way to wake up” Mike cast the light spell on the Throne Room ceiling, lighting the entire place up.

”When did you have time to plant these down here, and why was the tunnel lit.” Rissa, Mona and the others all wanted to know. They woke earlier but were suspicious that maybe he had gone out without them. Their guess was right, but Mike didn't care to interrupt them during what seemed to be a game.

As he began to cum insider her mouth, Cara could no longer wait. Pressing her body to his, she slammed him against the bed with a smile.

”This one is mine.” Cara growled like she was unwilling to share. As he entered her, Mike could feel the ridges of his manhood pluck at the sides of her lips.

Cara Moaned again, and the others were jealous. They began pulling at the sheets like they were next, If Mike had said something they surely would have lined up orderly. Mike was a little bothered that he couldn't pleasure them all at the same time, but he still had things he wanted to do before the Casino opened.

Mike climaxed leaving Cara sticky and happy. As she caved into the pillows beside him she faced the ceiling and noticed that there was writing on it as well. Pointing it out, Mike was surprised that he had missed it as well. Mike took his cock and strummed it against her face until she licked it clean. Mike was a happy man, although he had a lot of things he'd have to do to keep things that way.

Exiting the Throne room didn't take much effort, Vella led the way while she explained what had happened over the last few months during his sleep.

”You did what?” Mike was astonished.

”Yes, He was being a dick and he tried to kill us in the Casino for talking to someone.” Vella crossed her arms, she felt like this was coming and had been dreading it for some time.

”Oh well” Mike dismissed it.

Vella wasn't expecting that reaction, she expected Mike to have a lot more questions but they didn't come.

”I like what you've all done to the place, So... cool question, Do we own the Castle?” Mike asked but Vella was more than happy to respond.

”That Little Shit' actually thought he could take from Me and the Girls.. so yeah! The Castle is Ours.” Vella claimed the Castle for the Poocha Troop and herself, but Really she just wanted to stick it to whoever thought they would replace him.

”This is our City.” Rissa told Mike with a snappy tone, it was nice to see her fiery core personality finally exposed.

”Star City is Ours” Mona was not interested in watching people take from her any longer, shouting out she looked at her sisters.

”Yea, Its ours!” March and Jodi called out.

”Mhmm”, Cara couldn't help but throw her tits to the air.

One by one the girls nodded and spoke. They were all in agreement, even the guards to the city had taken part in the change of leadership.

The Lone Stars Casino owned the City outright.