10 RNG: Texan In Another World - V1.10 - Colorblind (1/2)
Mike and the girls made it home before the night sky was in full view. Mike intended to look into the best way to manipulate the discharge from the stones. He figured that If he modeled the designs behind its assembly from what he could remember from the army, that he would have a greater rate of success.
Parts were easy enough to get made, they just took lots of time. Mike only had the one blacksmith making the parts for the Handgun and Rifle. Even before Mike knew about controlling magic he was looking over his options of defense. Mike still had a 5.56 round that he had made from a bullet that hit his friend. He had intended to fire it back at the enemy during his next rotation into combat but ended up getting hurt, which led to his use of Cannabis.
Mike had watched his friend pass away, one by one people disappeared. When Mike got injured in the army, he didn't have an easy time. When he got out, he even went through a divorce. It was never easy to pick up the pieces of your life after you've fulfilled your usefulness to someone or something; Mike loved and idolized the military, but if you went to individuals it was just like the public. Some people were good, and some people were just outright contemptuous.
To fight oppression, One must have the right to bare arms. The wrongful concept of denying defenders weapons that equal the oppressors means that the public is left unarmed, while those that hold the law in contempt would be the only ones with better weapons.
A War, if nothing else, is a fight against forces. The stronger the weapon, the greater the chances of victory in all battles. The Rifle was one of the greatest weapons of the modern world, If Mike could make an enhanced version of it he might have an easier time fighting off his enemies.
”The test of power is how it is wielded, those who believe in caste systems and micromanagement of the population have no problem taking our lives.” Mike was creating a diagram on a paper that looked like the parts he had.
When he was done, he took a knife and carved them out. Like a cardboard cutout he started fiddling with design options.
”Mike.” Jodi brought over some food to the table and the girls sat down around him to eat.
Speaking softly, Jodi asked a few questions about why he was so defensive and postured like he was about to be attacked.
She was always stuck in the system, and the system believed that ignorance was bliss. The less the public knows, the better off they are. Without knowledge, they depend on the governing body to take command of their lives if they weren't already enslaved by it.
Mike put down his work and swept it aside.
”I didn't mean to lose focus on where I was and what was going on. This world is much more different than I could have ever imagined, But.”
”But, On my world, in my homeland, We fight against slavery and what others around us claim as injustice. Its important that others know the benefits of peace, but the measure of a governing body cannot be claimed by how it appears. The measure of a governing body is decided on how it treats its people, its young, its old, and its prisoners.”
”Slavery... feudalism... royalty, these are things that are rare on my world. Whenever reports about them come into the public view, outrage contributes to action whenever atrocity happens.”
”I might not be able to change this world, but I can choose not to be a part of that shit. That's why I ripped your contracts. I know we've all been.. well, getting along. But I wanted to clear it up, I don't want you just because I freed you, You don't have to be with me, and you don't have to do anything I say.”
Mike picked up a large piece of meat and placed it on his plate.
”These look tasty Who cooked them this time?” Mike sliced the meat and it was rather rare.
”Me, me, me, me, ME!” One by one the girls all had a piece of meat ready to hand over.
Mike couldn't understand at first and then he just decided to take them all. The pile of steaks was ridiculous, Mike would never eat them all.
”Thank you girls so much for your hard work. Tomorrow we have to be on alert still, but with the herb's y'all found earlier we can try a few things.
Mike tore a piece from each stake and put the rest in front of the girls with a smile and a grin.
”This way we all have something to share.”
Dividing the meat was a good idea, it help to build the bond they had. The first to start crying was Rissa, then it spread to the others like wildfire.
Mike looked over at the girls and noticed their sad faces, he couldn't explain it so he just asked.
”What did I do?”
”Please don't cry, Look.. I'll try to eat it all.” Mike motioned to get the meat back but all the girls covered their plates and turned their nose away.
With a completely confused expression on his face, Me asked again.
”Come on, I'm not abandoning you and my stomach can only hold so much meat... what do I need to do to make it better?”
It was not in the books on the culture, Mike couldn't put his finger on it.
Mona spoke up, it was clear she was baffled at Mike's replies.
”Pick one!”
Mona sounded upset and continued.
”Pick which one was better!” Stamping her foot, Mona and all the girls looked back at Mike.
Mike instantly got the point. ”Oh.” he smirked and continued speaking.
”Well, Let me talk about them.” Mike cut a piece off the first steak.
Biting into it he could taste what reminded of him of hickory, sweet and smoked. The exterior was cooked and the center had a ring of red, it had been cooked rather well and retained a lot of its flavor from the meat.
Explaining the details as he was eating wasn't all the hard, he just had to praise them all. When mike had finished eating off all the different meats, He was curious as to why the girls were still tapping their foot.
”No chance I can get out of this huh?”
Mike smiled and the girls all shouted in unison, ”NO!”
Morning approached and the winner of the steak competition got a solo session in the bedroom, Mike and Rissa were pinned together like pieces of a sawhorse.. breaking it apart would take a little more than a gentle nudge.