Part 18 (1/2)

”We see it, looks like an RV,” responded Jonathan. They had seen it a minute prior to Tyler asking, but they were still too far back to worry much about. ”Maybe you should hang back just a bit, Tyler. We will move in closer and let you know.”

”Ten-four,” replied Tyler as he slowed down.

The beige Gulfstream RV faced them as they pulled up. The driver's side tire was off and lying on the road. The RV had fallen off the jack. ”Wyoming” was stamped across the top of the light blue license plate. Fiends were sprawled out around the large home on wheels.

Elliot climbed out of the BMW as soon as it stopped directly in front of the RV. ”Wait here,” he said before walking toward a strange man sitting on the step in front of the side door. The man was staring off into the hills, blood and dirt on his face and body.

”You don't have to rob me. Just kill me and take what you want,” the strange man said. He was in his late forties, his brown hair just starting to turn gray. The man never took his eyes off the hills. ”I got nothing left on this earth.”

”I'm not here for anything. I just wanted to check on you. Are you hurt?” Elliot meant what he said, yet he kept his pistol ready in case this was a trap or the man had been bitten.

”There's no good people in this world, anymore.” The man inhaled deeply before letting it out. ”You might as well finish me off.”

”Have you been bitten?”

”No.” The man continued to stare into the hills. ”I've lost everything. My wife and daughter wanted to see the ocean. I figured we could find a nice spot and live off of the sea. Then this d.a.m.n tire went flat.” He started to cry as he continued. ”I got out to change it. Never saw them until it was too late.

”They must have climbed in while my wife had her back turned. She was supposed to keep watch. They screamed so loud.” The man began crying harder. Elliot walked over and placed his hand on the man's shoulder. ”It was so violent, knocked the d.a.m.n RV off the jack. I was able to lure aem out one by one and put them down. Then I had to put-them down. I buried them on the hill.”

”I'm so sorry, sir,” Elliot said. He signaled for others that it seemed safe enough. ”Is there anything I can do for you?”

”Kill me,” the man said.

”I can't do that, sir.”

”You're a soldier? I'm Colonel Jim Sturnly of the U.S Army. If that outranks you, then I order you to put me down.” Colonel Sturnly looked Elliot in the eyes for the first time.

”I can't, sir. Survivors are hard to come by. Besides, with your military experience this world could really use you, sir.”

Jonathan had radioed back to Tyler and Layla, who drove up and parked next to the BMW. Tyler stood watch from the top of his Prius while Layla lay on the hood. Guillermo stood watch at the rear of the RV. The heat from the sun beat down on the group.

Elliot had spent five minutes arguing and pleading with the older man. He knew that this man had many things to teach, and many more great stories to share. Elliot was a sucker for a good story when it came from a soldier. ”Just consider coming with us. I can only imagine how hard this is for you, but we can take you somewhere safe. We are heading out to find a way to stop all of this.”

Colonel Sturnly shook his head and opened his mouth to speak. Before he was able to say a word, a b.l.o.o.d.y pair of hands grabbed the man. The fiend bit deep into the man's neck, spraying blood on the side of the RV.

”NO!” screamed Elliot. He pulled his pistol out and put a single round into the head of the fiend. Colonel Sturnly fell to the ground, holding his neck as the blood poured out. ”Oh s.h.i.+t. I didn't see him, Colonel. I'm sorry.

”You... have a new... order,” Colonel Sturnly forced. ”Bury me... with my... girls.”