Part 16 (2/2)

”Most of it is just welded in place, but I had plenty of shaping to do with the stainless steel. That plow wasn't easy. Many hours of heating and hammering went into it,” Deacon rambled proudly as he told the other three about his work on the Tundra. They stood looking out the window into the rear parking lot where the vehicles sat.

”It's definitely awesome,” Elliot said with a hint of jealousy on his voice. ”Plenty of work went into this ol' library as well,” he pointed out at the work he had done with the fence. ”Usually we leave someone here when we go out, but we noticed a few fires last night. We thought it was others setting up camp for the night. Seemed like a pretty thing to do right in the open. We went out this morning to check and noticed that someone had burned several piles of the undead.”

”So that wasn't you? Have you noticed signs of any other groups around, besides the fires of course?” Guillermo asked.

”We saw a man walking the streets the other day,” The young woman replied. Her sandy blonde bangs ran smoothly to the right side of her face. Her voice was soft yet

Layla Smith was short, in her early twenties, and her blue eyes seemed to pierce the soul of anyone they rested on. She came from money, and although she knew it didn't matter anymore she held onto the image the best she could. Although she knew that she relied on others now more than ever she still found it hard to respect anyone else.

Her husband Tyler, whose blonde hair was kept short by his wife, was a software engineer before the attacks. He put himself through college working part time at a fast food restaurant, and he was proud of himself for making it through. The first one in his immediate family to even graduate high school, Tyler allowed his career to take him away from the family that was set on taking advantage of his success.

”Yeah, this guy was crazy. He walked right down the center of the street, kind of like a man with nothing left to live for, you know?” Tyler added. He was much more laid back then his wife. ”I shouted down to him, to see if he needed help. He looked up, waved, and kept walking. Busting the undead up as he went. I've been calling him The Executioner.”

”Could that have been Roger?” Jonathan asked as he and Nora joined the others. His unexpected voice caused Layla to jump.

”Could he be that much of a bada.s.s all of a sudden?” Deacon answered with his own question.

”He left as a man on a mission,” Guillermo stated with a little pride, remembering the last conversation he had with Roger. ”The day he left, I got the feeling that he had some things to take care of.” He never told anyone what Roger had told to him that day.

”Well, I hope he is alright out there on his own,” Jonathan said. ”So Elliot, would you mind my asking about your military career? I am sure your training has helped in keeping you alive.”

”It's the only reason I am alive,” Elliot began, ”I joined the national guard when I turned seventeen, and I went to basic training the following summer after graduating high school. After my first tour in Iraq I decided this was a great career. I went to active duty, kept working hard, and after a few years I became a Ranger.

”I did three tours in Iraq, and two in Afghanistan. When I decided to leave and return to civilian life I was given the opportunity to join the Secret Service. It wasn't really what I was looking for, but I was stationed in D.C. My parents lived just a few hours from there, so it worked out well.

”Protecting senators and diplomats was not as much fun as I expected. Basically, my job was listening through hotel doors to make sure the prost.i.tute they picked up wasn't killing them, so there wasn't much excitement.

”Another year went by before I was put on duty guarding the President. That is where the story gets interesting,” Elliot a.s.sured.

”The last year of my aemployment' we took several trips out here to Clay Hills to talk with some Researchers at the Biological and Chemical Research Corporation building. Greg Taylor and Brian Sawyer,” Elliot looked at Jonathan when he spoke the last name. He felt confident there was a relation between the two, as his memory was part of why he had been so successful with the military and Secret Service.

”You talked to my father?” Jonathan asked demandingly.

”Yeah, very brilliant man. The government had them working on cell regeneration. They were looking for a way to grow back limbs and organs. Several soldiers volunteered for testing. I don't know if any of them survived, but I do know most didn't.”

Jonathan had known much of this, but it made sense now why most of the BCRC's research was never published. All of their test subjects dying certainly wouldn't help them find funding or new volunteers. The young man couldn't wait to hear more. He only hoped that Elliot's story would help him find the answers he needed.

”I felt a possible threat from Greg, however, so I confronted him about the way he acted. He was all over the place, and it was obvious he wanted us out of there. Not many people went to the fifth floor, so he pretty much had the run of things up there.

”He caved quickly and spilled out this story of a dead child being donated to the lab. Greg said he was close to reanimating the corpse. His confidence was impressive, and these are the top guys in their field.” Elliot paused to grab a drink from his canteen.

It had become quiet enough to make a librarian proud. The only sound was the distant moans of the fiends and the rattling of the barbed wire fences they were stuck in. Jonathan suddenly realized that he had been holding his breath. The others were glued in place, resembling statues. None of them had known that this man knew as much as he did.

”President Granderson and I were both shocked to see the boy laying there in the cold room on a metal table. Greg started to panic, but was quickly relieved to hear that the President was excited by the idea of living forever. He told the two to keep in touch, and we left.

”President Granderson spent a lot of time in private meetings. Unusually private. n.o.body was allowed in, not even myself. These meetings were often held in the Pentagon and were attended by a very elite group. They went on for a few months. Finally a defense researcher was sent to the BCRC alone. I saw him briefly before he was flown out. The only object he took was a black box roughly the size of a child's shoe box.

”It was only a few days later that we received the call from your father. The child came back to life, but he was a monster, spreading his disease to everyone. He said the town needed to be locked down. President Granderson knew what was happening, and he ignored your father. We didn't send in the military until things got out of hand.”

”I watched his address to the nation about the attacks. He said he was not sure what was going on,” Jonathan insisted.

Elliot laughed, and then continued. ”We were in a bunker in the mountains of Colorado when that address was made. He just didn't want to cause a panic.”

”So why are you not still in the bunker?” Deacon asked.

”That is another interesting part of this story,” Elliot took another drink. ”We heard that Hawaii was safe. The islands shut down all incoming planes, made them turn around. n.o.body was allowed on the island. Thinking that a beach front resort was better than a bunker, we packed up the President and his family, along with the families of the President's aYes Men', and flew to Honolulu.

”Shortly after landing we had the whole place secure. Perhaps too secure. More people were flown in. Mostly for security purposes, and guards were set up all around the islands. For the first few days we sent away any boats that came by.

”One day a small yacht came along. We told them to keep moving. The man said all he wanted was water and they would be on their way. Unfortunately for them, the use of deadly force was authorized. Without any other warning the boat was shot at.

”I tried to stop them, but n.o.body could hear me over the gunfire. Besides, these people were no longer U.S troops. They had become people desperate to survive. After the gunfire stopped, I took a few others and a boat. We got out to the yacht. Dead bodies were everywhere, filled with bullets. Men, women, children, and even a couple babies. The hull of the boat had so many holes in it that the sun lit up the dark s.p.a.ce.

”These weren't infected people, just people looking for supplies so they could carry on. Some of the people in that boat still gasped for breath as we set it on fire. They didn't deserve to be slaughtered like that. h.e.l.l, none of the people that have died because of this deserved it. We should have shut down the BCRC when we had the chance.” It was obvious that Elliot was disappointed in himself for what he had done.

”So you left, and you came here to find my father?” Jonathan inquired.

”Yeah. If not your father, than at least some answers. I'm a.s.suming by the amount of gas you are packing up that you already looked for answers. Did you find anything?” It was Elliot's turn to ask question.

”Not really. I have all the research notes left behind, but I cannot find anything useful in them. I will go over everything again at another time. I am sure I missed something important. I am also curious if there is something I missed regarding this mysterious researcher and what he had brought with him.”

”So where are you headed?” Tyler asked.

Layla gave him a disapproving glance. ”You don't need to be concerned with that,” she said sternly.

Unsure of whether or not to answer now, Jonathan decided that he might as well. After all, he was already in trouble with Sophia. ”Iowa. The rest of my family is there.”

”What makes you so sure they are alive?” Tyler's wondered.

”My mom and brother were both trained to survive. They are out there,” Jonathan replied with confidence.

”Then I'd like to go with you.” Tyler stated.

Before he could start his next sentence, Layla jumped to her feet. ”The h.e.l.l you are!” she yelled. ”What the h.e.l.l is the matter with you? We are not leaving the safety of this library.”

”You don't have to,” Tyler shot back. His voice cracked slightly, making it obvious he had never stood up to her before. ”I'm tired of being cooped up indoors. If there is anything I can do to put things back to normal then I'd like to help.”

Elliot lifted his large body from the chair he was sitting on. ”Nothing will ever be normal again.” He turned to Jonathan, ”But I'd like to go with you also.”

”I would also like to go somewhere else for a while,” said Nora politely.

The group stared at Jonathan as he thought about each of them. Elliot would be the most useful. He was not sure about Tyler, and Layla looked as if she would kill them both right now if he said Tyler could go.

”Find another car and some gas cans. Whoever wants to go is welcome,” Jonathan exclaimed before quickly stepping away.
