Part 15 (1/2)
”That is only your tradition.”
”. . . and we intend to be here still when it is gone. Let us return to the subject in hand. Surely a simple way exists to end your revolution. Send the s.h.i.+ps away.”
Gelmar said between his teeth, ”Give me credit for some wisdom, Skaith-Daughter. Sending the s.h.i.+ps away would solve nothing, because-”
”Because,” said Stark, overriding him, ”he could not make them stay away. Isn't that so, Gelmar? Isn't that why, as the wise woman said, the s.h.i.+ps are still there, in the south?”
Again Kell a Marg held up her hand to silence Gelmar. Her hand was slender, with curving nails. There were no rings on it. The palm was pink and naked. The hand beckoned Stark to come closer, up the steps. The guards came with him.
”You are truly from another world?”
”Yes, Skaith-Daughter.”
She reached out and touched his cheek. Her whole body seemed to recoil from that touch. She s.h.i.+vered and said, ”Tell me why Gelmar could not keep the s.h.i.+ps away.”
”He has not the power. The s.h.i.+ps come into Skeg because that is where the first ones landed, that is where the port is and the foreign enclave and the market where trading is done. It's easier and more convenient. And the Wandsmen have the appearance of control there. At least they can see what's going on.”
She seemed to understand. She nodded, and said sharply to Gelmar, ”Let him speak.”
”If Skeg is closed to the s.h.i.+ps, there is nothing to prevent them going anywhere else the captains think they might pick up a profit. Most s.h.i.+ps, the smaller ones, can land where they will. The Wandsmen couldn't keep track of them; they couldn't have their mob of Farers everywhere.”
”They might land even here?”
”Not in the mountains, Skaith-Daughter. But close enough.”
”And they would do this for profit. For money.”
”You know about those things.”
”We are students of the past,” she said. ”Historians. We know. It is only one of the things we left behind us, that need for money.”
”It's still a powerful need among men, no matter where they come from. And I think what Gelmar fears the most is that some of these s.h.i.+ps might begin taking away people who want to leave Skaith and are willing to pay for it.”
Stark was watching Gelmar's face. It was closed now, closed tight, and he thought that his guess was close to the truth.
”These s.h.i.+ps couldn't evacuate whole populations, as the Galactic Union could, but it would be a start. Gelmar's got his fist in the dam and he's trying to hold it there, hoping that the first little drop never gets through. That's why he's so desperate to put down the revolt at Irnan before it becomes a movement. If the whole south falls into civil war, it will be the off-worlders who gain, not the Wandsmen.”
Or the Lords Protector, who were only Wandsmen grown older. An unbroken chain since the first founders, renewing themselves with each generation. In that sense, they were eternal and unchanging, just as Baya had said. As eternal and unchanging as the human race.
And as vulnerable.
The room was like the inside of a great pearl, glowing softly white. Kell a Marg sat at the center of it, on the brown knees of Skaith-Mother, between the encircling arms. Her eyes were on Stark, huge and sweating and uncouth in his chains and his heavy furs, the man not born of Skaith-Mother.
He said brutally, ”The thing is done, Kell a Marg. Your world has been discovered; it cannot be undiscovered. New things are here and will not go away. The Wandsmen will lose the battle in the end. Why should you help them to fight it?”
Kell a Marg turned to her diviners. ”Let us ask help from the Mother.”
The Hall of the Diviners lay at the end of a long corridor in a section of the Mother's House given over to their exclusive use. The chambers Stark could see as they pa.s.sed were austere and dim, occupied by students and acolytes and lesser Diviners. The chambers had been designed for much larger numbers. Branching corridors led only to silence.
The Hall itself was round, with a vaulted roof from which a single great lamp hung, gleaming silver, intricately pierced. Beneath the lamp was a circular object, waist-high and about three feet across, covered with a finely-worked cloth. The walls, instead of being carved or faced, were covered by tapestries, apparently of a great age and holiness. A benign and gigantic woman's face looked out of them, many times repeated, made wraithlike by the fading of time but disturbing none the less, with eyes that seemed to follow every move of the people in the Hall. The great lamp was not lighted. Smaller ones on pedestals burned feebly around the circ.u.mference of the room.
No one spoke.
Acolytes entered. Reverently they lighted the silver lamp and removed the worked cloth from the object beneath it, chanting all the while.
”The Eye of the Mother,” murmured the Diviners, ”sees only truth.”
The Eye of the Mother was a crystal, enormous, set in a ma.s.sive golden frame. It was clear and lucid as a raindrop, and the light from the lamp went sparkling down into it. The Diviners ranged themselves beside it, heads bowed.
There was no high seat here. Even Kell a Marg stood. Fenn and Ferdic stood behind her. Gelmar, Stark and Gerrith, and the four guards formed a separate group, close inside the door.
Kell a Marg spoke, and the hatred in her voice was distributed about equally among the outsiders.
”You are all strangers in this House. I trust one no more than another, and all of you speak of things I do not understand and cannot judge, since they are not within my experience.”
”Why would I lie, Skaith-Daughter?” Gelmar asked, ”When did the Wandsman ever live who would not lie if it suited him?” Her gaze went to Gerrith, then settled on Stark. ”Gelmar I know. The woman does not pretend to be other than Skaith-born, nor does she pretend that she has seen these s.h.i.+ps. The man does so pretend. Search his mind for me, Diviners.”
The imperious hand gestured to Fenn and Ferdic, who approached Stark. The two guards who flanked him did not move. Ferdic glanced at Gelmar, who snapped something to the guards. They moved aside, but they followed as Stark was led to stand beside the crystal. ”Look,” said the Diviners, ”into the Eye of the Mother.”
Light from the pierced lamp came and went within those lucid depths, now shallow, now deep, ever s.h.i.+fting, drawing the gaze down and down. ”The crystal is like water, let the mind float upon it, let the mind float free ...”
Stark smiled and shook his head. ”I can't be caught that easily.”
The Diviners stared at him, startled, angry. ”Do you want my memories, the things that cannot lie?” he asked them. ”You may have them, freely.”
Every world had its methods. He had seen too many of them and mastered too few, but he knew a little. Telepathy and mind-touch he had encountered often and was not afraid of them. The important thing was never to lose control.
He shared his memories with them, the ones that were impersonal enough for sharing.
They stood with their heads bent, but they were only pretending to look into the crystal now. That was for later on. Now they were absorbed, listening to what his mind had to tell them. The truth, for Kell a Marg. Remembering.
Remembering, briefly, the worlds of his youth and Sol, his parent star, a warmth of brilliant gold.
Remembering s.p.a.ce, as it had first burst upon him through the simulators in the pa.s.senger quarters of a stars.h.i.+p outbound for Altair. The stunning magnificence of myriad suns ablaze in the black sea of infinity where they swam forever on their appointed ways. The cl.u.s.ters, like cosmic hives of burning bees. Bright nebulae sprawled across the pa.r.s.ecs, piled clouds of glorious fire. Dark nebulae, where the drowned suns glimmered pale as candles. The island galaxies, unthinkably distant. The deep, wide universe with no rock roof to close it in.
Remembering finally that incredible world-city, Pax, and her incredible moon, symbols of the power of the Union.
The Diviners cried out, between agony and terror. ”He has seen! He has seen, Skaith-Daughter! The night-black gulfs and the burning suns, the skies of foreign worlds.” They looked at Stark as though he were a demon.
Kell a Marg nodded, very slightly. ”So much we are sure of, then. Now I wish to know why this man came here.”
”To search for a friend, Skaith-Daughter. Someone he loved. The Wandsmen took him, the Wandsmen may have killed him. He has a great hatred for the Wandsmen and the Lords Protector.”