21 Truck Fu (1/2)

Tanaka moved forward to intercept Satou.

”Diesel, while I fight him, think of a way to ambush him. It doesn't seem like he's going to give me a chance for a clean hit.”

”Eh? I'll try. But what can a truck do against a hero?” Diesel was worried for both of their safety.

”Plenty.” A similar aura of ferocity started enveloping Tanaka. It was like watching two masters sizing each other up. In reality, the sight of a hero facing off against a truck would be humorous, if it weren't for the chills their auras gave off.

Tanaka accelerated forward, and in response, the hero also lunged toward him. In a flash, the two of them met, having moved faster than Diesel could see.

”Heaven's Piercing Sword!”

”Bone Chilling Hood!”

The two attacks collided, the energy from them rippling off and sending a shockwave through the area. It seemed like they were fixed in place for a moment, the power of their attacks having created a deadlock. After the brief clash, the two forces broke off and moved a slight distance backward before swinging around for a follow-up attack.

”Vorpal Revolution!” Satou's sword spun in a horizontal arc, creating a pulse that seemingly split the air in two.

”Mountain Cleaving Truck Ramp!” A metal ramp that extended from the rear of his trailer slid out and cut the air, creating an arc of qi as a result.

The two attacks collided in mid-air, causing an explosion that rocked the surroundings.

”It seems like you're not just any normal truck.” Satou smirked.

”Of course not, I expended quite a bit of karma into mastering cultivation techniques. I'm just getting started.” Tanaka shrugged as he bounced around more easily than any truck should've been able to.

As Satou continued striking furiously with his sword, Tanaka spun around like a nimble top, swinging his open doors to block and take swipes at the hero. The two continued to fire off powerful-sounding attacks at each other like it was some shounen battle anime.

Diesel's vision was spinning from the scene. He had never expected something like this! The mere sight of Tanaka's Truck Fu was out of this world! Where was his popcorn gasoline?

”Ack! Not the time to be admiring things!”

Diesel snapped out of it and tried to focus on some way to help Tanaka out. There was no way that he would be able to charge in for a surprise attack. It would be like trying to flick a rock into the path of a tornado; he would just be swept up and demolished in its path.

How else could he get Satou to pause? What could even distract him at this point? Trying to dig up some more leverage, Diesel called out to him.

”Hero Satou! Why are you trying to leave this world? Aren't you beloved here? Didn't you successfully save the world and become its ruler? Why the need to go elsewhere?”

Hearing Diesel's questions, Satou broke off from his flurry of attacks and jumped back. Neither he nor Tanaka was making much gain in the stalemate.

”Hmmph. I was happy, at first. Finally, finally, there were people who appreciated me for who I was meant to be. I grew powerful. I gained fans. I got rich. I bedded women. I became a king.” Although it sounded like Satou had the time of his life, the expression on his face was one who was not satisfied.

”Then, why? What is there to gain from doing this?” At this point, even Tanaka was curious, standing still to wait for his answer.

”This is an isekai world. That much is true…but… but… I just can't seem to be satisfied! Where are my anime waifus?! Where are the tsunderes and yanderes and 'deres' that I can't seem to remember what they are called?!”

”Um… don't the girls here fit some of those?” Diesel questioned.

”I mean… you are the king. Can't you, like, command them?” Tanaka followed up.

Ignoring them, Satou continued to rant. ”Where are the elves and animal ear girls and all those other interspecies cuties?”

Tanaka and Diesel could only stare blankly at this.

”Where is the moeness of the imouto characters and the allure of mature onee-sans? Where are my generic tropey stereotypes that I've come to love all these years!”

”Um…you're lucky we aren't police trucks.”

”No, really. Did the wrong part of you level up?”

The two trucks looked at each other. As the aura around the hero continued to glow brightly, they couldn't help but feel like they were fighting a lost cause.