18 Isekai Enthusiast Chat Group (1/2)
*NoIsekaiNoLIfe has logged in*
NoIsekaiNoLife: Hey, did you guys hear the news?
MotivatedbyHarem: No, what's up?
SmartPhoneSensei: A new self-fulfillment series got announced?! UwU !
NoIsekaiNoLife: No, this is bigger! Like what we've been all waiting for!
MotivatedbyHarem: Well, just split it out already…
NoIsekaiNoLife: Some dude in my neighborhood got wrecked by a truck! And there's a vid of it!
SmartPhoneSensei: Haha, poor guy. Hope he wakes up in the world of his dreams.
NoIsekaiNoLife: That's just it. He might've.
MotivatedbyHarem: Tell me your joking. I mean, come on. That's an urban legend.
SmartPhoneSensei: Wait, anyone else see that the truck that hit him has no driver!
VanishmentDisWarudo: OMG, IT'S REAL!!! THE LEGENDS ARE REAL!!!
MotivatedbyHarem: Where did this happen?
NoIsekaiNoLife: A couple of blocks down, right next to the station near the high school.
NoPantsHero: it's our chance to get isekaied also. what we've been waiting for.
MotivatedbyHarem: I'm in.
SmartPhoneSensei: Me too.
VanishmentDisWarudo: NATURALLY!
NoPantsHero: nothing better to do
NoIsekaiNoLife: Time for an offline meeting! Let's all chase it down!
*VanishmentDisWarudo has exited*
*MotivatedbyHarem has exited*
*NoPantsHero has exited*
*SmartPhoneSensei has exited*
*NoIsekaiNoLife has exited*
*OPinmyPants has exited*
DarkFlameLord: I leave my room for a sandwich and this happens?! WTF?
DarkFlameLord: You are joking, right?
DarkFlameLord: Guys?
Diesel was cruising through the streets, taking a break after his latest job. He had just sent yet another random guy into the next world. Asking Kami-sama where he ended up, he was given an answer in his usual tone that suggested that he had been asked this a million times before.
”The typical world of swords and magic.” Kami-sama yawned. ”There's just too many undeveloped worlds out there. Not enough of them mature far enough before something explodes and takes it out.”
Occasionally, it felt like Kami-sama nonchalantly let out a bomb that made Diesel wonder about how serious the Gods were about protecting the different worlds. He made it sound like letting a world go into ruin was just a momentary 'oopsie' that they could just erase and start all over again.
”Hey, you humans reap what you sow. Can't do much for accidents that wipe yourselves out. We're in charge of balancing when there's a strange being that is vastly overpowered or disrupts the karma balance.” Kami-sama was filing his nails as he spoke.
”Beings that we trucked over to them, most likely,” Diesel said, wondering if all the trouble each world encountered would lessen if the movement of people between worlds halted.
”That can't be helped. Unpredictable powers aside, moving people around is the natural thing that we Gods do. Can't help it if we need a bit of spice after trillions of years of doing it.”
Eh? So now, the worlds were just a big chessboard for amusement? Diesel gave up. His head couldn't take the magnitude of the silliness in all of this. It was better for him to just focus on gaining karma.
However, his talk with Kami-sama had bummed him out somewhat. For that reason, he decided to take a little extra stroll around the place he was sent to. It was always nice to go sightseeing after a service to shake off the lingering feelings that he might've had for the target.
It was still not something pleasant for him to do, so finding other interesting things about the locations he visited seemed to drive those bad thoughts away.
Over time, he discovered that it wasn't just locations of his own world that he could visit, but that services could happen in any world among the countless ones around. It was just simpler for Kami-sama to give familiar-looking locations to start off with, letting Diesel ease into the job before going to some obscure environments.
A truck could show up in any world, no matter what condition it was in. However, one required a bit more tact to succeed in some worlds without shocking the locals of their presence. It was utterly strange for a truck to show up in a low-technology world, but arrangements could be made to form a backstory or disguise.
Becoming the silly form of a legendary summon for a hero was something that had him almost cracking up during the job, but he managed to barely hold it in. He had to be prepared for the strangest of situations from now on.
However, as Diesel stopped somewhere to take a break, he noticed a group of oddly dressed people looking creepily his way. He was not used to people noticing him. He was just a plain old truck normally.
Yet, one of them pointed right in his direction and charged forward.
Diesel froze, not knowing what to do. The only other time that a person had noticed his sentience was a cultivator that had lost his powers. It couldn't be that they were more cultivators in this world?!