Part 15 (1/2)
What great reforms were effected by a scribe?
What title has been given to him?
What were the events connected with the separation of the Samaritans?
Who were the prophets of the restoration?
By as the Old Testaed?
What brought on the Greek period?
What events of Jewish history were connected with Alexander the Great?
Under what people did the Jews fall afterward?
What were the events of the Egyptian rule?
What is the Septuagint?
Hoas its translation regarded by the Jews of Palestine?
In what kingdoypt, did Judea fall?
Hoas it governed by its new masters?
Who instituted a great persecution?
What was the effect of this persecution?
Who led the Jews in revolt?
What great hero arose at this time?
What line of rulers arose in his family?