Part 2 (1/2)
3 Its =cause= was the wickedness of the human race (Gen 6 5-7)
Before this event all the population of the world wasone language Under these conditions the good were overborne by evil surroundings, and general corruption followed
4 Its =extent= was undoubtedly not the entire globe, but so much of it as was occupied by the human race (Gen 7 23), probably the Euphrates valley Many Christian scholars, however, hold to the view that the Book of Genesis relates the history of but one family of races, and not all the race; consequently, that the flood may have been partial, as far as mankind is concerned
5 Its =purpose= was: 1) To destroy the evil in the world 2) To open a new epoch under better conditions for social, national, and individual life
II =THE DISPERSION OF THE RACES= (BC 2247?) 1 Very soon after the deluge a new =instinct=, that =of ration=, took possession of the huether; froan to scatter As a result caes, and varieties of civilization ”The confusion of tongues” was not the cause, but the result of this spirit, and was not sudden, but gradual (Gen 11
2, 7)
2 =Evidences of this iven: 1) In the Bible (Gen 9
19; 11 8) 2) The records and traditions of nearly all nations point to it 3) Language gives a certain proof; for exalish, Greeks, Romans, Medes, and Hindus--races noidely dispersed--once slept under the saration poured forth froreat distances
III =THE RISE OF THE EMPIRES= In the Bible world three centers of national life arose, not far apart in tidom, and in turn ruled all the Oriental lands The strifes of these three nations, their rise and fall, constitute the matter of ancient Oriental history, which is closely connected with that of the Bible These three centers were Egypt (called in the Bible Mizraim, Gen
10 6, 13), of which the capital was Memphis; Chaldea, of which the capital was Babel or Babylon (Gen 10 10; 11 2-9); and assyria, of which the capital was Nineveh (Gen 10 11) We ht add to these the Canaanite or Phenician city of Sidon (Gen 10 15, 19), and its daughter Tyre, the great commercial centers of the ancient world, whose empire was not the land, but the sea Note that all of these early kingdoms were established by the Hamitic race
IV =THE MIGRATION OF ABRAHAM= (B C 1921?) No other journey in history has the _importance_ of that transfer of the little clan of Abraham from the plain of shi+nar to the mountains of Palestine in view of its results to the world Coe of the _Mayflower_ Its causes were: 1 Probably the e, for it was the epoch of tribal movements 2 The political cause may have been the desire for liberty from the rule of the Accadian dynasty that had becoious, a purpose to escape from the idolatrous influences of Chaldea, and to find a home for the worshi+p of God in as then ”the new West,” where population was thin It was by the call of God that Abraham set forth on his journey (Gen 12 1-3)
V =THE JOURNEYS OF THE PATRIARCHS= (B C 1921-1706?) For two centuries the little clan of Abraha their tents in various localities, wherever pasturage was abundant, for at this time they were shepherds and herdsenerally in the southern part of the country, west of the Dead Sea, and their relations with the Aenerally friendly (Gen 20 14; 26 26-31)
[Illustration: Goshen]
VI =THE SOJOURN IN EGYPT= (B C 1706-1491?) After three generations the branch of Abraharandson Jacob or Israel reypt (Deut 26 5), where they re to different opinions[B] This stay in Egypt is always called ”the sojourn” The event which led directly to the descent into Egypt was the selling of Joseph (Gen 37 28) But we can trace a providential purpose in the transfer Its objects were:
1 =Preservation= The frequent famines in Palestine (Gen 12 10; 26
1;42 1-3) showed that as shepherds the Israelites could not be supported in the land On the fertile soil of Egypt, with three crops each year, they would find food in abundance
2 =Growth= At the end of the stay in Canaan the Israelites counted only seventy souls (Gen 46 27); but at the close of the sojourn in Egypt they had increased to nearly two millions (Exod 12 37; Nuypt has always caused an abundant population In Egypt Israel grew froreat danger to the ion of the Israelites in the land of Canaan Abraham had sent to his own relatives at Haran for a wife for Isaac (Gen 24 3, 4) in order to keep both the race and the faith pure One of Isaac's sons married Canaanite wives, and as a result his descendants, the Edomites, lost the faith and beca his own relatives (Gen 28 1, 2) We note a dangerous tendency in Jacob's family to ally themselves with the Canaanites (Gen 34 8-10; 38 1, 2)
If they had stayed in Canaan the chosen faypt they lived apart, and were kept by the caste system from union with the people (Gen 46 34; 43 32) It was a necessary element in the divine plan that Israel should dwell apart froyptians were far in advance of all other nations of that age in intelligence, in the organization of society, and in governh the Israelites lived apart fro thee Whateverof the sojourn, at the end of it they had a written language (Exod 24 7), a system of worshi+p (Exod 19 22; 33 7), and a leader who had received the highest culture of his age (Acts 7 22) As one result of the sojourn the Israelites were transforher
Blackboard Outline
=Six Ev= =I Del= 1 Fac Scrip Trad 2 Dat 2348? 3 Cau Wick
rac 4 Ext par 5 Pur 1) Des ev 2) New ep
=II Disp Rac= 1 Inst2 Chal 3 ass 4 Sid and Tyr
=IV Mig Abr= Causes 1 Mig inst 2 Pol cau 3 Rel mot
=V Jour Patr= Str in Pal Shep Ho= Obj 1 Pres 2 Gro 3 Isol 4 Civ
What is the purpose in this series of studies?
At what point does history begin?
Nareat events in early Bible history
How is the fact of a deluge attested?