Side Story 3.10 - HAPPILY EVER AFTER(10) (1/2)
Side Story 3.8
Jerome, who was usually there to oversee their meal, was nowhere to be found. Her husband didn’t outright asked where he was, but his eyes were obviously looking for him, so Lucia said.
“I told the butler to go back early today. He seemed worried about his sick child.”
“Is it very serious? Was the doctor called?”
“Yes, a while ago. According to the doctor, her fever has gone down a lot, so it’s not very dangerous. It looks like babies have fevers for no particular reason. Eve was also like that; it surprised me many times.”
“True. You were crying and weeping that Eve is going to die.”
Lucia was embarrassed and cleared her throat. Even when she thought about it now, back then, she had thoroughly lost her reason. She screamed and cried at her husband to make her better somehow, even though her husband wasn’t a doctor. But it was thanks to him keeping his composure and consoling her that she was able to come back to her senses and not be devastated.
“Does Princess Selena still come here frequently?”
“It’s almost every day. She gets along with Eve very well.”
“Mother. The princess isn’t an issue but as for Jude and Prince Ethan, shouldn’t we stop them from coming at this point?”
“Stop them? Why?”
“I think it’s past time for them to keep playing together like they did as children.”
“Past time? I think it’s still okay.”
Damian felt his mother was going to just pass over his serious suggestion, so he decided to ask his father for support. When it came to Eve, his father’s thinking was far more rigid than Damian’s.
“Father. Eve told me Jude asked her to marry him. That is, she received a marriage proposal.”
How dare that cocky little midget—!
Hugo immediately turned to his wife and spoke with a grim aura around him.
“His entry is forbidden. Right away, starting tomorrow.”
Knowing that whatever she said right now would go in one ear and out the other, Lucia obediently replied.
“Okay, I’ll do that.”
Looking at the father and son who were now focusing on their meal as if they were finally satisfied, Lucia gave a wry smile.
“Why did His Majesty suddenly want to speak with you?”
“The discussion was long, but the conclusion was simple. His Majesty wants an engagement. Between Selena and Damian.”
At the same time Lucia exclaimed in surprise, Damian dropped the knife he was holding, and it fell on his plate with a clatter.
Lucia glanced at Damian’s flustered figure and a playful smile crept onto her lips.
“Her Royal Highness did mention such a thing to me a while back.”
“Is that so? Then I suppose the offer wasn’t made on an impulse.”
“What do you think?”
“It’s not a bad offer. The dowry doesn’t have to be too much either, just enough to keep up appearances. Damian, if you want, I’ll let you marry.”
Damian made a long face. Princess Selena was only eight years old. She was just a year older than Eve. Sure, in ten years, the children would grow into beautiful ladies but that was still in the distant future. If there was an eighteen year old who saw an eight year old as a marriage partner, then that person was honestly crazy.
Bruno was doing his utmost best not to burst into laughter. Images of the tiny princess he saw earlier spun through his mind. The little girl that was playing pretend noblewoman and speaking in a manner that didn’t suit her. When he imagined her becoming Damian’s fiancé and standing beside Damian, he felt like he was about to howl with laughter. His hand holding his fork trembled so he placed the fork down and picked up a glass of water.