Part 19 (1/2)

house where they found Tot and the Queen surrounded by a crowd of p.u.s.s.ys.

”Oh, Dot!” cried Tot, when he saw the girl. ”I held the gray kittens after dinner, an' never dropped 'em once!”

”Was he good?” Dot asked Cousin Tabby. ”Yes, he behaved very nicely,”

answered Cousin Tabby. ”We must now bid our friends farewell,” said the Queen, ”for it is time to proceed upon our journey.”

So they returned to the boat, and all the p.u.s.s.ys, headed by King Felis and Uncle Palladius, went with them and politely bade them good-bye.

When they were floating in the river again the Queen asked Dot, ”How did you like the p.u.s.s.ycats?”

”They're lovely!” exclaimed the girl. ”I should have liked to stay all night with them.”

”Well, I wouldn't,” rejoined the Queen. ”The last time I pa.s.sed the night in this Valley the p.u.s.s.ys screamed so loudly at their midnight concert that the noise cracked my wax. They are much nicer to visit in the daytime.”

”Why is the King named Felis?” enquired Dot, after a moment's thought.

”Because that is the name of his race. All our names have some meaning in Merryland,” answered the Queen.

”I suppose your own name has a meaning, if only we knew what it was,”

said Dot, slyly.

”Good gracious!” cried the Queen; ”haven't I told you my name yet?”

”No,” said Dot.

”Then I must have forgotten that you asked it. It was very stupid of me, and I a.s.sure you I didn't mean to be rude.” Then her Majesty turned to Tot and asked:

”How did you like the Valley of p.u.s.s.ys?”

”Fine!” said the boy. ”The kitties were soft an' fuzzy, an' the bread and milk was good. But the doors,” he added, solemnly, ”are built too high up to be 'zactly comf'table.”

CHAPTER 16 The Busy Mr. Split

When the boat entered the Sixth Valley of Merryland our voyagers saw before them a forest of green trees growing close down to the river bank. These were so thick that they formed almost a solid wall, and they had pa.s.sed halfway through the Valley before they came to a small opening, or path, running from the water's edge through the forest. To this spot the Queen directed the boat, and soon it grounded gently against a pebbly beach, and they all stepped out and stood upon the narrow path.

”Isn't there anything but trees here?” asked Tot.

”Yes, indeed, there is a very pleasant country behind the trees,”

answered the Wax Doll. ”Follow me and I will guide your steps.”

So they followed the Queen slowly along the shady path, while over their heads the branches met and sheltered them from the rays of the afternoon sun. This was gratefully appreciated by Dot and Tot, for they had left their hats in the boat and wore only their golden crowns.

After walking a short distance the Queen stopped suddenly--so suddenly that Dot nearly ran against her and Tot b.u.mped his nose upon Dot's shoulder. Looking ahead to see what was the matter, the children found lying across the path a bright green Alligator nearly three feet long. Its back was scaly and made in short lengths, which were jointed together in a peculiar way.

While Dot and Tot were trying to make up their minds whether to be afraid or not, the Alligator turned his head toward the Queen and said, gently:

”Step on my middle, please!”

”With pleasure,” returned the Queen; and she placed one of her kid slippers upon the middle of the Alligator's back and stepped to the other side of him. As she did so the pressure of her foot made a faint squeak, and the Alligator sighed with delight. Then he turned his head to Dot and repeated: