Part 17 (2/2)

They were plump and comfortable looking, and Dot had no idea there were so many kinds and colors of p.u.s.s.ys in the world. Some had long, silky hair, and some short, velvety hair; some had long, bushy tails, some short tails and some no tails at all. They were white and black, blue and gray, yellow and red, speckled and tortoise-sh.e.l.l in color.

Some had pretty ribbons around their necks and some of the older ones wore spectacles; but all were as neat as wax, and seemed well cared for.

The big King was the largest of them all; yet there were many various sizes, down to the tiniest kittens with their eyes just open.

When all this array of p.u.s.s.ys had saluted the Queen they sat down upon the gra.s.s and began to purr, while some indulged in a yawn behind their paws and others commenced to wash their faces; for they had just been aroused from a long nap.

”Your people seem happy and contented, King Felis,” remarked the Queen, when she had looked them over carefully.

”Oh, yes; they are thriving finely,” replied the Maltese King. ”But why should they not? They have no troubles nor cares, and pa.s.s their lives in eating and sleeping. With comfortable homes and plenty of food they cannot help being the happiest p.u.s.s.ycats in the big round world.”

”I should think not, indeed,” said the Queen.

”But now you must permit me to offer you the hospitality of my house,” said the King. ”It is nearly dinner time, and you will wish to rest and eat. Our houses are not very large, so I must divide your party and place you in separate families. The boy will be cared for by my cousin Tabby, who lives at number 16. The girl I will place with Uncle Palladius, who lives at number 9. And your Majesty will, I trust, partake of the hospitality of my humble home.” And he bowed again, very politely.

”We accept your kindness with much pleasure and many thanks,”

answered the Queen; and then she whispered to Dot and Tot not to be afraid, for the p.u.s.s.ys would treat them with great courtesy.

CHAPTER 15 The Valley of p.u.s.s.ycats

Tot wasn't a bit frightened when a gentle looking p.u.s.s.y of uncertain age came up to him and said:

”I am Cousin Tabby, and as you are to be my guest please follow me to number 16.”

The boy laughed at the idea of entering a cat's house, but he walked after the softly-moving p.u.s.s.y, who, when she reached number 16, sprang upon the shelf and said:

”Climb in, please.”

This was hard work, for the shelf was nearly as high as his chin. But Tot had already learned to climb the trees at home, so he managed in some way to pull himself up, with the result that he lost his balance and fell head foremost inside the house.

To his surprise he alighted on a soft cus.h.i.+on, and then he scrambled quickly to his feet and looked around him.

The room was dimly lighted by the square doorway, but after his eyes got accustomed to the twilight he saw that upon the floor was a soft carpet, while big cus.h.i.+ons lay around in every direction. At the side of the room was a long, low table, not higher than Tot's knee, and standing in a row upon this table were four white bowls. There was a cupboard in one corner, a big fireplace at the end of the room, and in a second corner two little gray kittens lay asleep upon a cus.h.i.+on.

While the boy looked at these things there sprang through the doorway another gray kitten, older and larger than the others, and Mrs. Tabby said, politely:

”This is my niece, Miss Flitter, who lives with me; and these two little ones, who were too young to go and welcome the Queen, belong to Mrs. Mewling. She has such a large family that I have adopted these children, for my house is much too large for myself and Flitter.”

”Oh,” returned Tot, who was rather bewildered. Then, as Cousin Tabby seemed to expect some further reply, he added: ”all right.”

”Now, if you will please make yourself comfortable,” continued the p.u.s.s.y, in a soft, purring voice, ”I will get our dinner ready.”

She took a white ap.r.o.n from the peg near the fireplace and tied it around her waist. Then she placed another bowl on the table for Tot, and busied herself about the work while the boy lay on the soft carpet and stroked the silk-like fur of the two gray kittens.

While Tot was being thus entertained, Dot was led by Uncle Palladius to number 9, where he lived. Uncle Palladius was a great black p.u.s.s.y, and was one of those who wore spectacles, giving him a comical appearance.
