Part 231 (1/2)
_Divaricate._ Widely divergent.
_Divergent._ Inclined away from each other.
_Divided._ Lobed to the base.
_Dorsal._ Upon or relating to the back or outer surface of an organ.
_Drupaceous._ Resembling or of the nature of a drupe.
_Drupe._ A fleshy or pulpy fruit with the inner portion of the pericarp (1-celled and 1-seeded, or sometimes several-celled) hard or stony.
_Drupelet._ A diminutive drupe.
_E-_ or _Ex-_. A Latin prefix having often a privative signification, as _ebracteate_, without bracts.
_Echinate._ Beset with p.r.i.c.kles.
_Effuse._ Very loosely spreading.
_Elater._ A usually spirally marked thread found in the capsules of most Hepaticae.
_Ellipsoidal._ Nearly elliptical; of solids, elliptical in outline.
_Elliptical._ In the form of an ellipse, oval.
_Emarginate._ Having a shallow notch at the extremity.
_Embryo._ The rudimentary plantlet within the seed.
_Endocarp._ The inner layer of a pericarp.
_Endogenous._ Growing throughout the substance of the stem, instead of by superficial layers.
_Entire._ Without toothing or division.
_Ephemeral._ Lasting only for one day.
_Epidermis._ The cuticle or thin membrane covering the outer surface.
_Epigynous._ Growing on the summit of the ovary, or apparently so.
_Epiphyte._ A plant growing attached to another plant, but not parasitic; an air-plant.
_Eporose._ Without pores.
_Equitant._ Astride, used of conduplicate leaves which enfold each other in two ranks, as in Iris.
_Erect._ Vertical; upright as respects the plane of the base.