Part 222 (1/2)
26. NaRDIA, S. F. Gray. (Pl. 25)
Stems laterally compressed, usually without runners. Leaves succubous, subconcave or flat, the apex rounded, rarely retuse or bidentate; underleaves none (in our species). Moncious or dicious. Involucral leaves 2--4 pairs, connate at base. Perianth subcompressed laterally, connate with the involucral leaves. Antheridia terminal on somewhat spike-like stems. (Named for _S. Nardi_, an Italian abbot.)
-- 1. EuCALYX. _Perianth connate at base with the inner involucral leaves, somewhat surpa.s.sing them, 3--8-carinate, the mouth constricted._
1. N. hyalna, Carring. Creeping, with ascending tips, the branches dichotomous-fastigiate, with claret-colored rootlets; leaves loosely imbricate, decurrent, roundish, repand-undulate; moncious or dicious; involucral leaves broader, appressed, one connate with the lower third of the perianth, which is somewhat exserted, obovate, plicate with acute rough angles, rostellate, at length 4-cleft; capsule round-ovate.
(Jungermannia hyalina, _Lyell_.)--On banks in woods, Closter, N. J.
(_Austin_), Ohio (_Lesquereux_). (Eu.)
2. N. crenulata, Lindb. (Pl. 25.) Prostrate, branching; leaves...o...b..cular, entire, larger toward the involucre and with large marginal cells; dicious; involucral leaves 2, rarely 3, adnate to the base of the perianth, which is flattened or terete, more or less regularly 4--5-plicate, the angles smooth; mouth much contracted, toothed.
(Jungermannia crenulata, _Smith_.)--On the ground in old fields, N. Y.
and southward. (Eu.)
3. N. crenuliformis, Lindb. Densely cespitose; fertile stems creeping, thickened upward, with numerous purple rootlets, the sterile subascending, attenuate upward; leaves subdecurrent, obliquely spreading, orbicular, concave, entire or nearly so; perianth small, subobovate, more or less connate with the involucral leaves, not exserted or slightly so, rooting at base, triquetrous above, becoming 4--7-plicate; calyptra often violet-purple; capsule oval-globose.
(Jungermannia crenuliformis, _Aust._)--On rocks in rivulets, Closter, N. J. (_Austin_), Coshocton Co., Ohio (_Sullivant_).
4. N. biformis, Lindb. Densely cespitose, much branched, innovating from beneath; rootlets numerous; leaves scarcely imbricate, alternate, spreading, obliquely semicircular or broadly ovate, retuse or entire, decurrent dorsally; cells large, hyaline; branch-leaves half as large, ovate or obovate, scarcely decurrent; dicious; antheridia solitary; fruit unknown. (Jungermannia biformis, _Aust._)--On steep wet rocks, Delaware Water Gap, N. J. (_Austin_).
-- 2. CHASCoSTOMA. _Perianth exserted, subcampanulate and open, deeply laciniate, connate with the involucral leaves._
5. N. fos...o...b..oniodes, Lindb. Stems densely cespitose, ascending; rootlets numerous, purple; leaves 2-ranked, subvertical, spreading-subrecurved, rooting, closely imbricate, orbicular, clasping by a slightly cordate base, subventricose, undulate-repand, the apex uniplicate and slightly emarginate; moncious; perianth very large, 6--10-plicate, the lobes entire; calyptra violet; capsule short-oval.
(Jungermannia fos...o...b..onioides, _Aust._)--On rocks in a rivulet, Closter, N. J. (_Austin_), and southward.
27. GYMNOMiTRIUM, Corda. (Pl. 23.)
Leaves closely imbricated, 2-ranked on fascicled ascending julaceous stems, emarginate-bidentate; underleaves none. Dicious. Involucre double, the inner shorter, of 2 or more dentate and deeply cleft leaves.
Calyptra short, campanulate. Capsule globose, the valves at length reflexed. Elaters caducous. Antheridia in the axils of leaves, oval, stipitate. (Name from ?????, _naked_, and ?t????, _a little cap_.)
1. G. concinnatum, Corda. Stems simple or imbricately branching, thickened at the apex; leaves ovate, bifid, with a narrow scarious margin. (Cesia concinnata, _S. F. Gray_.)--Alpine regions of the White Mts. (_Oakes_).--Grayish or silvery-olive. (Eu.)
28. FOs...o...b..NIA, Raddi. (Pl. 23.)
Stems thalloid, with large subquadrate succubous leaves; underleaves none. Dicious or moncious. Fruit terminal or by innovation dorsal on the main stem. Involucral leaves 5--6 (in our species), small, subulate, adnate. Perianth open-campanulate or obpyramidal, crenate-lobed.
Calyptra free, sub-globose. Capsule short-pedicelled, globose, irregularly valved. Elaters very short, 1--3- (mostly 2-) spiral, free.
Spores large, very rough. Antheridia 2--3, short-pedicelled, naked.
Perfect archegonia 2--3. (Named for _V. Fos...o...b..oni_, an Italian Minister of State.)
[*] _Plant large or of medium size; stems mostly simple._
1. F. pusilla, Dumort. (Pl. 23.) Stems 6--10” long; leaves retuse, entire or irregularly indented; perianth obconic, dentate; elaters short and thick; spores brown, depressed-globose-tetrahedral, 40 broad, crested, the slender crests pellucid, rarely becoming confluent.--On damp ground. Its occurrence in America is doubtful. (Eu.)
2. F. Dumortieri, Lindb. Cespitose, greenish or brownish-yellow; stems 3--6” long, 1” wide, shortly bifurcate; rootlets copious, purple; leaves numerous, smaller toward each end of the stem; moncious; perianth large, broadly obpyramidal; calyptra nearly as long; elaters scanty; spores globose-tetrahedral yellowish-brown, regularly pitted.--White Mts. (_Farlow_), N. J. (_Austin_), and perhaps elsewhere; confused with n. 1.
3. F. angulsa, Raddi. Stems narrowly forked at the apex; leaves horizontal, subquadrate, the upper undulate-lobed; dicious; perianth dilated-conic, crenate; spores brownish-yellow, globose-tetrahedral, not depressed, 30 broad, deeply reticulated, the reticulations large, 5--6-angled.--Brackish meadows, common; fruiting in early spring. (Eu.)