Part 219 (1/2)
Dicious. Fruit on a short branch from the axil of an underleaf.
Involucral leaves much imbricate, concave, orbicular or ovate, incised at the apex; perianth ovate-subulate or fusiform, somewhat 3-keeled.
Calyptra pyriform or cylindric-oblong. Capsule oblong. Antheridial spikes from the axils of underleaves. (Named for _M. Bazzani_, an Italian Professor of Anatomy.)
1. B. trilobata, S. F. Gray. (Pl. 24.) Creeping, dichotomous, proliferous; leaves ovate, the broad apex acutely 3-toothed; underleaves roundish-quadrangular, spreading, 4--6-toothed above; perianth curved, cylindric, plicate at the narrow apex and 3-toothed. (Mastigobryum trilobatum, _Nees._ M. tridenticulatum, _Lindenb._)--Ravines, wet woods and swamps; common and variable. (Eu.)
2. B. deflexa, Underw. Stems forked or alternately branched; leaves strongly deflexed, cordate-ovate or ovate-oblong, falcate, the upper margin arcuate, the narrow apex 2--3-toothed or entire; underleaves roundish-quadrate, the upper margin bifid, crenate, or entire; perianth cylindric, arcuate, plicate above and denticulate. (Mastigobryum deflexum, _Nees._)--On rocks in the higher mountains eastward. (Eu.)
10. LEPIDZIA, Dumort. (Pl. 24.)
Leaves small, incubous, palmately 2--4-cleft or -parted; underleaves similar, often smaller. Dicious or rarely moncious. Fruit terminal on short branches from the under side of the stem. Involucral leaves small, appressed, concave, 2--4-cleft; perianth elongated, ovate-subulate or narrowly fusiform, obtusely triangular above, entire or denticulate.
Calyptra included, pyriform or oblong. Capsule oblong-cylindric. Spores minute, smooth or roughish. Antheridia large, pedicelled, solitary in the axils of 2-cleft spicate leaves. (Name from ?ep??, _a scale_, and ????, _a shoot_, for the scale-like foliage.)
1. L. reptans, Dumort. (Pl. 24.) Creeping, pinnately compound, the branches often flagellate; leaves decurved, subquadrate, 3--4-cleft; involucral leaves ovate, truncate, unequally 4-toothed; perianth incurved, dentate.--On the ground and rotten wood, N. J., and common northward. (Eu.)
2. L. setacea, Mitt. Leaves deeply 2--3-cleft or -parted, incurved, the lobes subulate, formed of a somewhat double series of cells; underleaves similar; perianth ciliate. (Jungermannia setacea, _Web._)--On the ground and rotten wood; common. Resembling the next in its leaves, but smaller and brownish. (Eu.)
11. BLEPHARoSTOMA, Dumort. (Pl. 25.)
Leaves transverse or slightly incubous, 3--4-parted, the divisions capillary; underleaves smaller, mostly 2--3-parted. Dicious or moncious. Fruit terminal. Involucral leaves numerous, verticillate, deeply 4-cleft; perianth exserted, pyriform-cylindric, laciniate.
Calyptra short, oblong, bil.a.b.i.ate. Capsule cylindric-oblong. Elaters large, very obtuse. Spores large, smooth. Antheridia solitary in the axils of leaf-like bracts. (Name from ??fa???, _an eyelid_, and st?a, _mouth_, in allusion to the fringed orifice of the perianth.)
1. B. trichophllum, Dumort. Flaccid, branched, creeping; leaf-divisions straight, spreading, each composed of a single row of cells; perianth ovate-cylindric. (Jungermannia trichophylla, _L._)--On the ground and rotten wood. Minute, light green. (Eu.)
12. CEPHALZIA, Dumort. (Pl. 23.)
Leaves mostly succubous, chiefly 2-lobed, the margins uniformly plane or subincurved; underleaves smaller, often wanting except on fruiting branches. Branches from the under side of the stem. Moncious or dicious. Involucral leaves numerous, capitate, 3-ranked, usually 2-lobed; perianth long, triangular-prismatic, the constricted mouth variously dentate. Calyptra small. Capsule somewhat oblong. Elaters free. Spores minute. Antheridia in the base of inflated spicate leaves.
(Name from ?efa??, _head_, and ????, _bud_, for the capitate involucre.)
-- 1. CEPHALOZIA proper. _Perianth more or less 3-angled or 3-carinate; leaf-cells large (mostly 25--50 broad); plants mostly medium-sized._
[*] _Underleaves rarely present except on fruiting branches._
1. C. Virginiana, Spruce. Without runners, usually pale; leaves small, obliquely round-ovate, acutely 2-lobed nearly to the middle; cells quadrate-hexagonal, opaque; dicious, rarely moncious; involucral leaves round-quadrate, with slender ac.u.minate lobes; perianth large, widest above the middle, unequally ciliolate; capsule large, long-exserted; antheridial spike long. (C. catenulata of authors; not _Huebn._)--On rotten wood or swampy ground, N. Eng. to Va., and southward.
2. C. multiflra, Spruce. (Pl. 23.) Often subpinnate, without runners, pale green; leaves small, round-rhombic, decurrent, bifid {1/3} their length; cells quadrate-hexagonal, pellucid; dicious; inner involucral leaves 3--4 times as long as the outer; perianth linear-fusiform, 3-plaited when young, triangular only above when mature, ciliate or toothed, fleshy; calyptra fleshy, oval-globose; capsule rather short-pedicelled; spores cinnamon-color.--On the ground and rotten wood; common. (Eu.)
3. C. pleniceps, Underw. Stems very short, branching, densely cespitose, pale green or whitish; leaves thick, orbicular, strongly concave, subclasping but not decurrent, bifid {1/3} their length, the acute lobes incurved and strongly connivent; involucral leaves oblong, palmately 2--4-cleft, the ventral like the underleaves; perianth large, oblong-cylindric, obtusely angled, the plicate mouth denticulate.
(Jungermannia pleniceps, _Aust._)--Among Sphagnum in the White Mts.
4. C. bicuspidata, Dumort. Prostrate or a.s.surgent, cespitose, usually greenish or reddish, with runners; lower leaves small and distant, the upper larger, round-ovate, cleft nearly to the middle, the lobes ovate-lanceolate and acute, the lower lobe narrower and ac.u.minate; cells large, pellucid; moncious; involucral leaves about 3 pairs, the innermost nearly three times as long as the outer, cleft their length; perianth four times as long as the leaves, linear-prismatic or fusiform, thin, denticulate or ciliate; capsule cylindric-oblong; spores purple.
(Jungermannia bicuspidata, _L._)--On the ground, mountains of N. Eng., N. Y., and N. J. (Eu.)
5. C. curviflia, Dumort. Slender, rarely forked, without runners, greenish, reddish, or often purple; leaves imbricate, ascending, obovate, concave, semicordate at base, lunately bifid below the middle, the lobes incurved or hooked; cells small, quadrate; moncious or dicious; involucral leaves complicate, the lobes subovate, spinulose-denticulate; perianth large, rose-purple, triquetrous, the wide mouth ciliate; calyptra thin; capsule oblong-globose.
(Jungermannia curvifolia, _d.i.c.ks._)--On rotten logs in swamps, etc.; common. (Eu.)