Part 207 (1/2)
Spikelets 2--4-flowered, compressed, the rhachis pilose on one side, jointed, produced above the flowers into a hairy pedicel. Empty glumes thin-membranaceous, acute, carinate, mostly nearly equalling the remote flowers; flowering glume thin and membranaceous or scarious, convex, scarcely keeled, faintly nerved, entire, pointless and awnless. Stamens 3. Stigmas plumose. Ovary glabrous.--Perennial, with linear flat leaves, their sheaths closed at base, the spikelets in a loose panicle. (Named from ??af??, _a pencil_, and f???, _to bear_, from the terminal hairy pedicel.)
1. G. melicoideum, Desv. Culm 1--2 high; leaves roughish; panicle open; glumes unequal, lanceolate, their midrib and the pedicels rough.--N.
Maine, N. Vt., Upper Mich., and northward; rare.--Var. MaJUS, Gray, is a luxuriant form, 2--3 high, with ampler panicle; borders of a swamp, Macomb Co., Mich. Aug.
66. SCOLoCHLOA, Link.
Spikelets 2--4-flowered, subterete. Rhachis hairy at the base of the flowers, ending in a naked pedicel. Empty glumes concave, membranaceous, unequal, the outer 3-nerved, acute, the inner 5-nerved, toothed at the apex, nearly equalling the flowers; flowering glume more rigid, prominently 7-nerved, toothed at the apex; nerves all parallel. Stamens 3. Stigmas plumose. Ovary hairy.--Tall perennials, growing in water, with loosely sheathing leaves, and spikelets in a lax panicle. (Name probably from s?????, _a p.r.i.c.kle_, and ???a, _gra.s.s_.)
1. S. festucacea, Link. Stout, 3--4 high, smooth; leaves rough on the margins; panicle suberect; spikelets 3--4” long. (Festuca borealis, _Hook_.)--Emmet Co., Iowa (_Cratty_), and northward.
67. GLYCeRIA, R. Br. MANNA-GRa.s.s. (Pl. 10.)
Spikelets terete or flattish, several--many-flowered; the flowers mostly early deciduous by the breaking up of the rhachis into joints, leaving the short and unequal 1--3-nerved membranaceous lower glumes behind.
Flowering glume and palet naked, of a rather firm texture, nearly equal; the glume rounded on the back, scarious (and sometimes obscurely toothed) at the blunt or rarely acute summit, glabrous, prominently 5--7-nerved, the nerves parallel and separate. Squamulae fleshy and truncate, or none. Stamens commonly 2. Styles present; stigmas compoundly plumose. Ovary smooth. Grain oblong, free, the furrow very narrow or none.--Perennial smooth marsh, mostly with creeping bases or rootstocks; spikelets panicled. (Name from ????e???, _sweet_, in allusion to the taste of the grain.)
[*] _Spikelets ovate, oblong, or linear-oblong, 1--3” in length_,
[+] _At length nodding in an open panicle, flattish laterally but turgid._
1. G. Canadensis, Trin. (RATTLESNAKE-GRa.s.s.) Culm stout, 2--3 high; leaves long, roughish; panicle oblong-pyramidal, at length drooping; spikelets ovate, at length very broad and tumid, Briza-like, 2” long, pale, with purplish glumes; flowering glume acute or blunt-pointed, firm, with not very prominent nerves, longer than the rounded palet.--Bogs and wet places; common from Penn. to E. Kan., and northward. July.
[+][+] _Erect in a narrow contracted panicle, somewhat flattened and turgid._
2. G. obtusa, Trin. Culm stout, 1--2 high, very leafy; leaves long, smooth; _panicle narrowly oblong, dense_ (3--5' long); spikelets 3--7-flowered, 2--3” long; flowering glume obtuse.--Bogs, E. New Eng.
to Penn. and southward, near the coast.
3. G. elongata, Trin. Leaves very long (1 or more), rough; _panicle narrowly racemose, elongated_ (1 long), _recurving_; the branches and 3--4-flowered spikelets _appressed_; flowering glume obtuse.--Wet woods, N. Eng. to Mich., Minn., and northward; Roan Mt., N. C. (_Scribner_).
[+][+][+] _Diffuse; flower-glume truncate-obtuse, strongly 7-nerved; palet 2-toothed._
4. G. nervata, Trin. (FOWL MEADOW-GRa.s.s.) (Pl. 10, fig. 1--3.) Culm erect, 1--3 high; leaves rather long; branches of the loose _panicle_ capillary, _at length drooping, the numerous small spikelets_ (1--2”
long, commonly purplish) _ovate-oblong_, 3--7-flowered.--Moist meadows; common. June.
5. G. pallida, Trin. Culms slender, 1--3 long, ascending from a creeping base; leaves short, sharp-pointed, pale; _branches of the rather simple panicle slender, erect-spreading_, rough; the _spikelets usually few, somewhat appressed, oblong-linear_, 5--9-flowered (pale, 2--3” long); _flowering glume minutely 5-toothed_; the palet lanceolate, conspicuously 2-toothed.--Shallow water; Maine to Va., west to Ky., Ind., and Mich.; common, especially northward. July.
6. G. grandis, Watson. (REED MEADOW-GRa.s.s.) Culm stout, upright, 3--5 high; leaves large (1--2 long, {1/3}--' wide); _panicle much branched, ample_ (8--15' long), _the numerous branches ascending, spreading with age; spikelets oblong or linear-oblong_, 3--6-flowered (usually purplish, 2--3” long); _flowering glume entire_. (G. aquatica of Amer.
authors.)--Wet grounds; N. Eng. to western N. Y., Mich., Minn., and westward.
[*][*] _Spikelets linear (--1' long), pale, appressed on the branches of the long narrow racemose panicle, terete except during anthesis; palets minutely roughish, the upper 2-toothed; squamulae unilateral or united; ligule long; culm flattened (1--5 high), ascending from a rooting base._ (Glyceria, _R. Br._)
7. G. fluitans, R. Br. Panicle 1 long; the simple branches appressed, finally spreading below; leaves short and rather broad, very smooth; spikelets 7--13-flowered; _flowering glume oblong, obtuse_, or the scarious tip acutish, entire or obscurely 3-lobed, usually rather longer than the blunt palet.--Shallow water; common. June--Aug.
8. G. acutiflra, Torr. Spikelets 5--12-flowered, few and scattered; _flowering glume oblong-lanceolate, acute, shorter than the long tapering point of the palet_.--Wet places, Penn. to Maine; rather rare.
June.--Resembles the last; but the erect leaves smaller, the separate flowers twice the length (4” long), and less nerved.