Part 192 (1/2)
94. C. Willdenvii, Schkuhr. Lower, stiffer, the leaves broader and pale; spike larger, the pistillate flowers 3--9, compact; perigynium bearing a prominent two-edged very rough beak; scales chaffy, nerved, as broad as and somewhat longer than the perigynium, or the lowest rarely overtopping the spike.--Copses, Ma.s.s. to Mich., and southward; rare.
95. C. Backii, Boott. Forming dense mats; leaves still broader (2” or more), very abundant; staminate flowers about 3; pistillate 2--5; perigynium more gradually beaked, smooth throughout; scales very broad and leaf-like, all exceeding the culm and entirely enveloping the spike.--W. Ma.s.s. to Ohio, and far westward; local and rare, especially eastward.
[*] 9. LEPTOCePHALae.
96. C. polytrichodes, Muhl. Capillary, erect or slightly diffuse, 6--18' high; leaves mostly shorter than the culm; spike 2--4” long, linear, the staminate portion very small; perigynium thin and green, nerved, about twice longer than the obtuse caducous scale.--Bogs; common.
[*] 10. PHYSOCePHALae.
97. C. Fraseri, Andrews. Cespitose; culm 6--15' high, naked or the lower portion included in loosely sheathing abortive leaves, smooth and stiff; leaves 1' broad or more, dest.i.tute of midrib, very thick and persistent, pale, 1--2 long; spike whitish; perigynium ovoid, faintly nerved, much longer than the scale.--Rich mountain woods, Va. and southward; very local and rare. A most remarkable plant.
-- 2. ViGNEA.--[*] 11. ACROARRHeNae.--[+] 1. _F'tidae_
98. C. chordorhza, Ehrh. Very extensively stoloniferous; culm mostly erect, 1--1 long; leaves involute, shorter than the culm; perigynium globular, very strongly nerved, short-pointed and entire, about the length of the acute scale.--Cold bogs and soft lake-borders, Vt. to Iowa, and northward; infrequent. (Eu.)
99. C. stenophlla, Wahl. Stiff, 3--8' high; leaves involute and shorter than the culm; perigynium ovate, flat on the inner face, lightly nerved, gradually contracted into a short and entire rough-edged beak, tightly enclosing the achene, at maturity longer than the hyaline acutish scale.--Dry grounds, Thayer Co., Neb. (_Bessey_); Emmet Co., Iowa (_Cratty_), and westward. (Eu).
[*] 11.--[+] 2. _Vulpnae._
[++] _Beak shorter than or about as long as the body of the perigynium._
100. C. conjuncta, Boott. Strict but rather weak, 1--3 high; culm soft and sharply triangular or nearly wing-angled, becoming perfectly flat when pressed; leaves soft, about 3” broad; head 1--3'
long, interrupted, often nearly green, infrequently bearing a few setaceous bracts; perigynium lance-ovate, light colored, whitish and thickened below, the beak lightly notched and roughish, about equalling or a little exceeding the cuspidate scale.--Swales and glades, N. J., Ky., and westward; usually rare.
[++][++] _Beak twice the length of the body of the perigynium or longer._
101. C. stipata, Muhl. Stout, 1--3 high, in clumps; culm rather soft, very sharp; head 1--3' long, rarely somewhat compound at base, interrupted, the lowest spikes often ' long; perigynium lanceolate, brown-nerved, the beak toothed and roughish, about twice the length of the body, and much longer than the scale.--Swales; common and variable.
102. C. crus-corvi, Shuttlew. Stout, glaucous, 2--3 high; culm rough, at least above; leaves flat and very wide; head much branched and compound, 3--6' long; perigynium long lanceolate, the short base very thick and disk-like, the roughish and very slender beak thrice the length of the body or more, 3--4 times the length of the inconspicuous scale.--Swamps, S. Minn. to Neb. and Ky., and southward; rare northward.
[*] 11.--[+] 3. _Multiflrae._
[++] _Spikes conspicuously panicled._
103. C. decomposita, Muhl. Stout, exceedingly deep green, 1--3 high, in stools; culm very obtusely angled, almost terete below; leaves firm, channelled below, longer than the culm; head 2--4' long, the lower branches ascending and 1--2' long; perigynium very small, round-obovate, few-nerved, hard and at maturity s.h.i.+ning, the abrupt short beak entire or very nearly so; scale acute, about the length of the perigynium.--Swamps, N. Y. to Mich., and southward; local.
[++][++] _Spikes in a simple or nearly simple head._
[=] _Leaves very narrow (1” broad or less), becoming more or less involute._
104. C. teretiuscula, Gooden. Slender but mostly erect, 1--2 high, in loose stools; culm rather obtuse, rough at the top, mostly longer than the leaves; head 1--2' long, compact or somewhat interrupted, narrow ({1/4}' wide or less); perigynium very small, ovate and truncate below, bearing a few inconspicuous short nerves on the outer side, stipitate, firm and at maturity blackish and s.h.i.+ning, the short beak lighter colored; scale chaffy and acute, about the length of the perigynium.--Swales, N. Eng. to Penn., and westward; common.
(Eu.)--Var. RAMSA, Boott. More slender; head mostly longer, the upper portion often somewhat nodding, the spikes scattered and the lowest ones often slightly compound. N. Y., and westward; common.
[=][=] _Leaves broader and flat (occasionally involute in n. 106)._
[a.] _Scales very sharp, mostly rough-tipped._
1. _Perigynium large (2” long or more), nerveless on the inner face._
105. C. alopecoidea, Tuckerm. Stout but rather soft, 2--3 high; culm rather sharp, thick and soft in texture; leaves 2--3” wide, about the length of the culm, very green; head 1' long or less, sometimes green, and occasionally a little compound, the spikes many and compactly or somewhat loosely disposed or the lowest often separate and all mostly short-oblong; perigynium ovate, tapering into a rough beak, very prominently stipitate, with a few brown nerves on the outer face, ascending, about equalling or a little exceeding the scale.--Open swales, N. Y., Penn., and Mich.; local. In aspect like n. 101.