Part 187 (1/2)
Perigynium hairy.--
Spikes very large, globose 6
Spikes very small, sessile or nearly so 81-83, 85-92
Spikes cylindrical, heavy 24-28
Perigynium granular-roughened 23
Perigynium smooth,
Thin and turgid, loosely enclosing the achene.--
Beakless 58, 59
Beaked 5-17
Firm in texture, not inflated,
Long-beaked, deeply toothed 2-4, 26, 28
Less prominently beaked, short-toothed, sharply 3-angled 69-74
Wholly beakless and pointless 58, 59, 63, 78, 79
Very small, black and s.h.i.+ning; leaves capillary 80
Culm and leaves thinly p.u.b.escent 64
Perigynium more or less pointed or beaked.
Spikes spreading or drooping 51-53, 68-70, 75
Spikes erect 60-62, 65-68, 71-78
[*] 1. PHYSOCaRPae.--[+] 1. _Pauciflrae_.
1. C. pauciflra, Lightf. (Pl. 5, fig. 1--16.) Very slender but erect, 6--18' high; leaves very narrow, much shorter than the culm; staminate and pistillate flowers 2--5; perigynium at maturity easily detached.--Cold sphagnum swamps, New Eng. to N. Penn. and Minn.; local.
[*] 1.--[+] 2. _Lupulnae_.
[++] _Teeth of the perigynium strongly reflexed._
2. C. subulata, Michx. Green, very slender but erect, 6'--2 high; leaves narrow, somewhat shorter than the culm; bracts leafy, sheathing; pistillate spikes 2--4, scattered, 2--6-flowered; perigynium deflexed.--Deep sphagnum swamps, R. I. to E. Penn., and southward; very local.
[++][++] _Teeth erect or spreading._
[=] _Whole plant yellowish; perigynium little or not at all inflated._
3. C. Michauxiana, Boeckl. Slender but stiff and erect, 1--2 high; leaves narrow and firm, shorter than the culm; spikes 2--3, the lowest usually remote and short-peduncled, the remainder aggregated and sessile; staminate spike small, wholly sessile; perigynium not inflated, erect or spreading, twice longer than the blunt scale. (C. rostrata, _Michx._)--Bogs and lake-borders, mountains of N. H. and N. Y., and westward to L. Superior; local.
4. C. folliculata, L. Stout, 2--3 high; leaves very broad and flat, lax; pistillate spikes 3--4, scattered, all but the uppermost prominently peduncled; staminate spike short-peduncled; perigynium larger, inflated, the scale awned and nearly as long.--Cold swamps, New Eng. to N. J. and Penn., and west to Mich.; rather local.