Part 170 (1/2)

[*] _Flowers erect, the sepals narrowed below into claws; bulbs not rhizomatous._

1. L. Philadelphic.u.m, L. (WILD ORANGE-RED LILY. WOOD LILY.) Stem 2--3 high; _leaves linear-lanceolate, whorled or scattered_; flowers (2--4'

long) 1--3, open-bell-shaped, _reddish-orange_ spotted with purplish inside; the lanceolate sepals not recurved at the summit; bulb of thick fleshy jointed scales.--Dry or sandy ground, N. Eng. to N. C., west to Minn. and Mo.

2. L. Catesbae'i, Walt. (SOUTHERN RED LILY.) _Leaves linear-lanceolate, scattered_; flower solitary, open-bell-shaped, the long-clawed sepals wavy on the margin and recurved at the summit, _scarlet_, spotted with dark purple and yellow inside; bulb-scales thin, narrow and leaf-bearing.--Pine-barrens, N. C. to Fla., west to Ky. and Mo.

[*][*] _Flowers nodding, the sepals sessile; bulbs rhizomatous._

3. L. superb.u.m, L. (TURK'S-CAP LILY.) Stem 3--7 high; _lower leaves whorled_, lanceolate, pointed, 3-nerved, smooth; flowers (3' long) often many (3--20 or 40) in a pyramidal raceme; _sepals strongly revolute_, bright orange, with numerous dark purple spots inside.--Rich low grounds, N. Brunswick to Ga., west to Minn. and Mo.

4. L. Canadense, L. (WILD YELLOW LILY.) Stem 2--5 high; _leaves remotely whorled_, lanceolate, strongly 3-nerved, the margins and nerves rough; flowers few (2--3' long), long-peduncled, oblong-bell-shaped, the _sepals recurved-spreading above_, yellow or orange, usually spotted with brown.--Moist meadows and bogs, N. Brunswick to Ga., west to Minn.

and Mo.

5. L. Grayi, Watson. Stems 2--3 high; leaves in whorls of 4--8, lanceolate, acute or slightly ac.u.minate, smooth; _flowers_ 1 or 2, _nearly horizontal_, _the sepals_ (1--2' long) but _little spreading above the rather broad base_, rather abruptly acute, deep reddish orange, thickly spotted within.--Peaks of Otter, Va., and southward in the mountains to N. C.

L. TIGRNUM, Ker. (TIGER LILY.) Tall, p.u.b.escent above; leaves scattered, narrowly lanceolate, dark green, 5--7-nerved, the upper axils bulbiferous; flowers large, resembling those of L. superb.u.m.--An escape from gardens. (Adv. from E. Asia.)

22. MEDeOLA, Gronov. INDIAN CUc.u.mBER-ROOT.

Perianth recurved, the 3 sepals and 3 petals oblong and alike (pale greenish-yellow), deciduous. Stamens 6; anthers shorter than the slender filaments, oblong, extrorsely attached above the base, but the line of dehiscence of the closely contiguous parallel cells lateral or slightly introrse. Stigmas, or styles, stigmatic down the upper side, recurved-diverging from the globose ovary, long and thread-form, deciduous. Berry globose (dark purple), 3-celled, few-seeded.--A perennial herb, with a simple slender stem (1--3 high, clothed with flocculent and deciduous wool), rising from a horizontal and tuberous white rootstock (which has the taste of cuc.u.mber), bearing near the middle a whorl of 5--9 obovate-lanceolate and pointed, sessile, lightly parallel-ribbed and netted-veiny, thin leaves; also another of 3 (rarely 4 or 5) much smaller ovate ones at the top, subtending a sessile umbel of small recurved flowers. (Named after the sorceress _Medea_, for its supposed great medicinal virtues.)

1. M. Virginiana, L.--Rich damp woods, N. Eng. to Minn., Ind., and southward. June.


Sepals 3, lanceolate, spreading, herbaceous, persistent. Petals 3, larger, withering in age. Stamens 6; anthers linear, on short filaments, adnate, usually introrse; the cells opening down the margins. Stigmas sessile, awl-shaped or slender, spreading or recurved above, persistent, stigmatic down the inner side. Ovary 3--6-angled. Berry ovate, usually 6-angled or -winged, 3-celled (purple or red). Seeds ovate, horizontal, several in each cell.--Low perennial herbs, with a stout and simple stem rising from a short and praemorse tuber-like rootstock, naked, bearing at the summit a whorl of 3 ample, commonly broadly ovate, more or less ribbed but netted-veined leaves, and a terminal large flower; in spring. (Name from _triplum_, triple; all the parts being in threes.)--Monstrosities are not rare with the calyx and sometimes petals changed to leaves, or the parts of the flower increased in number.

[*] _Ovary and fruit 6-angled and more or less winged._

[+] _Flower sessile; the very broad connective produced beyond the anther-cells._

1. T. sessile, L. _Leaves sessile, ovate_ or rhomboidal, acute, often blotched or spotted; sepals spreading; _sessile petals erect-spreading_, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate, dark and dull purple, varying to greenish, fruit globose, 6” long.--Moist woods, Penn. to Fla., west to Minn. and Ark.

2. T. recurvatum, Beck. _Leaves contracted at the base into a petiole, ovate, oblong, or obovate; sepals reflexed; petals_ pointed, the base _narrowed into a claw_, oblong-lanceolate to -ovate, dark purple; fruit ovate, strongly winged above, 9” long.--Rich woods, Ohio and Ind. to Minn. and Ark.

[+][+] _Flower pedicelled; connective narrow, not produced; leaves subsessile._

[++] _Pedicel longer than the flower; filament shorter than the anther._

3. T. er.e.c.t.u.m, L. Leaves very broadly rhombic (2--6' wide), shortly ac.u.minate; pedicel (1--3' long) usually more or less inclined or declinate; _petals ovate to lanceolate_ (9--18” long), brown-purple or often white or greenish or pinkish; stamens equalling or exceeding the _stout distinct spreading or recurved stigmas_; fruit ovate, 1' long, reddish.--Rich woods, N. Scotia to N. C., west to Minn. and Mo. Flowers ill-scented.

4. T. grandiflrum, Salisb. Leaves less broadly rhombic-ovate (1--4'

wide); pedicel erect or ascending; _petals oblanceolate_, often broadly so (1--2' long), white turning rose-color or marked with green; stamens with stout filaments (persistently green about the fruit) and anthers, _exceeding the very slender erect or suberect and somewhat coherent stigmas_; fruit globose, --1' long.--Rich woods, Vt. to N. C., west to Minn. and Mo.

[++][++] _Pedicel short, recurved or strongly declinate; filaments slender, about equalling the anther._

5. T. cernuum, L. Leaves very broadly rhombic-ovate (2--4' broad); petals white or pink, ovate- to oblong-lanceolate (6--12” long), wavy, recurved-spreading; stamens with short anthers, shorter than the stout recurved distinct stigmas; fruit ovate.--Moist woods, N. Eng. to Minn., south to Ga. and Mo.

[*][*] _Ovary and fruit 3-lobed or angled, not winged; filaments slender, about equalling the anthers; pedicel erect or inclined; leaves petiolate._