Part 129 (1/2)

8. V. peregrna, L. (NECKWEED. PURSLANE SPEEDWELL.) Glandular-p.u.b.erulent or _nearly smooth_, erect (4--9' high), branched; _lowest leaves petioled, oval-oblong, toothed_, thickish, the others sessile, obtuse; the upper oblong-linear and entire, longer than the almost sessile (whitish) flowers; _capsule orbicular, slightly notched_, many-seeded.--Waste and cultivated grounds, in damp soil; throughout U. S., and almost cosmopolite. April--June.

V. ARVeNSIS, L. (CORN SPEEDWELL.) Simple or diffusely branched (3--8'

high), _hairy; lower leaves petioled, ovate, crenate_; the uppermost sessile, lanceolate, entire; _capsule inversely heart-shaped_, the lobes rounded.--Cultivated grounds, Atlantic States to Tex., rather rare.

(Nat. from Eu.)

[+][+] _Flowers long-pedicelled in axils of ordinary leaves; seeds cup-shaped._

V. AGReSTIS, L. (FIELD SPEEDWELL.) _Leaves_ round or ovate, crenate-toothed, the floral somewhat similar; calyx-lobes oblong; flower small; _ovary many-ovuled_, but the _nearly orbicular and sharply notched capsule_ 1--2 seeded.--Sandy fields, N. Brunswick to La., near the coast. (Adv. from Eu.)

V. BUXBAuMII, Tenore. _Leaves_ round or heart-ovate, crenately cut-toothed ({2/3}--1' long); flower large (nearly ' wide, blue); calyx-lobes lanceolate, widely spreading in fruit; _capsule obcordate-triangular, broadly notched_, 16--24-seeded.--Waste grounds, rare in Atlantic States. (Adv. from Eu.)

V. HEDERaeFLIA, L. (IVY-LEAVED SPEEDWELL.) _Leaves_ rounded or heart-shaped, _3--7-toothed or lobed_; calyx-lobes somewhat heart-shaped; flowers small; _capsule turgid, 2-lobed, 2--4-seeded_.--Shaded places, N. J., Penn., etc. April--June. (Adv. from Eu.)


Calyx tubular, obscurely nerved, 5-toothed. Corolla salver-form, with a straight or curved tube and an almost equally 5-cleft limb, the lobes oblong or wedge-obovate, flat. Stamens 4, included, approximate in pairs; anthers one-celled (the other cell wanting). Style club-shaped and entire. Capsule 2-valved, many-seeded.--Perennial rough-hairy herbs (doubtless root-parasitic), turning blackish in drying, with opposite leaves, or the uppermost alternate; the flowers opposite in a terminal spike, bracted and with 2 bractlets. (Named in honor of _I. G. Buchner_, an early German botanist.)

1. B. Americana, L. Rough-hairy; stem wand-like (1--2 high); lower leaves obovate-oblong, the others ovate-oblong to linear-lanceolate, sparingly and coa.r.s.ely toothed, veiny; spike interrupted; calyx longer than the bracts, one third the length of the deep-purple corolla (1'

long).--Moist sandy ground, western N. Y. to Minn., and southward.


18. SEYMeRIA, Pursh.

Calyx bell-shaped, deeply 5-cleft. Corolla with a short and broad tube, not longer than the 5 ovate or oblong nearly equal and spreading lobes.

Stamens 4, somewhat equal; anthers approximate by pairs, oblong, 2-celled; the cells equal and pointless. Capsule many-seeded.--Erect branching herbs, with the general aspect and character of Gerardia, leaves mostly opposite and dissected or pinnatifid, the uppermost alternate and bract-like. Flowers yellow, interruptedly racemed or spiked. (Named for _Henry Seymer_, an English naturalist.)

1. S. macrophlla, Nutt. (MULLEIN-FOXGLOVE.) Rather p.u.b.escent (4--5 high); leaves large, the lower pinnately divided, with the broadly lanceolate divisions pinnatifid and incised, the upper lanceolate; tube of the corolla incurved, very woolly inside, as are the filaments except at the apex; style short, dilated and notched at the point; capsule ovate, pointed.--Shady river-banks, Ohio to Iowa, south to Tex. July.

19. GERaRDIA, L.

Calyx bell-shaped, 5-toothed or 5-cleft. Corolla campanulate-funnel-form, or somewhat tubular, swelling above, with 5 more or less unequal spreading lobes, the 2 upper usually rather smaller and more united. Stamens 4, strongly didynamous, included, hairy; anthers approaching by pairs, 2-celled, the cells parallel, often pointed at base. Style elongated, mostly enlarged and flattened at the apex. Capsule globular or ovate, pointed, many-seeded.--Erect branching herbs (more or less root-parasitic); stem-leaves opposite, or the upper alternate, the uppermost reduced to bracts and subtending 1 flowered peduncles, which often form a raceme or spike. Flowers showy, purple or yellow; in late summer and autumn. (Dedicated to the celebrated herbalist, _John Gerarde_.)

-- 1. Da.s.sTOMA. _Corolla yellow, the tube woolly inside, as well as the anthers and filaments; anthers alike, awn-pointed at base; leaves rather large, more or less incised or pinnatifid._

[*] _p.u.b.escence partly glandular and viscid; corolla p.u.b.escent outside._

1. G. pedicularia, L. Annual or biennial, smoothish or p.u.b.escent, much branched (2--3 high), very leafy; leaves ovate-lanceolate, pinnatifid, and the lobes cut and toothed; pedicels longer than the hairy mostly serrate calyx-lobes.--Dry copses; N. Eng. to Minn., south to Fla. and Ark.

[*][*] _No glandular p.u.b.escence; corolla glabrous outside; perennial._

2. G. grandiflra, Benth. _Minutely downy_; stem much branched (2--4 high); _leaves ovate-lanceolate, coa.r.s.ely toothed or cut, the lower pinnatifid_; pedicels rather shorter than the calyx; corolla (2' long) 4 times the length of the broadly lanceolate entire or toothed calyx-lobes.--Oak openings, Wisc. and Minn. to Tenn. and Tex.

3. G. flava, L. (DOWNY FALSE FOXGLOVE.) _p.u.b.escent with a fine close down_; stem (3--4 high) mostly simple; _leaves ovate-lanceolate or oblong, obtuse, entire, or the lower usually sinuate-toothed or pinnatifid; pedicels very short_; calyx-lobes oblong, obtuse, rather shorter than the tube, corolla 1' long.--Open woods, N. Eng. to Wisc.

and Iowa, south to Ga. and Ark.

4. G. querciflia, Pursh. (SMOOTH FALSE FOXGLOVE.) _Smooth and glaucous_ (3--6 high), usually branching; lower _leaves commonly twice-pinnatifid; the upper oblong-lanceolate, pinnatifid or entire; pedicels nearly as long as the calyx_; calyx-lobes lance-linear, acute, as long as the at length inflated tube; corolla 2' long.--Dry woods, N. Eng. to Minn., south to Fla. and Ill.