Part 125 (1/2)

4. P. p.u.b.escens, L. _Annual_, diffusely much branched or at length dec.u.mbent; leaves angulate- or repand-toothed or nearly entire; _corolla_ spotted with brown purple in the centre, 5--6” _broad_ when expanded, obscurely 5--10-toothed; _anthers violet_.--Low grounds, N. Y.

to Minn., south to Fla. and Tex., and westward.--A very doubtful form, found at Independence, Kan. (_B. F. Bush_), has the small corolla (2”

broad) yellow, without a brown centre, the anthers yellow, the fruiting calyx smaller, and the berry viscid.

5. P. Virginiana, Mill. _Perennial_, diffusely much branched and widely spreading, or at first erect; leaves sometimes oblong, repand or obtusely toothed, rarely entire; _corolla 9--12” broad_, 5-angled or 5--10-toothed; _anthers yellow_. (P. viscosa, _Gray_, Man., not _L._)--Light or sandy soils, Ont. and Minn. to Fla. and Tex.--Var.

AMBiGUA, Gray, is a coa.r.s.e and very villous form with violet anthers.

Wisc., and westward.

[+][+][+] _Perennials, mostly low, not viscid; p.u.b.escence stellate or simple or nearly none; anthers almost always yellow._

6. P. viscsa, L. _Cinereous or when young almost canescent with short stellate or 2--3-forked p.u.b.escence_; stems ascending or spreading from _slender creeping subterranean shoots; leaves ovate or oval_, varying to oblong and obovate, entire or undulate; corolla greenish-yellow, with a more or less dark eye; _fruiting calyx globose-ovate; berry yellow or orange_.--In sands on and near the coast, Va. to N. C. and Fla.

7. P. lanceolata, Michx. _More or less hirsute-p.u.b.escent with short stiff mostly simple hairs_, varying to nearly glabrous; stems from rather _stout subterranean shoots_, angled, somewhat rigid; _leaves oblong-ovate to narrowly lanceolate_, sparingly angulate-toothed to undulate or entire; corolla ochroleucous, with a more or less dark eye; _calyx commonly hirsute, in fruit pyramidal-ovate_ (1--1' long); _berry reddish_. (P. Pennsylvanica, _Gray_, Man., in part; not _L._)--Dry open ground, Penn. to Ill., Minn., and south and westward.

Var. laevigata, Gray. Glabrous or almost so throughout, or with some very short hairs on young parts.--Neb. to Tex., and westward.

Var. hirta, Gray. A remarkable ambiguous form, with much of the hirsute-p.u.b.escence of the leaves 2--3-forked, as also are some of the abundant villous-hispid hairs of the stem.--Wet woods, Tex. to Mo., and E. Kan.


Calyx 5-parted, 5-angled, the divisions rather arrow-shaped, enlarged and bladder-like in fruit, enclosing the 3--5-celled globular dry berry.

Corolla with border nearly entire. Otherwise much like Physalis.--An annual smooth herb (2--3 high), with ovate sinuate-toothed or angled leaves, and solitary pale blue flowers on axillary and terminal peduncles. (Named after the poet _Nicander_ of Colophon.)

N. PHYSALODES, Gaertn.--Waste grounds, near dwellings and old gardens.

(Adv. from Peru.)


Calyx 3--5-toothed or -cleft, not enlarging, persistent at the base of the berry. Corolla funnel-form or salver-shaped, 5-lobed, the lobes imbricated and not plaited in the bud. Stamens 5; anthers opening lengthwise. Style slender; stigma capitate. Berry small, 2-celled.

Shrubby, often spiny plants, with alternate and entire small leaves, and mostly axillary small flowers. (Named from the country, _Lycia_.)

L. VULGaRE, Dunal. (COMMON M.) Shrub with long sarmentose recurved-drooping branches, smooth, sparingly if at all spiny; leaves oblong- or spatulate-lanceolate, often fascicled, narrowed into a short petiole; flowers on slender peduncles fascicled in the axils; corolla short funnel-form, greenish-purple; style and slender filaments equalling its lobes; berry oval, orange-red.--About dwellings, and escaped into waste grounds in Penn., etc. (Adv. from Eu.)


Calyx bell-shaped or urn-shaped, 5-lobed. Corolla funnel-form, oblique, with a 5-lobed more or less unequal plaited border. Stamens declined.

Capsule enclosed in the persistent calyx, 2-celled, opening transversely all round near the apex, which falls off like a lid.--Clammy-p.u.b.escent, fetid, narcotic herbs, with lurid flowers in the axils of angled or toothed leaves. (Name composed of ??, ???, _a hog_, and ??a??, _a bean_; said to be poisonous to swine.)

H. NGER, L. (BLACK HENBANE.) Biennial or annual; leaves clasping, sinuate-toothed and angled; flowers sessile, in one-sided leafy spikes; corolla dull yellowish, strongly reticulated with purple veins.--Escaped from gardens to roadsides. (Adv. from Eu.)


Calyx prismatic, 5-toothed, separating transversely above the base in fruit, the upper part falling away. Corolla funnel-form, with a large and spreading 5--10-toothed plaited border. Stigma 2-lipped. Capsule globular, p.r.i.c.kly, 4-valved, 2-celled, with 2 thick placentae; projected from the axis into the middle of the cells, and connected with the walls by an imperfect false part.i.tion, so that the capsule is 4-celled except near the top, the placentae as if on the middle of these false part.i.tions. Seeds rather large, flat.--Rank weeds, narcotic-poisonous, with ovate leaves, and large showy flowers on short peduncles in the forks of the branching stem; produced all summer and autumn. (Altered from the Arabic name, _Tatorah_.)

D. STRAMNIUM, L. (COMMON STRAMONIUM or THORN APPLE.) Annual, glabrous; leaves ovate, sinuate-toothed or angled; _stem green; corolla white_ (3'