Part 123 (1/2)
[+] _Leaves cordate, ac.u.minate._
1 I. pandurata, Meyer. (WILD POTATO-VINE. MAN-OF-THE-EARTH.) Perennial, smooth or nearly so when old, trailing or sometimes twining; leaves occasionally contracted at the sides so as to be fiddle-shaped; _peduncles longer than the petioles_, 1--5-flowered; _sepals smooth, ovate-oblong, very obtuse_; corolla open-funnel-form (3' long), white with purple in the tube.--Dry ground, Conn. to Mich., south to Fla. and Tex. June--Aug. Stems long and stout, from a huge root, which often weighs 10--20 pounds.
2 I. lacunsa, L. Annual; rather smooth; stem twining and creeping, slender; leaves entire or angled-lobed; _peduncles short_, 1--3-flowered; _sepals lance-oblong, pointed, bristly-ciliate_ or hairy, half the length of the sharply 5-lobed (white, --{1/3}' long) corolla.--River-banks and low grounds, Penn. to Ill., south to S. C. and Tex.
[+][+] _Leaves linear; not twining._
3 I. leptophlla, Torr. Perennial, very glabrous; stems erect or ascending (2--4 high), with slender recurving branches, from an immense root (weighing 10--100 pounds); leaves 2--4' long, 2--3” wide, short-petioled, acute; peduncles short, 1--2-flowered; sepals broadly ovate, very obtuse, outer ones shorter; corolla pink-purple, funnel-form, about 3' long.--Plains of Neb. to central Kan., Tex., and westward.
Corolla funnel-form to campanulate. Stamens included. Style undivided or 2-cleft only at the apex; stigmas 2, linear-filiform to subulate or ovate. Capsule globose, 2-celled, or imperfectly 4-celled by spurious part.i.tions between the 2 seeds, or by abortion 1-celled, mostly 2--4-valved.--Herbs or somewhat shrubby plants, either twining, erect, or prostrate. (Name from _convolvo_, to entwine.)
-- 1 CALYSTeGIA. _Stigmas oval to oblong; calyx enclosed in 2 broad leafy brats._
1 C. spithamae'us, L. _Downy; stem low and mostly simple, upright or ascending_ (6--12' long); leaves oblong, with or without a heart-shaped or auricled base; corolla white (2' long); stigmas oval. (Calystegia spithamaea, _Pursh_.)--Dry and sandy or rocky soil; not rare.
2. C. sepium, L. (HEDGE BINDWEED.) Glabrous, or more or less p.u.b.escent; stem _twining or sometimes trailing extensively_; leaves triangular-halberd-shaped or arrow-shaped, acute or pointed, the basal lobes obliquely truncate and often somewhat toothed or sinuate-lobed; peduncles 4-angled; bracts commonly acute; corolla white or tinged with rose-color (1--2' long). (Calystegia sepium, _R. Br._)--Moist alluvial soil, or along streams; N. Atlantic States and westward. (Eu., etc.)
Var. America.n.u.s, Sims. Glabrous; corolla pink or rose-purple; bracts obtuse. (C. sepium of Am. authors mainly.)--Common, across the continent.
Var. repens, Gray. More or less p.u.b.escent; sterile and sometimes flowering stems extensively prostrate; leaves more narrowly sagittate or cordate, the basal lobes commonly obtuse or rounded and entire; corolla from almost white to rose-color; bracts very obtuse or acute.
(Calystegia sepium, var. p.u.b.escens, _Gray_.)--Common.
-- 2. _Stigmas filiform; no bracts at or near the base of the calyx._
C. ARVeNSIS, L. (BINDWEED.) Perennial; stem proc.u.mbent or twining, and low; leaves ovate-oblong, arrow-shaped, with the lobes at the base acute; peduncles mostly 1-flowered; bracts minute, remote; corolla (9”
long) white or tinged with reddish.--Old fields, N. Atlantic States.
4. BREWeRIA, R. Br.
Styles 2, or rarely 3, simple and distinct, or else united into one below; stigmas depressed-capitate. Otherwise as Convolvulus and Evolvulus.--Perennial prostrate or diffusely spreading herbs; flowers small; in summer; corolla more or less hairy or silky outside. (Named for _Samuel Brewer_, an English botanist or amateur of the 18th century.)
1. B. humistrata, Gray. _Spa.r.s.ely hairy_ or nearly smooth; leaves varying from oblong with a somewhat heart-shaped base to linear, mucronate or emarginate; peduncles 1--7-flowered; bracts shorter than the pedicels; _sepals pointed, glabrous_ or nearly so; _corolla white; filaments hairy; styles united at base_. (Bonamia humistrata, _Gray_.)--Dry pine barrens, Va. to La.
2. B. aquatica, Gray. _Minutely soft downy_ and somewhat h.o.a.ry; peduncles 1--3-flowered; _sepals silky; corolla pink or purple; filaments smooth; styles almost distinct_; otherwise nearly as n. 1.
(Bonamia aquatica, _Gray_.)--Wet pine barrens and margins of ponds, N. C. to Tex., extending into Mo.
3. B. Pickeringii, Gray. Soft-p.u.b.escent or smoothish; _leaves very narrowly linear_ or the lowest linear-spatulate, tapering to the base, nearly sessile; peduncles 1--3-flowered; _bracts resembling the leaves_, mostly exceeding the flowers; _sepals hairy; filaments_ (scarcely hairy) _and styles (united far above the middle) exserted from the open white corolla_. (Bonamia Pickeringii, _Gray_.)--Dry pine barrens and prairies, N. J. and southward; also W. Ill.
Calyx of 5 sepals, naked at base. Corolla open funnel-form or almost rotate. Styles 2, each 2-cleft; stigmas obtuse. Capsule 2-celled; the cells 2-seeded.--Low and small herbs or suffrutescent plants, mostly diffuse, never twining (hence the name, from _evolvo_, to unroll, in contrast with Convolvulus).
1. E. argenteus, Pursh. Many-stemmed from a somewhat woody base, dwarf, silky-villous all over; leaves crowded, broadly lanceolate, sessile, or the lower oblong spatulate and short-petioled, about ' long; flowers almost sessile in the axils; corolla purple, 3” broad.--Sterile plains and prairies, Dak. and Neb. to Mo. and Tex.