Part 115 (1/2)

8. A. Sullivantii, Engelm. _Very smooth_ throughout, tall; leaves ovate-oblong with a somewhat heart-shaped base, nearly sessile; _hoods obovate_, entire, _obtusely 2-eared at the base_ outside; flowers larger (9” long) and more purple than in the last; anther-wings 2-toothed at base; _pod_ nearly glabrous, obscurely _spiny chiefly on the beak_.--Low grounds, Ohio to Kan. and Minn.

[+][+] _Follicles wholly unarmed, either glabrous or tomentulose-p.u.b.escent_.

[++] _Erect or ascending on the deflexed or decurved fruiting pedicels._

[=] _Umbel solitary, on a naked terminal peduncle; leaves sessile, broad, transversely veined, wavy; glabrous and pale or glaucous._

9. A. Obtusiflia, Michx. Stem 2--3 high; _leaves oblong with a heart-shaped clasping base_, very obtuse or retuse (2--5' long); peduncle 3--12' long; corolla pale greenish purple; hoods truncate, somewhat toothed at the summit, shorter than the slender awl-pointed horn.--Sandy woods and fields, not rare, especially southward. A second umbel at the base of the peduncle occasionally occurs.

10. A. Meadii, Torr. Stem slender (1--2 high); leaves _ovate or oblong-ovate_, obtuse or acutish (1--2' long), peduncle only twice the length of the upper leaves, pedicels rather short, corolla greenish-white; hoods rounded-truncate at summit, and with a sharp tooth at each margin, somewhat exceeding the stouter horn.--Dry ground, Ill.

and Iowa. June.

[=][=] _Umbels mostly more than one; peduncle not overtopping the leaves._

[a.] _Leaves large, orbicular to oblong-lanceolate; hoods broad, little if at all exceeding the anthers; glabrous or some minute p.u.b.escence on young parts._

11. A. Jamesii, Torr. Stem stout (1 high or more); leaves about 5 pairs, approximate, _remarkably thick, rounded or broadly oval, often emarginate, subcordate at base, nearly sessile_; umbels 2--3, densely many-flowered, on short peduncles, corolla-lobes ovate, _greenish_; hoods truncate, entire.--Plains of central Kansas and southwestward.

12. A. phytolaccodes, Pursh. (POKE-MILKWEED.) Stem 3--5 high; _leaves broadly ovate, or the upper oval-lanceolate and pointed at both ends, short-petioled_, smooth or slightly downy underneath (5--8' long); lateral umbels several, _pedicels loose and nodding, numerous, long_ and slender (1--3' long), equalling the peduncle; _corolla-lobes_ ovate-oblong, greenish; hoods (white) truncate, the margins 2-toothed at the summit, _the horn with a long projecting awl-shaped point_.--Moist copses, N. Eng. to Minn., south to Ga. and Ark.

13. A. variegata, L. Stem 1--2 high; _leaves_ (4--5 pairs) _ovate, oval, or obovate_, somewhat wavy, _contracted into short petioles_, middle ones sometimes whorled; _pedicels (numerous and crowded) and peduncle short, downy_; divisions of the _corolla ovate (white)_; hoods...o...b..cular, entire, purplish or reddish, the horn semilunar with a horizontal point.--Dry woods, southern N. Y. to Ind., south to Fla., Ark., and W. La. July.--Remarkable for its compact umbels of nearly white flowers.

[b.] _Leaves mostly p.u.b.escent or p.u.b.erulent; hoods obtuse, entire, twice or thrice the length of the anthers._

14. A. ovaliflia, Decaisne. Low (6--18' high), soft-downy, especially the lower surface of the ovate or lanceolate-oblong acute short-petioled leaves (1--3' long); umbels loosely 10--18-flowered, sessile or peduncled; pedicels slender, hoods oblong, yellowish, with a small horn, about the length of the oval greenish-white corolla-lobes (tinged with purple outside).--Prairies and oak-openings, N. Ill. and Iowa, to Wisc.

and Dak.

[++][++] _Follicles and pedicels erect; leaves often whorled; glabrous or nearly so._

[=] _Leaves ovate to broadly lanceolate, thin, rather slender-petioled._

15. A. quadriflia, L. Stem slender (1--2 high), mostly leafless below, bearing usually _one or two whorls_ of four in the middle and one or two pairs _of ovate or ovate-lanceolate_ taper-pointed petioled leaves (2--4' long); pedicels slender; corolla-lobes (_pale pink_) oblong; hoods white, elliptical-ovate, the incurved horn short and thick.--Dry woods and hills, N. Eng. to Minn., south to N. C. and Ark.

16. A. perennis, Walt. Stems (1--2 high) _persistent or somewhat woody at the base; leaves lanceolate or lanceolate-ovate, tapering to both ends_, thin, rather slender-petioled; _flowers white_, small; the small hoods of the crown shorter than the needle-shaped horn; seeds sometimes dest.i.tute of a coma!--Low grounds, S. Ind. and Ill. to Tex., and eastward.

[=][=] _Leaves narrowly linear to filiform; horn subulate, exserted; column conspicuous._

17. A. verticillata, L. Stems slender, simple or sparingly branched, very leafy to the summit, leaves filiform-linear, with revolute margins (2--3' long, 1” wide), 3--6 in a whorl; umbels small, lateral and terminal; divisions of the corolla ovate (greenish-white); hoods roundish-oval, about half the length of the incurved claw-shaped horns.--Dry hills, common, especially southward.--Var. PuMILA, Gray, is low and many-stemmed from a fascicled root; leaves much crowded, filiform.--Dry plains, Neb. to Kan. and N. Mex.

-- 2. _Anther-wings broadly rounded at base and conspicuously auriculate-notched just above it; hoods with a minute horn exserted from the 2-lobed apex._

18. A. stenophlla, Gray. p.u.b.erulent, but foliage glabrous; stems slender (1--2 high), leaves narrowly linear (3--7' long, 1--2” wide), the upper alternate, lower opposite; umbels several, short-peduncled, 10--15-flowered; corolla-lobes oblong, greenish; hoods whitish, equalling the anthers, conduplicate-concave; follicles erect on ascending pedicels.--Dry prairies, Neb. to E. Kan., south and westward.


Nearly as in Asclepias; but the hoods dest.i.tute of crest or horn (whence the name, from a privative, and ???a?, _a horn_).--Flowers greenish, in compact many-flowered umbels. Leaves opposite or irregularly alternate, short-petioled or sessile. slender-stalked. Follicles smooth, slender.

[*] _Crown upon a short column and shorter than the globular ma.s.s of anthers and stigma, leaves mainly alternate-scattered._

1. A. longiflia, Ell. Minutely roughish-hairy or smoothish; stem erect (1--3 high), very leafy; leaves linear (3--7' long); umbels lateral, on peduncles of about the length of the slender pedicels; flowers 3” long when expanded.--Moist prairies and pine-barrens, Ohio to Minn., south to Fla. and Tex. July--Oct.