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6. B. Beckii, Torr. (WATER MARIGOLD.) Aquatic, perhaps perennial, smooth; stems long and slender; immersed leaves crowded, capillary, many times dissected, the few emerging ones lanceolate, slightly connate, toothed; heads single, short-peduncled; involucre much shorter than the showy (golden yellow) rays; achenes thickish, smooth (' long), the stout divergent awns (1' long) barbed only toward the apex.--Ponds and slow deep streams, Ma.s.s. to N. J., Mo., and northward. Aug.--Oct.
57. THELESPeRMA, Less.
Heads many-flowered; rays about 8, neutral, or none. Involucre as in Coreopsis, the inner connate to the middle, scarious-margined.
Receptacle flat, the scarious chaff falling with the nearly terete wingless and beakless achenes; pappus of 2 stout subulate retrorsely hispid awns.--Smooth herbs, with opposite dissected leaves and pedunculate heads of yellow flowers. (From ????, _a nipple_, and sp??a, _seed_, on account of the papillose achenes.)
1. T. gracile, Gray. Perennial, rather rigid, 1--2 high; leaves with narrow or filiform divisions or the upper entire; outer scales very short; rays short or usually none; achenes papillose.--Kan., south and westward.
58. BALDWiNIA, Nutt.
Heads globular, many-flowered, radiate, the long and narrowly wedge-shaped rays neutral. Involucre short, of many thickish small scales imbricated in 3 or 4 rows, the outer obovate and obtuse.
Receptacle strongly convex, with deep honeycomb-like cells containing the obconical or oblong silky-villous achenes; pappus of 7--9 lance-oblong erect chaffy scales.--A perennial herb, smoothish, with slender simple stems (2--3 high), bearing alternate oblanceolate leaves, and a large showy long-pedunculate head. Rays yellow (1' long); the disk often turning dark purple. (Named for the late _Dr. William Baldwin_.)
1. B. uniflra, Nutt.--Borders of swamps, Va. (?) and southward. Aug.
59. MARSHaLLIA, Schreb.
Heads many-flowered; flowers all tubular and perfect, the corolla-lobes slender and spreading. Involucral scales linear-lanceolate, foliaceous, erect, in one or two rows, nearly equal. Receptacle convex or conical, with narrowly linear rigid chaff. Achenes top-shaped, 5-angled; pappus of 5 or 6 membranaceous and pointed chaffy scales.--Smooth and low perennials, with alternate entire 3-nerved leaves, and long-pedunculate heads (like those of a Scabious) terminating the simple stem or branches. Flowers purplish; anthers blue. (Named for _Humphrey Marshall_, of Pennsylvania, author of _Arbustum Americanum_, one of the earliest works on the trees and shrubs of this country.)
1. M. latiflia, Pursh. Stems leafy; leaves ovate-lanceolate, pointed, sessile.--Dry soil, Va. and southward.
2. M. caespitsa, Nutt. Stem commonly leafy only at base; leaves narrowly oblanceolate to linear or the radical spatulate, obtuse.--Kan. to Tex.
60. GALINSGA, Ruiz & Pavon.
Heads several-flowered, radiate; rays 4--5, small, roundish, pistillate.
Involucre of 4 or 5 ovate thin scales. Receptacle conical, with narrow chaff. Achenes angled; pappus of small oblong cut-fringed chaffy scales (sometimes wanting).--Annual herbs, with opposite triple-nerved thin leaves, and small heads; disk yellow; rays whitish. (Named for _Galinsoga_, a Spanish botanist.)
G. PARVIFLRA, Cav. Smoothish (1 high); leaves ovate, acute, somewhat toothed; scales of the pappus 8--16.--Waste places, especially eastward; spreading from year to year. (Adv. from S. Amer.)
Heads many-flowered; flowers all tubular and perfect, with large revolute corolla-lobes. Involucral scales 6--12, loose and broad, thin, the upper part petal-like (usually white). Receptacle small, naked.
Achenes top-shaped, with a slender base, striate; pappus of 15--20 blunt scales in a single row, very thin (whence the name of the genus, from ???, _membrane_, and p?pp??, _pappus_.)--Biennial or perennial herbs, with alternate mostly dissected leaves, and corymbed small heads of usually whitish flowers.
[*] _Pappus of very small roundish nerveless scales._
1. H. scabiosae'us, L'Her. Somewhat flocculent-woolly when young, leafy to the top (1--3 high); leaves 1--2-pinnately parted into linear or oblong lobes; involucral scales roundish, mainly whitish.--Sandy barrens, Ill.
and southward. May, June.
2. H. corymbsus, Torr. & Gray. More slender, glabrate, naked above; scales obovate-oblong, petaloid at apex.--Neb. to Ark. and Tex.
[*][*] _Pappus of conspicuous spatulate 1-nerved scales; involucre greener._
3. H. tenuiflius, Pursh. Slightly tomentose or glabrate, leafy, 1--2 high; divisions of the leaves narrowly linear or filiform, revolute; involucral scales obovate-oblong; achenes long-villous.--Neb. to Ark.