Part 89 (1/2)

31. S. serotina, Ait. _Stem_ stout (2--7 high), _smooth, often glaucous; leaves quite smooth both sides_, lanceolate, taper-pointed, very sharply serrate, except the narrowed base, rough-ciliate; the ample panicle p.u.b.escent; _rays 7--14, rather long_. (S. gigantea, of previous ed.)--Copses and fence-rows; common, and presenting many varieties.

Seldom very tall.

Var. gigantea, Gray. Commonly tall, 5--8 high; leaves more or less p.u.b.escent or hispidulous beneath. (S. gigantea, _Ait._; S. serotina of previous ed.)--Thickets and low grounds, Can. to Tex.

32. S. rupestris, Raf. _Stem smooth, slender_, 2--3 high; _leaves linear-lanceolate, tapering both ways, entire_ or nearly so; panicle narrow; _heads very small; rays 4--6, very short_.--Rocky river-banks, W. Va. to Ky. and Ind.

[=][=] _p.u.b.escent (at least the stem) or hispidulous-scabrous._

33. S. Canadensis, L. _Stem rough-hairy_, tall and stout (3--6 high); _leaves lanceolate_, pointed, sharply serrate (sometimes almost entire), _more or less p.u.b.escent beneath and rough above; heads small; rays very short_.--Borders of thickets and fields; very common.--Varies greatly in the roughness and hairiness of the stem and leaves, the latter oblong-lanceolate or elongated linear-lanceolate;--in var. PRCERA, whitish-woolly underneath; and in var. SCaBRA also very rough above, often entire, and rugose-veined.

34. S. nemoralis, Ait. _Clothed with a minute and close grayish-h.o.a.ry_ (soft or roughish) _p.u.b.escence_; stem simple or corymbed at the summit (--2 high); leaves _oblanceolate or spatulate-oblong_, the lower somewhat crenate-toothed and tapering into a petiole; racemes numerous, dense, at length recurved, forming a large and crowded compound raceme or panicle which is usually turned to one side; scales of the involucre linear-oblong, appressed; rays 5--9.--Dry sterile fields; very common. Flowers very bright yellow, beginning early in Aug.--Var. INCaNA, Gray, of Minn., and westward, is a dwarf form, with rigid oval or oblong leaves, rather strongly serrate or entire, and the cl.u.s.ters of heads in a dense oblong or conical thyrse.

35. S. radula, Nutt. Stem and _oblong or obovate-spatulate leaves rigid and very rough, not h.o.a.ry_, the upper sessile; scales oblong, rigid; rays 3--6; otherwise nearly as in n. 34.--Dry hills, W. Ill., Minn.

Kan., and southward.

36. S. Drummondii, Torr. & Gray. _Stem_ (1--3 high) _and lower surface of the broadly ovate or oval somewhat triple-ribbed leaves minutely velvety-p.u.b.escent_, some of the leaves almost entire; racemes panicled, short; scales of the involucre oblong, obtuse; rays 4 or 5.--S. W. Ill., Mo., and southward.

[+][+][+][+] _Heads in a compound corymb terminating the simple stem, not at all racemose; leaves mostly with a strong midrib._

[++] Leaves flat, not 3-nerved.

37. S. rigida, L. _Rough and somewhat h.o.a.ry_ with a minute p.u.b.escence; stem stout (2--5 high), very leafy; corymb dense; _leaves oval or oblong_, copiously feather-veined, thick and rigid; the upper closely sessile by a broad base, slightly serrate, the uppermost entire; heads large, over 30-flowered; the rays 7--10.--Dry soil, N. Eng. to Minn., and southward.

38. S. Ohioensis, Riddell. _Very smooth_ throughout; stem wand-like, slender, leafy (2--3 high); _stem-leaves oblong-lanceolate, flat_, entire, obscurely feather-veined, closely sessile; the lower and radical ones elongated, slightly serrate toward the apex, tapering into long margined petioles; head numerous, on smooth pedicels, small, 16--20-flowered; the rays 6 or 7.--Moist meadows or prairies, W. New York to Ind. and Wisc.--Root-leaves 1 long; the upper reduced to 1--2', with rough margins, like the rest.

[++][++] _Leaves somewhat folded, entire, the lower slightly 3-nerved._

39. S. Riddellii, Frank. _Smooth and stout_ (2--4 high), _very leafy_, the branches of the dense corymb and pedicels rough-p.u.b.escent; _leaves linear-lanceolate, elongated_ (4--6' long), acute, partly clasping or sheathing, _mostly recurved_, the lowest elongated-lanceolate and tapering into a long keeled petiole; _heads very numerous_, cl.u.s.tered, 20--30-flowered; the rays 7--9.--Wet prairies, Ohio to Minn. and Mo.; Ft. Monroe, Va.--Heads larger than in the last, 2--3” long.

Stem-leaves upright and partly sheathing at the base, then gradually recurved-spreading.

40. S. Houghtnii, Torr. & Gray. _Smooth; stem rather low and slender_ (1--2 high); _leaves scattered, linear-lanceolate, acutish_, tapering into a narrowed slightly clasping base, or the lower into margined petioles; _heads few or several_, 20--30-flowered; the rays 7--9.--Swamps, north sh.o.r.e of Lake Michigan; Genesee Co., N. Y. July, Aug.--Leaves rough-margined, 2--5' long, 2--4” wide, 1-nerved, or the lower obscurely 3-nerved above; veins obscure. Heads large, nearly '

long. Scales of the involucre obtuse.

-- 2. EUTHaMIA. _Corymbosely much branched; heads small, sessile, in little cl.u.s.ters crowded in flat-topped corymbs; the closely appressed involucral scales somewhat glutinous; receptacle fimbrillate; rays 6--20, short, more numerous than the disk-flowers; leaves narrow, entire, sessile._

41. S. lanceolata, L. _Leaves lanceolate-linear, 3--5-nerved_; the nerves, margins, and angles of the branches minutely rough-p.u.b.escent; heads obovoid-cylindrical, in dense corymbed cl.u.s.ters; _rays 15--20_.--River-banks, etc., in moist soil; common.--Stem 2--3 high; leaves 3--5' long.

42. S. tenuiflia, Pursh. Smooth, slender; _leaves very narrowly linear, mostly 1-nerved, dotted_; heads obovoid-club-shaped, in numerous cl.u.s.ters of 2 or 3, disposed in a loose corymb; _rays 6--12_.--Sandy fields, Ma.s.s. to Ill., and southward; common near the coast.


Heads and flowers nearly as in Solidago, except the pappus, which is a row of minute rather scale-like bristles, shorter than the achene.--A perennial herb, with rounded or ovate serrate leaves, all the _lower ones heart-shaped_; the small yellow heads in sessile cl.u.s.ters racemed or spiked on the branches. (Name composed of ?a???, _short_, and ??t?, _bristle_, from the pappus.)

1. B. cordata, Torr. & Gray. Wooded hills, S. Ind. and E. Ky. to N. Ga.

Oct.--Plant 2--4 high, slender, more or less p.u.b.escent.

19. BeLLIS, Tourn. DAISY.