Part 86 (1/2)
[*][*][*] _Heads 8--30-flowered; involucral scales nearly equal, in one row; leaves opposite, ovate, petioled, triple-nerved, not resinous-dotted; flowers white._
14. E. ageratodes, L. (WHITE SNAKE-ROOT.) Smooth, branching (3 high); _leaves broadly ovate, pointed, coa.r.s.ely and sharply toothed, long-petioled_, thin (3--5' long); corymbs compound.--Rich woods; common northward.
15. E. aromatic.u.m, L. Smooth or slightly downy; stems nearly simple; _leaves on short petioles, ovate, rather obtusely toothed, not pointed_, thickish.--Copses, Ma.s.s. to Va., and southward, near the coast.--Lower and more slender than n. 14, with fewer, but usually larger heads; not aromatic.
-- 2. CONOCLiNIUM. _Receptacle conical; involucral scales nearly equal, somewhat imbricated._
16. E. clestnum, L. (MIST-FLOWER.) Somewhat p.u.b.escent (1--2 high), leaves opposite, petiolate, triangular-ovate and slightly heart-shaped, coa.r.s.ely and bluntly toothed; heads many-flowered, in compact cymes; flowers blue or violet. (Conoclinium clestinum, _DC._)--Rich soil, N. J. to Mich., Ill., and southward. Sept.
6. KuHNIA, L.
Heads discoid, 10--25-flowered; flowers perfect. Involucral scales thin, few and loosely imbricated, narrow, striate-nerved. Corolla slender, 5-toothed. Achenes cylindrical, 10-striate; pappus a single row of very plumose (white) bristles.--A perennial herb, resinous-dotted, with mostly alternate leaves, and paniculate-corymbose heads of cream-colored flowers. (Dedicated to _Dr. Kuhn_, of Pennsylvania, who carried the living plant to Linnaeus.)
1. K. eupatoriodes, L. Stems 2--3 high; p.u.b.escence minute; leaves varying from broadly lanceolate and toothed, to linear and entire.--Dry soil, N. J. to Minn., E. Kan., and southward. Sept. Very variable.--Var.
CORYMBULSA, Torr. & Gray, is a western form, stouter and somewhat more p.u.b.escent, the heads rather crowded.
Characters as in Kuhnia; involucral scales more numerous, and the bristles of the pappus merely scabrous or at the most barbellate or subplumose; leaves often all opposite. (_Dr. John Brickell_ of Georgia, correspondent of Elliott and Muhlenberg.)
1. B. grandiflra, Nutt. Nearly glabrous, 2--3 high; leaves deltoid, cordate, the upper deltoid-lanceolate, coa.r.s.ely dentate-serrate, ac.u.minate, 4' long or less; heads about 40-flowered.--Shannon Co., Mo.
(_Bush_), Kan. to Col., New Mex., and westward.
Head discoid, few--many-flowered; flowers perfect. Involucral scales well imbricated, appressed. Receptacle naked. Corolla 5-lobed, the lobes long and slender. Achenes slender, tapering to the base, 10-ribbed.
Pappus of 15--40 capillary bristles, manifestly plumose or only barbellate.--Perennial herbs, often resinous-dotted, with simple stems from a roundish corm or tuber, rigid alternate narrow entire leaves (sometimes twisted so as to become vertical), and spicate or racemed heads of handsome rose-purple flowers, appearing late in summer or in autumn. (Derivation of the name unknown.)
[*] _Pappus very plumose; scales of the 5-flowered involucre with ovate or lanceolate spreading petal-like (purple or sometimes white) tips, exceeding the flowers._
1. L. elegans, Willd. Stem (2--3 high) and involucre hairy; leaves linear, short and spreading; spike or raceme compact (3--20'
long).--Barren soil, Va. and southward.
[*][*] _Pappus very plumose; scales of the cylindrical many-flowered involucre imbricated in many rows, the tips rigid, not petal-like; corolla-lobes hairy within._
2. L. squarrsa, Willd. (BLAZING-STAR, etc.) Often hairy (6'--2 high); leaves rigid, linear, elongated; heads usually few (1' long); _scales mostly with elongated and leaf-like spreading tips._--Dry soil, Penn. to Minn., and southward.--Var. INTERMeDIA, DC. Heads narrow; scales shorter, erect or nearly so.--Ont. to Neb. and Tex.
3. L. cylindracea, Michx. Commonly smooth (6--18' high); leaves linear; _heads_ few (--{2/3}' long); _scales with short and rounded abruptly mucronate appressed tips._--Dry open places, Niagara Falls to Minn. and Mo.
[*][*][*] _Pappus very plumose; heads 4--6-flowered; scales ac.u.minate; corolla-lobes naked._
4. L. punctata, Hook. Stout (10--30' high), from a branching or globose rootstock; leaves narrowly linear or the upper acerose, rigid; heads usually many in a dense spike.--Minn. to Kan., and southward.
[*][*][*][*] _Pappus not obviously plumose to the naked eye; corolla-lobes smooth inside._