Part 78 (1/2)
G. MOLLuGO, L. Perennial, smooth throughout; stems erect or diffuse, 2 or 3 long; leaves 8, or 6 on the branchlets, oblanceolate to nearly linear; flowers very numerous in ample almost leafless panicles; fruit smooth.--Roadsides and fields, N. Y. and Penn. (Nat. from Eu.)
G. aNGLIc.u.m, Huds. Annual, slender, diffuse, seldom 1 high, glabrous; leaves 5--7, oblanceolate to nearly linear (3” long), their margins and the angles of the stem spinulose-scabrous; flowers rather few, cymulose on leafy branches, greenish-white, very small; fruit glabrous, more or less tuberculate.--Roadsides, Bedford Co., Va. (_Curtiss_). (Nat. from Eu.)
G. TRICoRNE, With. Annual, resembling _G. Aparine_, rather stout, with simple branches; leaves 6 or 8, oblanceolate, cuspidate-mucronate, the margins and stem retrorsely p.r.i.c.kly-hispid; flowers mostly in cl.u.s.ters of 3, dull white; fruits rather large, tuberculate-granulate, not hairy, pendulous.--Fields, eastward. (Nat. from Eu.)
-- 2. _Indigenous species; fruit dry._
[*] _Annual; leaves about 8 in a whorl; peduncles 1--3-flowered, axillary; fruit bristly with hooked p.r.i.c.kles._
1. G. Aparne, L. (CLEAVERS. GOOSE-GRa.s.s.) Stem weak and reclining, bristle-p.r.i.c.kly backward, hairy at the joints; leaves lanceolate, tapering to the base, short-pointed, rough on the margins and midrib (1--2' long); flowers white.--Shaded grounds, throughout the continent; probably as an introduced plant eastward.
[*][*] _Perennials; leaves in 4's, comparatively large, and broad (narrower in n. 7 and 8), not cuspidate-pointed, more or less distinctly 3-nerved; fruit uncinate-hispid (except in n. 6 and 7)._
[+] _Peduncles loosely 3--several-flowered; flowers dull purple to yellowish-white._
2. G. pilsum, Ait. _Hairy; leaves oval_, dotted, hairy (1' long), the lateral nerves obscure; _peduncles 2--3-forked, the flowers all pedicelled_.--Dry copses, R. I. and Vt. to Ill., E. Kan., and southward.
Var. puncticulsum, Torr. & Gray. Almost glabrous; leaves varying to elliptical-oblong, hispidulous-ciliate.--Va. to Tex.
3. G. Kamtschatic.u.m, Steller. Stems weak, mainly glabrous (1 high); _leaves...o...b..cular_ to oblong-ovate, thin (--1' long), slightly pilose; flowers slenderly pedicellate; _corolla glabrous, yellowish-white_, not turning dark, _its lobes merely acute_. (G. circaezans, var. montanum, _Torr. & Gray_.)--Higher mountains of N. Eng., L. Canada, and far westward. (Asia.)
4. G. circae'zans, Michx. (WILD LIQUORICE.) Smooth or downy (1 high); _leaves oval_, varying to ovate-oblong, _mostly obtuse_, ciliate (1--1'
long); _peduncles usually once forked, the branches elongated_ and widely diverging in fruit, _bearing several remote flowers on very short lateral pedicels_, reflexed in fruit; lobes of the _greenish corolla hairy outside, acute or ac.u.minate_.--Rich woods, N. Eng. to Minn., south to Fla. and Tex.
5. G. lanceolatum, Torr. (WILD LIQUORICE.) Nearly glabrous; _leaves_ (except the lowest) _lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, tapering to the apex_ (2' long); _corolla glabrous, yellowish turning dull purple, lobes more ac.u.minate_; otherwise like the last.--Dry woods, N. Eng. to N. Mich. and Minn.
6. G. latiflium, Michx. Smooth (1--2 high); _leaves lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate_, acute (2' long), the midrib and margins rough; cymes panicled, loosely many-flowered, the purple flowers on _slender spreading pedicels; fruit smooth_, rather fleshy.--Dry woods, mountains of Penn. to N. C. and Tenn.
7. G. Arkansanum, Gray. Similar but lower; leaves lanceolate to linear (1' long or less), the lateral nerves obscure or none.--S. Mo. and Ark.
[+][+] _Leaves narrow; flowers bright white, numerous in a compact panicle._
8. G. boreale, L. (NORTHERN BEDSTRAW.) Smooth (1--2 high); leaves linear-lanceolate; fruit minutely bristly, sometimes smooth.--Rocky banks of streams, Maine to Penn., Iowa, Minn., and westward. (Eu., Asia.)
[*][*][*] _Leaves in 4's, 5's, or 6's, small, 1-nerved; flowers white; fruit smooth (flowers greenish and fruit hispid in n. 12.)_
[+] _Leaves pointless._
9. G. trifidum, L. (SMALL BEDSTRAW.) Stems weak, ascending (5--20'
high), branching, mostly roughened backwards on the angles; _leaves in whorls of 4 to 6_, linear or oblanceolate, the margins and midrib rough; _peduncles scattered, 1--7-flowered_; corolla-lobes and stamens often only 3.--Sphagnous bogs and wet ground, throughout the continent.
Exceedingly variable.--Var. PUSiLLUM, Gray, the smallest form; leaves only in 4's, 3--4” long, narrow, in age often reflexed; peduncles 1-flowered. In cold bogs, northward.--Var. LATIFLIUM, Torr., the larger and broadest-leaved form; leaves 6 or 7” long, often 2” wide.
From Canada, south and west. (Eu., Asia.)
10. G. concinnum, Torr. & Gray. Stems low and slender (6--12' high), with minutely roughened angles; _leaves all in 6's, linear, slightly pointed_, veinless, the margins upwardly roughened; _peduncles 2--3 times forked, diffusely panicled_; pedicels short.--Dry hills, Penn. to Va., west to Minn., Iowa, and Ark.
[+][+] _Leaves cuspidately mucronate or ac.u.minate._