Part 66 (1/2)
[*][*][*] _Stigma clavate; stem somewhat quadrangular with 2--4 ridges or hairy lines decurrent from some of the leaves._
[+] _Tall and mostly branching, many-flowered; leaves rather large, toothed, not revolute, the lower opposite; seeds papillose._
4. E. coloratum, Muhl. Somewhat h.o.a.ry-p.u.b.escent above or glandular, 1--3 high; leaves lanceolate, sharply serrulate or denticulate, acute, narrowed to conspicuous petioles; flowers pale, more or less nodding; peduncles shorter than the leaves; seeds dark, unappendaged; coma cinnamon-color.--Wet places, common.
5. E. adenocaulon, Haussk. Differs in its more glandular p.u.b.escence above, the often blunter and less toothed leaves abruptly contracted to shorter petioles, flowers erect, paler seeds with a slight prolongation at top, and a merely dingy coma.--Wet places through the Northern States.
6. E. glandulsum, Lehm. Subsimple; p.u.b.escence above not glandular; leaves ovate-lanceolate, mostly abruptly rounded to a sessile base and more glandular-toothed; seeds larger.--Canada to the mountains of N. C.
(_fide_ Haussknecht). (Asia.)
[+][+] _Mostly low, slender and simple (except forms of n. 10); leaves chiefly opposite, less toothed; flowers few, nodding; seeds appendaged at the apex._
[++] _Seeds areolate but not papillose; leaves not revolute._
7. E. anagallidiflium, Lam. Glabrate, a span high or less; leaves erect or ascending, about equalling the internodes, elliptical-oblong to narrowly obovate, entire or the upper denticulate, tapering to short petioles; flowers purple; sepals rather obtuse; capsules glabrous on peduncles exceeding the leaves.--White Mts. and Adirondacks (_fide_ Haussknecht). (Eu.)
8. E. lactiflrum, Haussk. Glabrous except the p.u.b.escent lines, 6--12'
high, with elongated internodes; leaves elliptical or the lowest round-obovate, slightly repand-denticulate, obtuse, tapering into mostly elongated petioles; flowers smaller, white; sepals more acute; seeds more prominently appendaged.--White Mts., and northward (_fide_ Haussknecht). (Eu.)
[++][++] _Seeds papillose-roughened._
9. E. Hornemanni, Reichenb. Glabrate, 8--18' high; leaves mostly horizontal, ovate, the upper acutish, remotely denticulate, abruptly contracted to winged petioles, not revolute; seeds often only slightly roughened, short and shortly appendaged. (E. alpinum, _Man._)--White Mts., dells of the Wisconsin River (_Lapham_), and northward. (Eu.)
10. E. pal.u.s.tre, L. Slender, 1 high or less, often branched, finely p.u.b.escent; leaves erect or ascending, about equalling or longer than the internodes, sessile, linear to linear-lanceolate or elliptic-oblong, obtuse, with revolute margins; capsules p.u.b.escent to nearly glabrous, mostly shorter than the slender peduncles; seeds fusiform, with long beak. (E. pal.u.s.tre, var. lineare, _Man._, in part.)--Penn. to Minn. and the White Mts., north and westward. (Eu.)
Calyx-tube prolonged beyond the ovary, deciduous; the lobes 4, reflexed.
Petals 4. Stamens 8; anthers mostly linear and versatile. Capsule 4-valved, many-seeded. Seeds naked.--Leaves alternate. Flowers yellow, white or rose-color. (An old name, of unknown meaning, for a species of Epilobium.)
-- 1. _Stigma-lobes linear, elongated (except in n. 7); calyx-tube linear, slightly dilated at the throat; anthers linear._
[*] _Caulescent annuals or biennials; flowers erect in the bud, nocturnal, yellow, the calyx-tips free; capsules sessile, coriaceous; seeds in two rows in each cell._
[+] _Flowers in a leafy spike; capsules stout, oblong, slightly narrowed above._
1. . biennis, L. (COMMON EVENING PRIMROSE.) Rather stout, erect (1--5 high), usually simple, more or less p.u.b.escent and hairy; leaves lanceolate to oblong- or rarely ovate-lanceolate (2--6' long), acute or ac.u.minate, repandly denticulate, the lowest petioled; calyx-tube 1--2'
long, the tips of the sepals contiguous; petals --' long; capsule more or less p.u.b.escent or hirsute.--Throughout the U. S.--Var. CRUCIaTA, Torr. & Gray, with small narrow petals, appears to be merely a rare garden (?) sport. E. Ma.s.s.
Var. grandiflra, Lindl., has petals as long as the calyx-tube (1--2'
long).--Same range as the type, but not so common east.
2. . Oakesiana, Robbins. Annual, more slender, not hairy, the p.u.b.erulence mainly appressed; calyx-tips not contiguous at base; otherwise nearly as in the typical form of the last. (. biennis, var.
Oakesiana, _Gray._)--Dry places, E. Ma.s.s., R. I., and Conn.
[+][+] _Flowers in a leafy spike or axillary; capsules linear._
3. . rhombipetala, Nutt. Rarely branching, appressed-p.u.b.erulent and subcanescent; leaves narrowly lanceolate, ac.u.minate, denticulate, the lowest attenuate to a petiole and rarely pinnatifid, diminis.h.i.+ng upward into the close, elongated, conspicuously bracted spike; calyx silky-canescent (tube 1' long); petals rhombic-ovate (6--10'