Part 27 (1/2)

3. D. heterophlla, Nutt. Tubers near the surface, jointed, narrowly oblong or thick-clavate, prominently tubercled; leaves 3-foliolate, the leaflets distinctly petiolate, oblong-lanceolate to linear, entire to rather deeply crenate, rarely laciniate or lobed; root-leaves with ovate or lanceolate and usually lobed leaflets.--Penn. to Ky. and southward.

Blooming a little later than the last.

4. D. maxima, Nutt. Tubers jointed, strongly tubercled; stem-leaves usually alternate, 3-foliolate; leaflets ovate or oblong-ovate, coa.r.s.ely toothed and somewhat cleft or lobed.--Vt. to western N. Y. and Penn.


4. CARd.a.m.nE, Tourn. BITTER CRESS.

Pod linear, flattened, usually opening elastically from the base; the valves nerveless and veinless, or nearly so; placentas and part.i.tion thick. Seeds in a single row in each cell, wingless; their stalks slender. Cotyledons acc.u.mbent, flattened, equal or nearly so, petiolate.--Mostly glabrous perennials, leafy-stemmed, growing along watercourses and in wet places. Flowers white or purple. (A Greek name, in Dioscorides, for some cress, from its cordial or cardiacal qualities.)

[*] _Root perennial; leaves simple._

1. C. rhomboidea, DC. (SPRING CRESS.) _Stems upright from a tuberous base and slender rootstock bearing small tubers, simple_; root-leaves round and often heart-shaped; lower stem-leaves ovate or rhombic-oblong, somewhat petioled, the upper almost lanceolate, sessile, all often sparingly toothed; pods linear-lanceolate, pointed with a slender style tipped with a conspicuous stigma; _seeds round-oval_.--Wet meadows and springs; common. April--June.--Flowers large, white.

Var. purpurea, Torr. Lower (4--6' high), and usually slightly p.u.b.escent; flowers rose-purple, appearing earlier.--Along streams in rich soil.

Western N. Y. to Md. and Wisc.

2. C. rotundiflia, Michx. (MOUNTAIN WATER-CRESS.) _Stems branching, weak or dec.u.mbent, making long runners; root fibrous_; leaves all much alike, roundish, somewhat angled, often heart-shaped at the base, petioled; pods small, linear-awl-shaped, pointed with the slender style; stigma minute; _seeds oval-oblong_.--Cool shaded springs, N. J.

(Middletown, _Willis_) to Ky., and southward along the mountains. May, June.--Flowers white, smaller than in n. 1.

3. C. bellidiflia, L. _Dwarf_ (2--3' high), alpine, tufted; leaves ovate, entire, or sometimes with a blunt lateral tooth (4” long), on long petioles; pods 1' long, upright, linear; _style nearly none_, stout.--Summits of the White Mountains and Katahdin, Maine.

July.--Flowers 1--5, white. (Eu.)

[*][*] _Root perennial; leaves pinnate; flowers showy._

4. C. pratensis, L. (CUCKOO FLOWER.) Stem ascending from a short rootstock, simple; leaflets 7--13, those of the lower leaves rounded and stalked, of the upper oblong or linear, entire, or slightly angled-toothed; petals (white or rose-color) thrice the length of the calyx; pod 9--15” long, 1” broad; style short.--Wet places and bogs, Vt. to N. J., Wisc., and northward; rare. May. (Eu.)

[*][*][*] _Root mostly biennial or annual; leaves pinnate; flowers small, white._

5. C. hirsuta, L. (SMALL BITTER CRESS.) Glabrous or beset with scattered hairs; stems (3'--2 high) erect or ascending from the spreading cl.u.s.ter of root-leaves; their leaflets rounded, those of the upper leaves oblong or linear and often confluent, all either toothed, angled, or entire; pods linear, very narrow, erect or ascending; style variable.--Wet places; common. May--July. The ordinary form corresponds closely to the European var. SYLVaTICA, Gaud. The typical imperfectly developed annual form, with only 4 stamens and rather strict pods, occurs very rarely. A form answering to C. parviflora of Europe, with mostly linear leaflets and pods often erect on spreading pedicels, is occasionally found in drier localities. (Eu., Asia.)


Pod linear, flattened; placentas not thickened; the valves plane or convex, more or less 1-nerved in the middle, or longitudinally veiny.

Seeds usually margined or winged. Cotyledons acc.u.mbent or a little oblique.--Leaves seldom divided. Flowers white or purple. (Name from the country, _Arabia_. See _Linn. Phil. Bot._ -- 235.)

-- 1. ARABIS proper. _Seeds in one row in each cell, orbicular or nearly so, more or less wing-margined; cotyledons strictly acc.u.mbent._

[*] _Low, chiefly biennials, diffuse or spreading from the base._

1. A. Ludoviciana, Meyer. Nearly glabrous, often annual; leaves all pinnately parted into oblong or linear few-toothed or entire divisions, those of the lower leaves numerous; pedicels very short; flowers small, white; pods rather broadly linear, spreading, flat; seeds winged.--Open grounds, Va. to Mo., and southward.

[*][*] _Erect and simple leafy-stemmed biennials, with simple leaves, white or whitish flowers, narrow but flattened ascending or erect pods, and nearly wingless seeds._

2. A. patens, Sulliv. Downy with spreading hairs, erect (1--2 high); stem-leaves oblong-ovate, acutish, coa.r.s.ely toothed or the uppermost entire, partly clasping by the heart-shaped base; petals (bright white, 4” long) twice the length of the calyx; _pedicels slender, spreading; pods spreading or ascending, tipped with a distinct style_.--Penn. to central Ohio and southward; Minn. April, May.

3. A. hirsuta, Scop. Rough-hairy, sometimes smoothish, strictly erect (1--2 high); stem-leaves oblong or lanceolate, entire or toothed, partly clasping by a somewhat arrow-shaped or heart-shaped base; petals (greenish-white) small, but longer than the calyx; _pedicels and pods strictly upright; style scarcely any_; immature seeds somewhat 2-rowed.--Rocks, common, especially northward. May, June. (Eu.)

[*][*][*] _Erect and simple leafy-stemmed biennials (1--3 high), with small whitish flowers, recurved-spreading or pendulous flat pods (3--4'