Part 13 (1/2)

Three-nine-celled ovary; leaves heath-like. EMPETRACEae, 487

Three-celled ovary; leaves broad. RHAMNACEae, 111

One--two-celled ovary; styles or stigmas 2-cleft.


One-celled ovary; style and stigma single and entire.

Anthers opening longitudinally. THYMELaeACEae, 448

Anthers opening by uplifted valves. LAURACEae, 446

[B.] _Flowers moncious or dicious, one or both sorts in catkins._

[1.] _Only one sort of flowers in catkins or catkin-like heads._

Fertile flowers in a short catkin, head, or strobile. URTICACEae, 461

Fertile flowers single or cl.u.s.tered; sterile in slender catkins (except in f.a.gus).

Leaves pinnate; fertile flowers and fruit naked. JUGLANDACEae, 467

Leaves simple; fertile flowers 1--3 in an involucre or cup.


[2.] _Both sterile and fertile flowers in catkins or catkin-like heads._

Ovary and pod 2-celled, many-seeded. Liquidambar, in HAMAMELIDEae, 180

Ovary and pod 1-celled, many-seeded; seeds furnished with a downy tuft at one end. SALICACEae, 480

Ovary 1--2-celled, only one ovule in each cell; fruit 1-seeded.

Parasitic on trees; fruit a berry. LORANTHACEae, 449

Trees or shrubs, not parasitic.

Calyx regular, in the fertile flower succulent in fruit.


Calyx none, or rudimentary and scale-like.

Style and stigma one, simple; the flowers in heads.


Styles or long stigmas 2.

Fertile flowers 2 or 3 at each scale of the catkin.