Part 32 (1/2)
=Turberville, George.= 1530-c. 1595. Poet. Author Tragical Tales, etc.
=Turner, Chas. Tennyson.= See Tennyson-Turner.
=Turner, Dawson.= 1775-1858. Author Nat. Hist. of Sea Weeds, etc.
=Turner, Sharon.= 1768-1847. Historian. His chief works are Hist. of England in the Middle Ages, Sacred Hist. of the World, and a valuable Hist. of the Anglo-Saxons. _Pub. Har._
=Tusser, Thomas.= 1515-1580. Poet. Author of A Hondreth Good Points of Husbandrie, expanded by later writers into Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandrie. _See Mavor's edition, 1812._
=Tylor, Edward Burnett.= 183 Ethnologist. Author of Anahauc, or Mexico and the Mexicans, Researches into the Early Hist. of Mankind, Anthropology and Primitive Culture. A writer of thorough scientific knowledge, possessing an admirable style. _Pub. Apl. Ho._
=Tyndale= or =Tindal, Wm.= 1477-1536. Translator of the New Testament, 1525. Tyndale's version was afterwards revised by Coverdale. _See Offor's Life of, 1836._
=Tyndall, John.= 182 Irish physicist. Author Glaciers of the Alps, Heat as a Mode of Motion, Lect. on Light, On Radiation, etc.
_Pub. Apl._
=Tyrwhitt [t[)e]r'[)i]t], Thomas.= 1730-1786. Antiquary and Chaucerian scholar. Editor of the works of Chaucer and Chatterton. A scholar of singular insight, whose conjectures have nearly all been sustained by texts of which he knew nothing.
=Tytler [t[=i]t'l[e^]r], Alex Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee.= 1747-1813.
Scotch historian. Son to Wm. T. Author Elements of Gen. Hist., Essay on Military Law, etc. _Pub Clx. Har._
=Tytler, C. C. Fraser.= Great-niece to P. F. T. See Liddell, Mrs.
=Tytler, Patrick Fraser.= 1791-1849. Scotch historian and biographer.
Son to A. F. T. Author Scottish Worthies, etc., and a standard Hist.
of Scotland. _Pub. Har._
=Tytler, Sarah.= See Keddie, Henrietta.
=Tytler, Wm.= 1711-1792. Scotch historical and critical writer.
=Udall [yoo'd[)a]l], Nicholas.= 1506-1556. Dramatist. Author Ralph Roister Doister, the first Eng. comedy. It is known to have been acted before 1551. _See Arber's reprint._
=Upcott, Wm.= 1779-1845. Bibliographer of note.
=Urquhart [[^u]rk'[a^]rt], David.= 180 Scotch writer. Author Turkey and its Resources, The Progress of Russia, the Pillars of Hercules, etc. _Pub. Har._
=Usher or Ussher, James.= 1580-1656. Abp. Armagh. Chronologist.
Author Chronological Tables of Universal Hist. from the Creation to Vespasian. The marginal dates in the authorized version of the Bible are from Usher. _See Complete Works, 17 vols., Dublin, 1864._ _See Life, by Aikin._
=Valpy, Abraham John.= 1787-1854. Shakespearean editor. His ill.u.s.trated Shakespeare, 15 vols., appeared in 1834.
=Vanbrugh [v[)a]n'broo], Sir John.= 1666-1726. Dramatist and architect. Author of a dozen brilliant but coa.r.s.e comedies, among which The Relapse, Revoked Wife, The Confederacy, and Journey to London are the best.