Part 27 (1/2)

The literary merit of his treatises is considerable.

=Saville, Sir Henry.= 1549-1622. Antiquarian. Editor of a noted edition of Chrysostom, 1613.

=Sawyer, Wm.= 182 Poet. Author of A Year of Song, The Legend of Phillis, etc.

=Sayce, Archibald Henry.= 184 Philologist. Author of An a.s.syrian Grammar, Principles of Comparative Philology, Introduction to the Science of Language, etc.

=Schreiber, Lady Charlotte Elizabeth.= c. 1814-c. 1879. Welsh writer.

Translator of The Mabinogion.

=Scot, Sir Alexander.= fl. c. 1562. Scotch poet. His verse is amatory in tone. _See edition by David Laing, 1821._ _See Grant Wilson's Poets of Scotland._

=Scott, John.= 1730-1783. Scotch poet. His productions are flavorless and poor.

=Scott, Michael.= 1789-1835. Novelist. Author Tom Cringle's Log, etc.

=Scott, Sir Michael.= fl. c. 1250. Scotch philosopher.

=Scott, Robert=. 181 Cla.s.sical scholar. One of the editors of Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon.

=Scott, Thomas.= 1747-1821. Commentator. Author Bible Commentary, etc.

_Pub. Lip._

=Scott, Sir Walter.= 1771-1832. Scotch novelist and poet. Author of a long series of romances, beginning with Waverley, in 1814, and ending with Anne of Geierstein, in 1829. S. first made the novel a really great power in life as well as in literature. The flow of his narrative is always animated and infused with a kindly spirit. Guy Mannering, Ivanhoe, Old Mortality, and Quentin Durward are among the best of his novels. The Lady of the Lake, Marmion, and Lay of the Last Minstrel are fine narrative poems, filled with vivid descriptions of Scotch scenery. _See Taine's Eng. Lit., Ma.s.son's Novelists and Their Styles, and Hutton's Scott, in Eng. Men of Letters._ _See also The Waverley Dict., by May Rogers._

=Scott, Wm. Bell.= 181 Poet and art writer. Author The Year of the World, Life of Albert Durer, etc. _See Grant Wilson's Poets of Scotland._ _Pub. Rou._

=Scrivener, Frederick Henry.= 181 Biblical scholar. Author of a Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, and editor of a Greek Testament, The Cambridge Paragraph Bible, etc. _Pub. Ho._

=Sedley, Sir Chas.= 1639-1701. Lyric and dramatic poet. S. wrote the comedy of The Mulberry Garden. _See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2._

=Seeley, John Robert.= 183 Author Ecce h.o.m.o, Lect. and Essays, Roman Imperialism, etc. Style clear and strong. _See Myers's Essays, Modern._ _Pub. Mac. Rob._

=Selden, John.= 1584-1654. Antiquarian. Author t.i.tles of Honor, Hist.

of t.i.tles, etc. A man of wide learning, whose Table-Talk is his best known work. _See Lives, by Wilkins, 1726, Aiken, 1773, and Johnson, 1835._

=Selwyn, Geo. Augustus.= 1809-1878. Bp. Lichfield. Author Tribal a.n.a.lysis of the Bible, Are Cathedral Inst.i.tutions Useless? etc. _Pub.


=Senior, Na.s.sau Wm.= 1790-1864. Political economist. Author Lect. on Population, Essays on Fiction, etc.

=Settle, Elkanah.= 1648-1724. Dramatist. A writer of trifling merit but the rival of Dryden in his time.

=Seward, Anna.= 1747-1809. Poet. Although called in her day ”the Swan of Lichfield,” her verse is weakly sentimental and commonplace.

=Sewell, Elizabeth Missing.= 181 Poet and novelist. Author Amy Herbert, Margaret Percival, etc. A writer of excellent stories, which have a strong High Church flavor. _Pub. Apl. Dut. Har. Ho._

=Sewell, Wm.= 1805-1874. Religious writer. Bro. to E. M. S. Author of Christian Morals, etc.

=Shadwell, Thos.= 1640-1692. Dramatist. Author of 17 plays, but chiefly remembered as the b.u.t.t of Dryden's satire MacFlecknoe.

=Shaftesbury, 3d Earl of.= See Cooper, Anthony Ashley.

=Shairp, John Campbell.= 181 Scotch essayist. Author Culture and Religion, Aspects of Poetry, Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, Poetic Interpretation of Nature, Burns, in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. _Pub.