Part 22 (1/2)

=Neville, Henry.= 1620-1694. Political philosopher. Author of Plato Redivivus, a dialogue concerning government.

=Newcastle, Margaret, d.u.c.h.ess of.= 1624-1673. An untiring writer of tasteless works in verse and prose. _See Poems of, edited by E.

Brydges, 1813._

=Newcome, Wm.= 1729-1800. Abp. Armagh. Theologian. Author Harmony of the Gospels, etc.

=Newman, Francis Wm.= 180 Miscellaneous writer. Author of Phases of Faith, etc. He has written largely on religious topics from a rationalistic standpoint.

=Newman, Cardinal John Henry.= 180 Theologian. Bro. to F. W. N.

Author Tract No. 90, Parochial Sermons, Theory of Religious Belief, The Grammar of a.s.sent, Apologia Pro Vita Sua, Poems, etc. The Apologia is one of the very finest of autobiographies. Style clear, polished, and logical. _See Century Mag. June, 1882._ _Pub. Cath._

=Newton, Sir Isaac.= 1642-1727. Mathematical philosopher. A writer of clear, comprehensive intellect, Author of the Principia and a valuable treatise on Optics, etc. _See Brewster's Life of._ _Pub. Mac._

=Newton, John.= 1722-1807. Devotional writer. Co-author with Cowper of the Olney Hymns. _See Works of London, 6 vols. 8vo, 1816._

=Nichol, John.= 183 Scotch litterateur. Author Sketch Am. Lit., the drama of Hannibal, Tables of European Lit. and Hist., and a brilliant monograph on Byron in Eng. Men of Letters. _See Lit. World.

Feb. 24, 1883._ _Pub. Apl. Har._

=Nichol, John Pringle.= 1804-1859. Astronomer. Author The Solar System, The Stellar Heavens, Dict. Physical Sciences, etc.

=Nicholas, Thomas.= 1820-1879. Ethnologist and historian. Author Pedigree of the Eng. People, Hist. of Wales, etc.

=Nicholson, Wm.= 1655-1727. Abp. Cashel. Antiquarian writer.

=Nicol, Henry.= 1845-1881. Philologist. Author Hist. Eng. Sounds.

=Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris.= 1799-1848. Genealogist. Author Hist.

Orders of Knighthood of the Brit. Empire, etc.

=Nicoll, Robert.= 1814-1837. Scotch poet.

=Noel-Fearn, Henry= [Christmas]. 1811-1868. Miscellaneous writer.

Author Science and History, Preachers and Preaching, etc.

=Norris, John.= 1657-1711. Platonic philosopher. Author Theory of the Ideal World, etc.

=North, Christopher.= See Wilson, John.

=Norton, Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Sheridan= [Lady Maxwell]. 1808-1877.

Poet and novelist. Her verse has much grace and intensity of feeling.

Bingen on the Rhine is her most quoted poem. _Pub. Har. Lip. Mac.


=Norton, Thomas.= 1532-1584. Dramatist. Co-author with Sackville of the tragedy Ferrex and Porrex, and a.s.sistant of Sternhold and Hopkins in their metrical version of the Psalms.

=Nugent, Lord.= See Grenville, George.