Part 17 (2/2)
=Lesley, John.= 1527-1596. Bp. Ross. Scotch historian. _See Thomson's Edition, 1830._
=Leslie, Chas.= 1650-1722. Irish theologian. Leslie wrote A Short and Easy Method with the Deists, a controversial work once noted.
=Leslie, Chas. Rob't.= 1794-1859. Artist. Author Handbook for Young Painters, Memoirs Sir John Constable, Life and Times Sir Joshua Reynolds, etc. _See Autobiographical Recollection of, edited by Tom Taylor, 1860._
=L'Estrange [l[)e]s-tr[=a]nj], Sir Roger.= 1616-1704. Political writer and translator.
=Lever [l[=e]'ver], Chas. James.= 1806-1872. Irish novelist. Author Harry Lorrequer, Charles O'Malley, etc., rollicking tales not greatly approved by the present taste. His later novels, like That Boy at Norcott's, etc., are soberer in tone. _Pub. Har._
=Lewes [l[=u]-is], Geo. Henry.= 1817-1878. Philosopher and critic.
Author Problems of Life and Mind, Life of Goethe, Hist. of Philosophy, etc. _Pub. Apl. Ho. Hou._
=Lewes, Mrs. G. H.= See Evans, Marian.
=Lewis, Sir Geo. Cornwall.= 1806-1863. Political and historical writer. _See Letters of, 1870._
=Lewis, Matthew Gregory.= 1775-1818. Novelist. Famous as the author of The Monk, a fantastic, demoniac tale. _See Life and Correspondence, 1839._
=Leyden [li'den], John.= 1775-1811. Scotch poet and Orientalist. _See edition of his poems, 1858._
=Liddell [l[)i]d'del], Mrs. Catharine Christina Fraser-Tytler.= 184 Poet and novelist. Author Mistress Judith, Jonathan, Songs in Minor Keys, etc. _Pub. Ho. Mac._
=Liddell, Mrs. Edward.= See Liddell, Mrs. C.
=Liddell, Henry George.= 181 Cla.s.sical scholar. Author of a Hist. of Rome, and co-author with Scott of the noted Greek lexicon known as Liddell-and-Scott's. _Pub. Har._
=Liddon, Henry, Parry.= 183 Theologian. Author Bampton Lect.
1867, University Sermons, Sermons to the People, etc. A leader of High Church thought. _Pub. Dut._
=Lightfoot, Joseph Barber.= 182 Bp. Durham. Biblical commentator. _Pub. Mac._
=Lillo, George.= 1693-1739. Dramatist. Author George Barnwell, Fatal Curiosity, and Arden of Feversham. A master of dramatic situations.
=Lindsay, Sir David.= 1490-1557. Scotch poet. _See Chalmers' edition with Life, 1806._ _See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 1._
=Lingard, John.= 1771-1859. Historian. Author Hist. England, Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Ch., etc. His history has a high rank and is valued as a fair statement of facts from a Roman Catholic standpoint. _Pub. Est._
=Linton, Mrs. Eliza Lynn.= 182 Novelist. Wife to W. J. L. Author Lizzie Lorton, Sowing the Wind, etc. _Pub. Har. Lip. Rou._
=Linton, Wm. James.= 181 Poet and Engraver. Author Claribel, Hist. Wood Engraving, Life Thos. Paine, etc. _See Stedman's Victorian Poets._ _Pub. Est. Le._
=Livingstone, David.= 1817-1873. African explorer. Author Expedition to the Zambesi, Last Journals, etc. _Pub. Har._
=Lloyd, Chas.= ---- 1839. Poet. Co-author with Chas. Lamb.
=Lloyd, Robert.= 1733-1764. Poet. _See Collected Works with Life, by Kenrick, 1774._
=Locke, John.= 1632-1704. Philosopher. Author of the famous Essay on the Understanding, a work of great penetration and power. _See Life by Fox-Bourne, and Locke, by T. Fowler in Eng. Men of Letters._ _Pub.