Part 10 (1/2)
=Fletcher, John.= 1576-1625. Dramatist. Colleague of Beaumont. Among plays attributed solely to F. are Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Beggar's Bush, and the exquisite pastoral drama The Faithful Shepherdess. He wrote, also, portions of Shakespeare's Two n.o.ble Kinsmen and Henry VIII., perhaps his finest effort being the famous Wolsey Soliloquy in the latter. See Beaumont, F. _See Dyce's edition, 1843._ _See Lamb's Specimens of the Dramatic Poets, Schlegel's Dramatic Lit., and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2._
=Fletcher, Mrs. Maria Jane.= [Jewsbury.] 1800-1833. Poet.
=Fletcher, Phineas.= 1584-1650. Poet. Bro. to G. F. and cousin to J.
F. F. wrote a long and curious allegorical and anatomical poem, The Purple Island. The subject, fantastically and minutely treated, is the human body. _See Southey's Early Eng. Poets._
=Florio, John.= 1545-1625. Grammarian.
=Fonblanque [f[)o]n-bl[)a]nk'], Albany.= 1797-1872. Journalist. Author England under Seven Administrations. _See Life and Labors of, 1874._
=Foote, Samuel.= 1721-1777. Comic dramatist. The Liar and one or two other farces of his still keep the stage. _See Fosters Essays and Life by, 1805._
=Forbes, Alexander Penrose.= 1817-1875. Bp. Brechin. Theologian.
Author Explanation of the Thirty-Nine Articles, etc. _See Memoir, 1876._ _Pub. Dut._
=Forbes, Archibald.= 183 Scotch journalist. Author Soldiering and Scribbling, Glimpses through the Cannon Smoke, etc. _Pub. Osg.
=Forbes, James David.= 1809-1868. Scientist. Author Theory of Glaciers, etc. _See Life and Letters of by John C. Shairp, 1873._
=Ford, John.= 1586-1639. Dramatist. His plays all deal with unhappy love, but are powerful though morbid. The Broken Heart, his best work, is a masterpiece of pathos. His style possesses great beauty. _See Moxon's edition Old Eng. Dramatists, and Swinburne's Essays and Studies._
=Forrester, Mrs.= 18-- ----. Novelist. Author Dolores, Diana Carew, Mignon, etc. _Pub. Lip._
=Forster, John.= 1812-1876. Essayist and biographer. Author lives of d.i.c.kens, Goldsmith, Landor, Swift, Statesmen of the Commonwealth of Eng., etc. _Pub. Apl. Har. Lip._
=Fortescue, Sir John.= c. 1395-1485. Legal writer. De Laudibus Legum Angliae.
=Foster, John.= 1770-1843. Essayist. His style has both vigor and beauty. _Pub. Ca._
=Fothergill, Jessie.= 18-- ----. Novelist. Author The First Violin, Kith and Kin, One of Three, etc. _Pub. Ho._
=Fox, Chas. James.= 1749-1806. Orator and historian. _See edition of his Speeches, 6 vols., London, 1815, and Life, by Geo. O. Trevelyan._
=Fox, George.= 1624-1690. Theological writer. Founder of the Society of Friends. _See Life, by S. M. Janney._
=Fox, John.= 1517-1587. Martyrologist. Author of the famous Book of Martyrs. _Pub. Cas. Clx._
=Francillon, R. E.= 184 Novelist. Author Under Slieve Ban, Rare Good Luck, Queen Cophetua, etc. _Pub. Apl. Ho._
=Francis, Sir Philip.= 1740-1818. Political writer. Supposed author of the famous Junius Letters, a series of powerful political tracts. _See Junius, Johnson's Cyc._ _Pub. Rou._
=Fraser, James Baillie.= 1783-1856. Novelist and traveller. Author of The Kuzzilbash, Hist. Persia, etc. _See Chambers Cyc. Eng. Lit., vol.
=Freeman, Edward Augustus.= 182 Historian. Author Hist. Norman Conquest, Wm. Rufus and Henry First, Hist. Architecture, Unity of Hist., etc. An eminently thorough, accurate writer, whose Norman Conquest is one of the most important of English histories. Style animated and scholarly. _Pub. Ho. Mac._
=Fremantle, Wm. Henry.= 183 Theologian. Author The Gospel of the Secular Life, Bampton Lect. 1883, etc. _Pub. Scr._
=Freer, Martha Walker.= 182 Historian. Author Life of Marguerite of Navarre, Life of Henry III. of France, etc.