Part 48 (1/2)

Carried away by his thoughts, he rose, and pacing the room, talked more to himself than to Gherardi.

”The Church supports the robber, because he is always a coward and cannot stand alone. The murderer of his fellow-men's good name is naturally a liar, and fears lest his lies should find him out. Fear!

That is the keynote on which we of Rome play our invincible march of triumph! The Church appeals to the ignorant, the base, the sensual, the false, and the timorous; and knowing that they never repent, but are only afraid, retains them by fear!--fear, not love! Christ taught love--but hate is the more popular virtue! Hence again, the power of the Church!”

”Your argument is perfectly orthodox!” said Gherardi, with a smile.

”Hate is a grand, a strong quality!” went on Moretti, ”It makes nations, it builds up creeds! If men loved one another what should they need of a Church? But Hate!--the subtle sense which makes the ultra-respectable thank G.o.d that he is not as other men are!--the fierce emotion which almost touches ecstacy when the wronged individual thinks his enemy will go to h.e.l.l!--the fine fever which sets father against son, creed against creed, nation against nation!--hate is the chief mainspring of human motives! From hate and envy spring emulation and conquest--and we of the Church encourage the haters to hate on!

They make Us!--they emulate each other in the greed of their gifts to us, which give them notoriety and advertise their generosity,--WE fan the flame and encourage the fury! For the world must have a religion--it crucified Christ, but the Church, built up in His name, takes just and daily revenge for His murder! We do not save--we kill!

We do not rescue--we trample down! We humiliate,--we crush wherever we can, and it is well and fitting we should do so! For Humanity is a brute beast, and serves us best under the lash. Rome made many a blunder in the old days of barbarity and ignorance--but now we have a thousand forces put into our hands instead of one or two,--forces to terrorise--forces to compel!--and the power of Rome wielded by the Popes of the days to come, shall be indeed a power irresistible!”

He stood enrapt,--his hand upraised, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng, then recalling himself, turned abruptly on Gherardi with an impatient gesture.

”You can repeat all this,” he said sarcastically, ”in your next eloquent discourse with Aubrey Leigh! It will save you the trouble of thinking! His influence with the English will be but a brief phenomenon,--the blind and brutal stupidity of the people he seeks to serve will soon dishearten and discourage him, and then he will come to us through his wife, and his conversion will be a triumph worth winning,--a step in the right direction. And now to other matters.

These papers,” and he sat down at the table once more, ”are, I think, sufficiently in order to be placed before His Holiness. But you may as well look through them with me first. Later on, the affair of Cardinal Bonpre will occupy all our time . . .”

”It is an 'affair' then?” asked Gherardi, ”The 'saint' is in trouble?”

”All 'saints' get into trouble!” answered Moretti, ”It is only sinners who receive honour! Cardinal Bonpre has made the fatal mistake of reading Jesus Christ's Gospel instead of Church Doctrine! His creed is Love,--his duty, as I have just explained to you, if he would be a faithful son of the Church, is Hate!”

”Love forms no part of your nature then?” asked Gherardi, hardly knowing why he put the question, yet curious as to the answer.

”I am of the world!” replied Moretti coldly, ”And I hate accordingly. I hate, and in my hate, aspire to crush those who in turn hate me! That is the human code, and one that must be strictly practised by all who would rule mankind. Never do anything for those who can do nothing for you! Firmly oppose those who oppose you! Revenge yourself on those who despitefully use you! We do revenge ourselves,--and we reward all who help us to our revenge! For example, Denis Vergniaud has cast opprobrium on his calling, and made a scandal and a shame of the Church before his congregation in Paris;--we excommunicate him! It is no use, but we do it on principle. And we are still unable to explain away, or offer any excuse for Cardinal Bonpre's mistake in condoning and pardoning his offence. Therefore it follows as you say, that the 'saint' is in trouble!”

”Notwithstanding the miracle?”

”Notwithstanding the miracle!” echoed Moretti, ”For the miracle is doubtful. The Holy Father is not satisfied of its truth. Yes--there is no doubt about it, Saint Felix is in trouble! It would be better for him had he never come out of his long retirement. But perhaps he was compelled to look after his Rouen foundling!”

A smile flickered faintly over Gherardi's face, but he said not a word in answer. Discovering an error in one of the doc.u.ments he was examining, he called Moretti's attention to it, and the conversation drifted to everyday trivial subjects. But the thoughts of both men were elsewhere, and not even the news received that morning of the bequest of one hundred thousand pounds to the Shrine of Lourdes from a deluded believer in the miraculous Virgin there, absorbed so much of their reflective brain powers as the imminent trial--for it was little else--of Cardinal Bonpre, in the presence of the boy to whom he so openly gave his confidence and protection.

Meanwhile, the good Felix himself was very sorely troubled. During his sojourn in Rome, he had grown thinner and paler, and the fine, spiritual delicacy of his features had become more intensified, while his clear blue eyes shone from under their deeply arched brows with a flas.h.i.+ng luminance that was almost unearthly. Often, when about to enter his room with unthinking haste, his brother-in-law, Prince Pietro, would see him kneeling before his crucifix absorbed, one might almost say entranced, in prayer. And he would softly move away again with a deep sense of awe, and a feeling that some higher power than any on earth, sustained the venerable prelate, and inspired both his words and actions. But with all his patient, sometimes pa.s.sionate prayer, earnest meditations, and constant study of the Gospels, the Cardinal himself was more or less heavy-hearted,--and his Master's phrase--”My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death!” was one which he often breathed in the solitude and extremity of his own position. The news of the disappearance of Claude Cazeau had materially added to his difficulties--and now he had been commanded, with a certain peremptoriness in the summons, to wait upon the Sovereign Pontiff in a private audience, bringing with him the boy who could, or would give no further account of himself than that of a world's waif and stray.

Prepared for this visit and arrayed in all the splendour befitting his rank in the Church, the gentle old man looked paler and more fragile than ever, and the vague trouble he felt at the express injunction laid upon him concerning Manuel, showed itself in the deep furrows of anxiety marked upon his brow, and the pain in his thoughtful eyes.

Prince Pietro's own man-servant had a.s.sisted him to dress for the impending ceremonial, and just as the last folds of his regal attire were being set in place a knock was heard at the door of his apartment, and Prince Pietro himself entered.

”A telegram for you, brother Felix,” he said, ”I have brought it myself, thinking it may perhaps immediately concern your visit to the Pope to-day.”

The Cardinal, with a gentle word of thanks, opened the envelope handed to him.

”Praise be to G.o.d!” he said simply, as he read its contents, ”Vergniaud has pa.s.sed to the Higher tribunal!”

And he crossed himself reverently on brow and breast.

”Dead?” exclaimed Sovrani.

”To this world, yes!” answered Bonpre, ”He died peacefully last night.

This message is from his son.”

A faint ironical smile flickered over Sovrani's dark features.