Part 15 (1/2)

Sandra kissed him on the cheek. ”Not really, babe. I was in labor for twenty-six hours with Brody.”

”And, you want to do it again someday?” Tamara asked. Christie laughed and smacked her gently. ”What?” Tamara asked.

Christie's eyes twinkled. ”Really? You know, you are going to have to tell Addison and Emma sooner or later.”

”Yeah, well,” Tamara said.

”No way!” Sandra said. ”Are you guys pregnant?”

”Don't look at me,” Christie said. ”We just started the show. Addison would kill me, and Emma might let her.”

Sandra and Jeff's mouths both flew open. Sandra pointed at Tamara. ”You...”

”Hey! Why's that so surprising? Anyway, no one is knocked up yet, so cool your jets,” Tamara said. ”I have some tradition, you know.”

”Did you actually set a wedding date?” Jeff asked.

”Have you?” Tamara shot back playfully. Sandra cleared her throat. ”Did you?” Tamara asked.

”Not yet, so cool your jets,” Jeff replied in kind. ”I believe in some traditions too.”

”Uh-huh. So, you're abstaining until marriage?” Tamara deadpanned just as her phone started buzzing.

”Saved by the buzz,” Jeff muttered. Sandra giggled.

”Is it here yet?” Tamara answered her phone.

”It?” Addison looked at Emma who laughed. ”You're on speaker, Tam,” Addison said.

”Oh! Hey, Em! Wait! I should put you on speaker too. Hold on.”

Addison shook her head and kissed Emma's cheek. ”You okay?” she whispered.

”Perfect,” Emma promised.

”Okay!” Tamara responded ”So? Is it over yet?”

”Jesus, Tam, you make it sound like we were in some kind of natural disaster,” Addison said.

”Felt like it for a while,” Emma commented. Addison chuckled.

”Come on!” Tamara urged. ”We're all here. What's the deal? What is it?”

”Would you please stop calling my daughter an it?” Addison replied.

”It's a girl?” Tamara asked in disbelief.

”It's a girl,” Emma answered happily.

”King, dude! You are gonna be drowning in estrogen!” Tamara said, soliciting full blown laughter from everyone.

”So?” Sandra piped up.

”How many people are at my house, Tam?” Addison chuckled.

”Just the important ones,” Tamara replied.

Addison rolled her eyes. ”Hannah Bridget Blake,” she said proudly. Emma kissed the baby in her arms and smiled at Addison.

”Is the sprout all excited?” Tamara asked.

Emma smiled at Addison. Tamara loved Vicki. No one could have missed the affection in Tamara's voice. ”She is,” Emma said. ”Grandma just took her for a snack while we get settled.”

”How are you?” Sandra asked Emma over the line.

”We're all good,” Emma said. ”Tired, but good. This little one was bigger than a sprout,” she chuckled.

Addison coughed. ”A bit,” she said.

”How big?” Tamara asked.

”Nine pounds, three ounces, twenty-one inches,” Emma replied.

”f.u.c.k me,” Tamara muttered as she went pale, again soliciting a round of laughter.