Part 37 (1/2)
So much young Blacklock noted at the moment of uprus.h.i.+ng. In the next breath he had wrapped the mackintoshed bomb-firer in a wrestler's hug from behind, and the knife raised to be driven into Ballard's back clattered upon the stones of the path. There was a gasping oath in a strange tongue, a fierce struggle on the part of the garroted one to turn and face his new a.s.sailant, and then the collegian, with his chin burrowing between the shoulder-blades of his man, heard swift footsteps approaching and a deep-toned, musical voice booming out a sharp command: ”Manuel! you grand scoundrel!--drop that thah gun, suh!”
Something else, also metallic, and weightier than the knife, clicked upon the stones; whereupon Blacklock loosed his strangler's grip and stepped back. Ballard stooped to pick up the knife and the pistol.
Wingfield, who had been the colonel's second in the race along the hazardous mine path, drew aside; and master and man were left facing each other.
The Mexican straightened up and folded his arms. He was breathing hard from the effect of Blacklock's gripping hug, but his dark face was as impa.s.sive as an Indian's. The white-haired King of Arcadia turned to Ballard, and the mellow voice broke a little.
”Mistuh-uh Ballard, you, suh, are a Kentuckian, of a race that knows to the fullest extent the meaning of henchman loyalty. You shall say what is to be done with this po' villain of mine. By his own confession, made to me this afte'noon, he is a cutthroat and an Undeh a mistaken idea of loyalty to me”--the deep voice grew more tremulous at this--”undeh a mistaken idea of loyalty to me, suh, he has been fighting in his own peculiah fas.h.i.+on what he conceived to be my battle with the Arcadia Company. Without compunction, without remo'se, he has taken nearly a score of human lives since the day when he killed the man Braithwaite and flung his body into the riveh. Am I making it cleah to you, Mistuh Ballard?”
How he managed to convey his sense of entire comprehension, Ballard scarcely knew. One thought was submerging all others under a mounting wave of triumphant joy: Colonel Adam, the father of the princess of heart's delight, was neither a devil in human guise nor a homicidal madman. Elsa's trouble was a phantom appeased; it had vanished like the dew on a summer morning.
”I thank you, suh,” was the courtly acknowledgment; and then the deep voice continued, with an added note of emotion. ”I am not pleading for the murderer, but for my po' liegeman who knew no law of G.o.d or man higheh than what he mistakenly took to be his masteh's desiah. How long all this would have continued, if I hadn't suhprised him in the ve'y act of trying to kill you as you were lowering that thah stop-gate to-day, we shall neveh know. But the entiah matteh lies heavy on my conscience, suh. I ought to have suspected the true sou'ce of all the mysterious tragedies long ago; I should have suspected it if I hadn't been chin-deep myself, suh, in a similah pool of animosity against Mr. Pelham and his fellow-robbehs. What will you do with this po' scoundrel of mine, Mistuh Ballard?”
”Nothing, at present,” said Ballard, gravely, ”or nothing more than to ask him a question or two.” He turned upon the Mexican, who was still standing statue-like with his back to the low cliff of the path ledge.
”Did you kill Macpherson?--as well as Braithwaite and Sanderson?”
”I kill-a dem all,” was the cool reply. ”You say--he all say--'I make-a da dam.' I'll say: '_Caramba!_ You _no_ make-a da dam w'at da Colonel no want for you to make.' Da.s.s all.”
”So it was you who hit Bromley on the head and knocked him into the canyon?”
The statuesque foreman showed his teeth. ”Dat was one bad _mees_take.
I'll been try for knock _you_ on da haid, dat time, for sure, Senor Ballar'.”
”And you were wearing that rain-coat when you did it?”
The Mexican nodded. ”I'll wear heem h-always w'en da sun gone down--same like-a da Colonel.”
”Also, you were wearing it that other night, when you heaved a stone down on my office roof?”
Another nod.
”But on the night when you scared Hoskins and made him double up his train on Dead Man's Curve, you didn't wear it; you wore a shooting-coat and a cap like the one Braithwaite used to wear.”
The posing statue laughed hardily. ”Dat was one--w'at you call heem?--one beeg joke. I'll been like to make dat 'Oskins break hees h'own neck, _si_: hees talk too much 'bout da man w'at drown' heself.”
”And the Carson business: you were mixed up in that, too?”
”Dat was one _mees_take, al-so; one ver' beeg _mees_take. I'll hire dat dam'-fool Carson to shoot da ditch. I t'ink you and da beeg h-Irishman take-a da trail and Carson keel you. Carson, he'll take-a da money, and make for leetle scheme to steal cattle. Som' day I keel heem for dat.”
”Not in this world,” cut in Ballard, briefly. ”You're out of the game, from this on.” And then, determined to be at the bottom of the final mystery: ”You played the spy on Mr. Wingfield, Bromley, Blacklock and me one afternoon when we were talking about these deviltries. Afterward, you went up to Castle 'Cadia. That evening Mr. Wingfield nearly lost his life. Did you have a hand in that?”
Again the Mexican laughed. ”Senor Wingfiel' he is know too moch. Som'
day he is make me ver' sorry for myself. So I'll hide be'ind dat fornace, and give heem one leetle push, so”--with the appropriate gesture.
”That is all,” said Ballard, curtly. And then to the colonel: ”I think we'd better be moving over to the other side. The ladies will be anxious. Jerry, take that fellow on ahead of you, and see that he doesn't get away. I'm sorry for you, Colonel Craigmiles; and that is no empty form of words. As you have said, I am a Kentuckian, and I do know what loyalty--even mistaken loyalty--is worth. My own grudge is nothing; I haven't any. But there are other lives to answer for. Am I right?”
”You are quite right, suh; quite right,” was the sober rejoinder; and then Blacklock said ”_Vamos!_” to his prisoner, airing his one word of Spanish, and in single file the five men crossed on the dam to the mesa side of the rising lake where Bigelow, with Elsa and Miss Cantrell and a lately awakened Mrs. Van Bryck, were waiting. At the rea.s.sembling, Ballard cut the colonel's daughter out of the storm of eager questionings swiftly, masterfully.
”You were wrong--we were all wrong,” he whispered joyously. ”The man whom you saw, the man who has done it all in your father's absolute and utter ignorance of what was going on, is Manuel. He has confessed; first to his master, and just now to all of us. Your father is as sane as he is blameless. There is no obstacle now for either of us. I shall resign to-morrow morning, and----”
It was the colonel's call that interrupted.
”One moment, Mistuh Ballard, if you please, suh. Are there any of youh ditch camps at present in the riveh valley below heah?”