Chapter 184: Rinsyi, on stage! (1/2)
Chapter 184: Rinsyi, on stage!
The score was actually three-one!
Even if Agate Lake Academy couldn’t win any of the remaining fights, even if the final score ended up being five-three in favor of Golden Stag Academy, it would still be an achievement to be proud of.
Because it was plain for everyone to see that even the substitutes in team Golden Stag were celebrity-level contestants with three open arcane gates.
But seeing Connie covered in blood, everyone clearly felt that Agate Lake Academy’s wouldn’t stop there!
“Before that, the weak teams couldn’t display their real level anytime they ran into a powerful team, so the matches ended with an overwhelming score, and they couldn’t even pose the slightest threat to the powerful teams. Only a blood-soaked battle like this can be called a real match!”
Many people in the stands couldn’t help but suddenly voice this thought.
“Another substitute?”
Just then, the deathly quiet arena suddenly erupted again.
A short and small boy with a peculiar red in the rim of the eyes walked out of team Golden Stag and strode toward the center of the field.
This boy wasn’t someone from Golden Stag Academy’s main lineup either!
“Rinsban against Connie!”
There was also a peculiar emotion in Kleis’ voice.
What on earth was the catalyst that made the genius boys and the genius girls from St. Lauren to become so fundamentally different this year?
“As long as I get rid of this opponent, then Golden Stag will only have the last one left… While we still have Helena, Nikita and Sophia.”
Soaked in blood from head to toe, Connie suddenly exposed a radiant smile the moment Kleis’ voice rose in the field.
For some strange reason, this smile made Rinsban’s heart suddenly shiver. It even caused the flow of his arcane particles to slow down in spite of himself.
“Radiant Goddess!”
Along with a firm chant, the Radiant Goddess condensed from countless burning rays of light once again towered in the field.
“One-Eyed Demon!”
Rinspan’s chant rose with a slight delay.
But even if he had been a little disturbed at the start, the speed at which he completed his arcane skill still surpassed Connie’s speed by an obvious margin.
The instant the Radiant Goddess towered in the field, yellow-green bright flames coiling around him and a huge monster appeared in front of the Radiant Goddess. It was even a head taller than the Goddess.
“What arcane skill is that?!”
“Why’s it so strange!”
A gasp descended from the stands.
Because this monster condensed from arcane power was just like a mummy covered in bandages. The only thing left exposed with a single huge green eye.
Just like Radiant Goddess, this huge monster covered around Rinsban’s body.
Rinsban’s body proper should be at the center of this huge monster!
Almost no one in the stand had seen this skill, and almost no one in the stands knew what kind of characteristic the power of this skill would possess, but just then, in the center of the Radiant Goddess, Connie merely smiled.
“Radiant Goddess—Sacrifice!”
The Radiant Goddess around her suddenly ignited!
All the spectators erupted in astonishment in the stands. Rinsban’s eyes suddenly shrank as well.
The burning Radiant Goddess actually carried Connie inside while it flew at Rinsban, the light shining from it even more blinding.
“Demonfire’s Erosion!”
With a swift chant from Rinsban, the huge single-eyed monster around him shot a giant column of green fire.
But in that very instant, the burning Radiant Goddess directly detonated!
The whole burning Goddess exploded, just like a small sun!
In the stands, countless spectators yelled in alarm.
Even from very far away, they could still feel an acute burning pain on their skins.
A tremendous blast wave battered all the stands with crazed gusts of wind. Many people trembled fiercely from this blast.
“She actually…”
Inside the one-eyed demon, Rinsban was also overwhelmed with shock.
The one-eyed monster outside him was inside the dazzling light of the fire, so no one could clearly see from the stands, but he could distinctively see the one-eyed monster around him crumble layer by layer!
The monster was a total wreck simply one second later. Overwhelmed by horror, he was burned by the fire without opposing any resistance!