Chapter 178: The raging roar of victory (2/2)
In the same instant, something whistled through the air.
His body had already shot explosively in front of the collapsing Priau. With a boom, he smashed Priau away with one punch.
Everyone on team Rapier suddenly twitched.
“This red-haired kid knew he had to give his all before, but he previously didn’t have much confidence in himself,” Dragon Breath’s captain Morgan couldn’t resist saying in a quiet voice in the stands. “But ever since the start of this match, his confidence had been on a whole new level. Now his way of fighting really resembles Ayrin’s style a little. Multi-faceted and unpredictable. Any carelessness could see you defeated even if your arcane level is stronger than his.”
“I’m already looking forward to the match between them and Silver Trout.” Audrey’s eyes swept through Chris, Belo, Stingham, and the others standing beside the field. “Right now, these people seem absolutely confident they can sweep through Silver Trout even without Ayrin.”
“Rapier Academy isn’t giving up yet, but this red-haired kid’s condition seems better and better. I think there’s no hope for Rapier Academy of winning the next two fights. How amazing, Holy Dawn Academy is going to five nil Rapier Academy.” Morgan exhaled, his eyes brimming with a wise light. “That being said, they’re already letting this red-haired kid loose in this match. I think Holy Dawn Academy still has other hidden aces up their sleeve.”
Meanwhile, Ludlig, the fourth fighter for Rapier Academy, had already taken his place in the field.
“I jump, I jump jump jump!”
Throughout the entire arena, what made the spectators speechless was, when Kleis declared the start of the fight, Moss immediately started hopping left and right in his original spot.
And each time he jumped, Ludlig sweat even more cold sweat in front of him because of his extreme nervousness.
Moss genuinely jumped all of a sudden, fiercely whistling through the air.
Ludlig had been keeping a close eye on the slightest change in Moss’ muscles. He moved at the same time and quickly shifted to the side, wrapped amidst wild gusts of wind.
Moss’s figure suddenly enlarged in the middle of the air, then swiftly fell to the ground.
Everyone thought he would immediately change direction and catapult himself forward again, but what no one imagined was, two balls of light shone on his hands before his feet even touched the ground.
“Stone Throw!”
Two huge white blocks of rock salt smashed with incomparable accuracy on a Ludlig who was still observing his every movement with all his attention.
Ludlig shouted in pain, directly sent flying away.
Shock ran through the spectators in the entire venue.
Inside the field, his hands still covered in a white layer of powdered salt, Moss actually roared with utter haughtiness, “What, did you think I can only jump and can’t launch arcane skills?”
“Rock Salt Throw, that’s a clan skill handed down in House Quinn.”
“It’s also a skill giants commonly used before.”
“They say that during the era of the War of the Dragons, when many giants used this skill at the same time, even if the rock salts they smash can’t directly crush the opponent dead, it can still bury them in salt and salt them to death.”
“That’s right, we only knew he could jump and crash into people, send them flying, but jumping or hitting all use physical strength. He hadn’t used arcane skills yet previously.”
The stands were in an uproar. Many people became aware they’d forgotten the fact that, no matter how big Moss’s frame became, he was still an arcane master who could launch arcane skills.
“The catapulting and smashing of his body proper are already equivalent to arcane skills to begin with, and he can launch arcane skill at the same time as well. That’s the most powerful thing about giant bloodlines. How do you even win against something like that?”
Barkley, the fifth contestant for Rapier Academy, had already braced himself and walked into the field, but there wasn’t any confidence left in him anymore.
“Let me win frank and straight up this time!”
Moss remembered Ayrin then. “You can’t make fun of me anymore now, can you?”
“Bring it!”
The instant Kleis declared the start of the fight, he issued a wild roar and, without going for any feint this time, directly jumped instead.
Everyone noticed that he didn’t immediately shrink his body after jumping in the air, but still maintained his huge frame.
“Puff!” “Puff!”
First, two salt rocks half the size of a normal man viciously shot in Barkley’s direction.
After firing these two rock salts, he suddenly shrank and enlarged then shrank then enlarged several times in the space of an instant, causing the speed and direction of his advance to be totally unreadable.
Barkley evaded the two rock salts, but he was already confused by Moss’s transformations. Moss directly struck him with a punch, and, just like the four other teammates before him, sent him smashing away in the air.
“Moss’ confidence and condition are really getting better as time goes on. If he keeps at it, he’ll probably be very strong by the time the national tournament ends.”
Looking at Barkley sailing high in the air, Audrey couldn’t hold back this thought.
In the center of the field, Moss lifted his hands high after sending Rapier Academy’s final fighter high in the air in one punch, and madly roared again.
“This is my Variable-Speed Flesh Cannonball!”
“We won!”
Carrying a strange power, his roar was exceptionally bestirring.