Chapter 809 - 60 Sit-Ups (1/2)
“Junior Sister Ye Jian, all the best! All the best!”
“w.a.n.g Jin, don’t be so arrogant. Junior Sister Ye Jian is very strong!”
The young man holding the microphone was called w.a.n.g Jin. He was a professional at playing darts. It was even said that he had partic.i.p.ated in compet.i.tions before!
Amidst the applause, Ye Jian wore a smile on her face and walked out calmly. She looked at the dartboard that was mostly red, black, and white. Using the center of the dartboard as the starting point, lines moved out like the rays of the sun. The circle in the center was the smallest and the circle expanded outwards. There were a total of five circles. On the edge of the board, the numbers 1 to 20 were written on it.
Ye Jian looked at the dartboard. She had never played this before so she didn’t know the rules. She could only guess how the points were counted.
“Darts started out from the 15th century in England. During the 1930s, darts playing started becoming a profession. There are professional a.s.sociations and professional compet.i.tions. I was the one who brought the few of us into the game. We have been playing for a few years.” w.a.n.g Jin started by introducing the origins of the dart game. You could tell that he respected this sport.
He explained the score sections, the double score, the triple score, and the central circle in detail. This would affect the score so he needed to explain them clearly.
“Do you mean that the circle in the center doesn’t have the highest score? The highest score is the triple 20?” Ye Jian realized that her guesses were all wrong after listening to the explanation.
w.a.n.g Jin nodded. He smiled and said, “People that never play darts before normally think that the center point has the highest score. Actually, the highest score is triple 20.”
The students watching them gasped too. Ye Jian wasn’t the only one who didn’t know this. Many students didn’t know it either.
“It sounds very impressive. I didn’t know that w.a.n.g Jin and his friends are so professional.”
“That’s right. I only just found out that the middle circle doesn’t give the highest score.”