73 Wu find Biyu true identity ? (1/2)
In the evening, Biyu was sleeping in the bedroom. Tian Wu was in the kitchen to make some food.
Wu came from the kitchen and called her.
She was unwilling to wake from the bed.
She heard the phone ringing sound. She didn't like to pick the call because of her laziness.
Wu went to take her phone and said, ”Biyu your sister is calling?”
Biyu: ”Which sister?”
Wu: ”Elder sister, You saved in the contact like this.”
She jumped from the bed, went to him and snatched the phone from her hand. She attended her phone and said, ”Hi, What a surprise? How are you ?”
Gee: ”What are you doing? I called many times.”
Biyu: ”I am in the bathroom. So, Why are you calling?”
Gee: ”Waiting for the lift in your apartment.”
Biyu: ”My apartment?”
Gee: ”Come and open the door.”
Biyu: ”Okay.” She cut the calland said, ”My sister is coming.”
Tian Wu got confused and said, ”Do you have a sister ?”
Biyu: ”Yes”
She tensed because Gee was coming to her home. She started to bite her nails and said, ”I am going.”
Tian Wu: ”Okay. Don't bite your nails? Wear your dress.”
She realized that she wore only camisole and panties. She shouted and asked him, ”Where is my dress ?”
He smiled and pointed out on the sofa. She took her dress and wore it.
He watched her activities and thought,
”Her elder sister!
Who is she?
It looks like, Biyu obeys her elder sister.”
Biyu: ”I am going. Bye” and she kissed him. She opened the door and went to near lift.
”No time for a lift, Use stairs,” thought herself and she used stairs to go down her room.
He saw her shoes in his room. He took her shoes and followed her room.
She opened her room and lying on the sofa.
”Great escaped. Suddenly why she is coming.”, thought herself.
She got up and took the water bottle from the fridge. While she was drinking water, He came to the house, stood behind her and put his right hand on her shoulder.