70 The Grandpa ordered (2/2)
Gee: ”I need to think about that.”
Jingxi: ”Okay, Think about that and tell a positive reply. If you okay, Come to my villa.” and she left that place.
Gee thought, ”She knows where Gia is.”
”What help she needed?”
After two hours, the meeting was over, and everyone came. She saw Tian Wu went from the meeting room and she followed him. He went to his room.
She saw him and thought
”What happened at the meeting.”
”Why he is angry?”
Biyu stood beside the table. Wu saw her and asked, ”Go and wait in the outside of the room. I will call you if I want.”
Biyu: ”No, I am not going anywhere.”
Wu: ”Why?”
Biyu: ”Your mood is not good. So I am here to encourage you.”
Wu: ”Call it a day. I am exhausted.”
Biyu smiled and said, ”Yesterday night.”
Wu: ”Don't think like that way.”
He closed his eyes, and he took a cat nap.
The intercom was ringing, and she took the intercom, the other end is Chun.
Biyu: ”Hi, May I help you.”
Chun: ”Who are you?”
Biyu: ”Biyu”
Chun: ”You?”
Biyu: ”Director is busy. Please tell me. I will convey your message.”
Chun: ”No, thanks.” and she cut the call.
She thought, ”Today she joined in the company.”
”She called him. But I attend the call. If she comes, she will complain against me to Wu.”
She heard the door opening sound and got panic.
”She will come.”
”No, Its Tian Yu.”
Tian Yu Came and asked her, ”What happened?”
Biyu: ”I got panic.”
Tian Yu: ”Why?”
Biyu: ”Leave it, Anything you what.”
Tian Yu: ”I am one of the directors in this company. Give respect.”
Biyu took a deep breath and said, ”Go away.”
He saw his brother and said, ”Why he sleeping like this. Did you give something to eat.”
Biyu: ”Nothing. Don't disturb him. Come on. we will go there and speak.”
They moved and sat on the sofa.
Biyu: ”Do you want anything to drink?”
Tian Yu: ”Yeah, I want coffee. Can you order for me?”
Through the intercom, She asked another assistant to bring coffee for him.
Biyu: ”What happened at the meeting?”
Tian Yu: ”Chairman ordered to handover Wu's works to Xue.”
Biyu: ”What?”
Tian Yu: ”Now big bro is the dummy.”
Biyu: ”Why you say like that?”
Tian Yu: ”I am not saying, everyone in the office saying.”
The assistant came and delivered the coffee to Yu. He took the coffee to drink.
Tian Yu: ”Nice coffee. Do you try?”
Biyu: ”Nope.”
Tian Yu: ”Biyu, you are one of the assistants. But you behave like a boss.”
Biyu: ”Yeah, I am the boss of the Tex Company, Wait, and see, I will.”
Tian Yu: ”Overconfident.”
Biyu: ”My confidant.”