66 Wedding (1/2)
They went to the golden mall in the city. Biyu was in a happy mood, and anxiously, she went to each boutique shop to select her dress. Tian Yu got angry because she was eating his valuable time.
Tian Yu: ”Biyu, select any dress. It's not your wedding.”
Tian Xue: ”Yu, Don't speak like this. It hurts her.”
Biyu: ”Yeah, It's not my wedding. But at the wedding, I will be a star.”
Tian Yu: ”Bro, I think the full day we select only her dress.”
Tian Xue: ”Biyu, I will help you to select a dress.”
Biyu: ”Really, thank you. Yu see your brother. You must learn from your brother.”
Tian Yu: ”Bro see that Lady Linda open a new shop in our city. It's her branded logo.”
Tian Xue: ”I don't know.”
Biyu: ”Mall is yours. You don't know what shop is here.”
Tian Xue: ”I am not involved in the company's work.”
Tian Yu: ”Me too. Only Wu”
Biyu: ”I think today, they opened the shop. We will go and see it.”
Tian Xue got the phone call and walked away from them in the hallway.
Tian Yu: ”We will go and see Gia also.”
Biyu: ”You said Gia, her full name is ”
Tian Yu: ”Gia Ba, Ki Ba's daughter.”
Biyu: ”Her sister name is Gee. is it true?”
Tian Yu: ”How do you know?”
Biyu: ”She is my school friends.”
Tian Yu: ”You know her number.”
Biyu tried to act smartly and said, ”How do I know. She went to Jail.”
Tian Yu: ”Yeah.”
Tian Xue finished his call and turned to see them.
Tian Xue: ”Yu, Dad called, We need to go to the house immediately.”
Biyu: ”What happened?”
Tian Xue: ”I think, Ms. Jingxi and her father created a problem like this.”
Tian Yu: ”How come, he created the issue. Grandpa doesn't like her to marry our brother. So he delayed their marriage.”
Tian Xue: ”Yeah. We will go and see it.”
Biyu: ”I missed something.”
Tian Yu: ”What?”
Biyu: ”Both already know about the wedding will be canceled at the end.”
Both have glanced with each other.
Tian Xue smiled and said, ”Yeah, We know our grandpa do like this.”
”Yu, We will go.”