Part 6 (1/2)
I don't believe in it moreover. It's the cry of a man, and men cry out for the pleasure of hearing their own voices.
TOBY-DOG, (_calm again_)
I'm hungry. Can't we hope to eat soon, my mistress? I don't know what time it is in this strange country, but it seems to me....
Come now, we'll all have our luncheon.
(_She takes the things out of the basket, crumples up some tissue paper and breaks a crisp brown roll_.)
TOBY-DOG, (_chewing_)
What She gave me then must have been very good indeed to seem such a tiny bit. It melted in my mouth, there's not even the memory of it left....
KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (_chewing_)
Breast of chicken! Purr-rr ... Goodness me! I was purring without knowing it! That won't do. They'll think me resigned to this journey. I must eat slowly, grim, and undeceived, eat for the sole purpose of keeping myself alive ...
SHE, (_to the dog and cat_)
Allow me to have _my_ luncheon now, if you please. _I_ too, like cold chicken and the hearts of lettuce, dipped in salt....
HE, (_anxiously_)
What _shall_ we do to make this cat go into his basket again?
I don't know. We'll see presently ...
Finished already? I could swallow three times that much. I say Cat, you're eating rather well for a martyr.
KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (_fibbing_)
Trouble digs a hole in one's interior. Move away please, I want to sleep now ... if I can. Perhaps a merciful dream will take me back to the house I've left, to the flowered cus.h.i.+on He gave me.... Home! sweet home! Rugs of bright colors for the delight of my eyes, a palm with nice shoots for me to eat, deep arm-chairs, under which I hide my woolen ball as a future surprise for myself--ah, and the cork hanging by a string to the door-latch! the tables covered with bibelots! I thread my way in and out among them and occasionally it amuses me to break some brittle thing. The dining-room is a temple! The vestibule, full of mystery; there unseen, I can watch those who come and go ... Oh narrow back-stairway, where the step of the milkman rings out for me like a morning angelus--farewell! farewell! my destiny carries me on, and who knows if ever ... But this is _too_ sad! All the pretty things I've been saying have really begun to make me feel badly!!
(_He begins a minute and mournful toilet. The train stops. A conductor on the platform cries, ”Aw-ll-a-borr-a-borr!!”_)
There it is again! An acci--Oh bother, I've had enough of that!
HE, (_anxiously_)
We're going to change trains in ten minutes. How about the cat? He'll never allow us to shut him up ...