Part 49 (1/2)
”'Have you ever seen clearer, and have you ever sat softer?'
”'Yes!' she said, 'in my father's hall I saw clearer, and on my mother's lap I sat softer.'
”Oh! then you are not the right one,' said the white bear, and with that he hunted her home again.
”The third Thursday he came again, and then he smote the army harder than he had done before; so the king thought he couldn't let him slay his whole army like that, and he gave him his third daughter in G.o.d's name. So he took her up on his back and went away far, and farther than far, and when they had gone deep, deep, into the wood, he asked her as he had asked the others, whether she had ever sat softer or seen clearer?
”'No! never!' she said.
”'Ah!' he said, 'you are the right one.'
”So they came to a castle which was so grand, that the one her father had was like the poorest place when set against it. There she was to be and live happily, and she was to have nothing else to do but to see that the fire never went out. The bear was away by day, but at night he was with her, and then he was a man. So all went well for three years; but each year she had a baby, and he took it and carried it off as soon as ever it came into the world. Then she got more and more dull, and begged she might have leave to go home and see her parents. Well! there was nothing to stop that; but first, she had to give her word that she would listen to what her father said, but not do what her mother wished. So she went home, and when they were alone with her, and she had told how she was treated, her mother wanted to give her a light to take back that she might see what kind of man he was.
”But her father said, 'No! she mustn't do that, for it will lead to harm and not to gain.'
”But however it happened, so it happened; she got a bit of a candle-end to take with her when she started.
”So the first thing she did when he was sound asleep, was to light the candle-end and throw a light on him; and he was so lovely she never thought she could gaze enough at him; but as she held the candle over him, a hot drop of tallow dropped on his forehead, and he woke up.
”'What is this you have done?' he said. 'Now you have made us both unlucky; there was no more than a month left, and had you lasted it out, I should have been saved; for a hag of the trolls has bewitched me, and I am a white bear by day. But now it is all over between us, for now I must go to her and take her to wife.'
”She wept and bemoaned herself; but he must set off, and he would set off. Then she asked if she might not go with him. 'No!' he said, 'there was no way of doing that.' But for all that, when he set off in his bear-shape, she took hold of his s.h.a.ggy hide and threw herself upon his back, and held on fast.
”So away they went over crags and hills, and through brakes and briars, till her clothes were torn off her back, and she was so dead tired, that she let go her hold and lost her wits. When she came to herself she was in a great wood, and then she set off again, but she could not tell whither she was going. So after a long, long, time she came to a hut, and there she saw two women, an old woman and a pretty little girl. Then the princess asked, had they seen anything of King Valemon, the white bear.
”'Yes!' they said. 'He pa.s.sed by here this morning early, but he went so fast you'll never be able to catch him up.'
”As for the girl, she ran about clipping in the air and playing with a pair of golden scissors, which were of that kind, that silk and satin stuffs flew all about her if she only clipped the air with them. Where they were, there was never any want of clothes.
”'But this woman,' said the little la.s.s, 'who is to go so far and on such bad ways, she will suffer much; she may well have more need of these scissors than I to cut out her clothes with.'
”And as she said this she begged her mother so hard, that at last she got leave to give her the scissors.
”So away travelled the princess through the wood, which seemed never to come to an end, both day and night, and next morning she came to another hut. In it there were also two women, an old wife and a young girl.
”'Good-day!” said the princess. 'Have you seen anything of King Valemon, the white bear?' That was what she asked them.
”'Was it you, maybe, who was to have him?' said the old wife.
”'Yes! it was.'
”'Well, he pa.s.sed by yesterday, but he went so fast you'll never be able to catch him up.'
”This little girl played about on the floor with a flask, which was of that kind it poured out every drink any one wished to have.
”'But this poor wife,' said the girl, 'who has to go so far on such bad ways, I think she may well be thirsty and suffer much other ill. No doubt she needs this flask more than I;' and so she asked if she might have leave to give her the flask. Yes! that leave she might have.
”So the princess got the flask, and thanked them, and set off again away through the same wood, both that day and the next night too. The third morning she came to a hut, where there was also an old wife and a little girl.
”'Good-day!' said the princess.