Part 13 (1/2)
=Lonar=, Berar. 20N. 77E. Scene of struggle between Lonasur and an incarnation of Vishnu.
=Lucknow=, United Provs. 27N. 81E. Contains mausoleum of Asaf-ud-Daula.
Seized by Humayun, 1526; by Babar, 1528; native insurrection against British, 1857; recaptured by British, 1858. (See Mrs. F. A. Steel's 'On the Face of the Waters,' Kipling's 'Kim.')
=Macao=, China. 22N. 114E. Portuguese bought right to settle here, 1557; Chinese barricaded it from rest of island, 1573; occupied by British, 1802, 1808; port declared free, 1846. Camoens res. here in exile, and wrote part of his 'Lusiad.'
=Madakasira=, Madras. 14N. 77E. Captured by Mahrattas, 1728; by Hyder Ali, 1762; by Morari Rao, 1764; recaptured by Hyder Ali, 1776.
=Madras=, Madras. 13N. 80E. British established here, 1639; besieged by Aurungzebe's general, 1702; by the Mahrattas, 1741; Fort George f. by Francis Day, 1744; taken by French, 1746; recovered by British, 1748; San Thome, Portuguese settlement, f. in 1504, annexed, 1749; unsuccessfully attacked by French under General Lally, 1758, 1759.
Cathedral of Saint Thome supposed to contain remains of Saint Thomas.
=Madura=, Madras, 10N. 78E. Taken by Malik Kafur, 1324; by Nawab of Carnatic, 1736; held by British for Mohammed Ali, 1764; ceded to British, 1801.
=Mahaban=, Bengal. 27N. 78E. Alleged scene of childhood of Krishna.
=Mahe=, Madras. 12N. 76E. Taken by French, 1722; by British, 1761, 1779, 1793; restored to French, 1815.
=Malatiyeh=, Asiatic Turkey. 38N. 38E. Khosros I. defeated by Romans, 577; taken by Bajazet, 1396; by Tamerlane, 1401. Polyeuctus martyred here; great ma.s.sacre of Christians, 1895. (See Corneille's 'Polyeucte.')
=Mandalay=, Upper Burma. 22N. 96E. F. in 1859; became capital of Burma, 1878; occupied by British, 1885; partially destroyed by fire, 1892.
=Mandawar=, United Provs. 29N. 78E. Taken by Tamerlane, 1399; plundered by Amir Khan, 1805.
=Mangalore=, Madras. 13N. 75E. Visited by Ibn Batatu. Occupied by Portuguese, 1596; sustained terrible siege against Tippoo Sahib, 1782-3; taken by British, 1799.
=Manila=, Luzon. 15N. 121E. Capital of Philippine Islands; f. by Spaniard, Legazpi, 1571. Plundered by Chinese pirates, 1574; blockaded by Dutch, 1602; taken by British, 1762; Spanish fleet destroyed by Dewey off coast, 1898. Severe earthquakes, 1675, 1824, 1863.
=Manissa=, Asiatic Turkey. 39N. 27E. Ancient Magnesia, near which were supposed to be kingdom of Tantalulus, and scene of Niobe's sorrow.
Antiochus the Great defeated by Romans, 190 B.C.; city occupied by Osman Turks, 1398.
=Maraglak=, Persia. 37N. 46E. Contains tomb of Hulaka Khan, and remains of observatory built by him for the great astronomer, Nasr-ud-din of Tus.
=Masulipatam=, Madras. 16N. 81E. British settled here, 1611; successfully stormed by Colonel Forde, 1759. (See Malleson's 'Decisive Battles of India,' 'Purchas His Pilgrimes.')
=Matsuye=, j.a.pan. 36N. 133E. Former capital of Idzumo, and contains numerous temples. (See Lafcadio Hearn's 'Glimpses of Unfamiliar j.a.pan.')
=Mecca=, Arabia. 21N. 40E. Bp. of Mohammed, c. 570. Contains the Kaaba, said to be built by Abraham and Ishmael with help from Angel Gabriel.
Taken by Wahabis, 1803, 1807; by Mehemet Ali, 1813. (See Sir R. Burton's 'Wanderings in Three Continents' and 'Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah,' Hakluyt's 'Voyages,' Burckhardt's 'Travels in Arabia.')
=Medina= ('the city'), Arabia. 25N. 40E. Sacred city of Islam, whence Mohammed fled from Mecca, 622; contains tomb supposed to hold remains of the prophet, his daughter Fatima, Abu Bekr, and Omar. Forbidden city to all not Mohammedans, but visited by Burckhardt, 1811; Burton, 1852. (See Sir R. Burton's 'Wanderings in Three Continents' and 'Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah,' Burckhardt's 'Travels in Arabia.')
=Meerut=, United Provs. 29N. 78E. Plundered by Mahmud of Ghazni, 1017; by Tamerlane, 1399; taken by British, 1803; first outbreak of Indian Mutiny, 1857.
=Megiddo=, Palestine. 32N. 35E. Ancient city of Syria. Mentioned in Bible as being fortified by Solomon; refuge of Ahaziah fleeing from Jehu, 843 B.C.; Necho overcame Josiah, c. 609 B.C.
=Menderes=, Asia Minor. 38N. 28E. Said to be ancient Scamander, flowing past Troy, and sung of by Homer.