Part 9 (2/2)

=Gaur=, Bengal. 25N. 88E. Ancient capital of Bengal. Seized by Mohammedans, 1204; embellished by Akbar, 1575. (See Burton's 'Vikram and the Vampire,' 7th story.)

=Gaya=, Bengal. 25N. 85E. Sacred city of the Buddhists, being the bp. of Buddha.

=Gaza=, Palestine. 32N. 34E. City from which Samson is said to have taken the gates. Burnt by Syrian king, Alexander Jannaeus, 96 B.C.; captured by Omar, 634; occupied by Templars, 1152; taken by Saladin, 1187. (See Kinglake's 'Eothen,' Thomson's 'Land and the Book,' Volney's 'Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte.')

=Gerasa=, Palestine. 32N. 36E. Taken by Alexander Jannaeus, 83 B.C.; rebuilt by Romans, 65 B.C.

=Gethsemane=, Palestine. 32N. 35E. Scene of Christ's vigil on the eve of his crucifixion. (See Lamartine's 'Voyage en Orient.')

=Ghaziabad=, United Provs. 29N. 77E. F. by Ghazi-ud-din, 1740. Suraj Mal killed by Rohillas, 1763.

=Ghazipur=, United Provs. 26N. 84E. Capital of district of Ghazipur; contains many magnificent ruins. Lord Cornwallis died here, 1805. (See Kipling's 'In an Opium Factory.')

=Ghazni=, Afghanistan. 34N. 68E. Seized by Nadir Shah, 1738; by Lord Keane, 1839; by General Nutt, 1842. Contains tomb of Mahmud of Ghazni, 1030.

=Gheriah=, Bombay. 17N. 73E. Bombarded by British fleet under Admiral Watson, and captured by Clive, 1756; British possession, 1818.

=Ghodbandar=, Bombay. 19N. 73E. Mahrattas unsuccessfully stormed town, 1672; captured from Portuguese, 1737.

=Ghoraghat=, Bengal. 25N. 89E. Mentioned in the 'Mahabharata' as place of refuge of Virat Rajah.

=Gibeah=, Palestine. 32N. 35E. Res. of King Saul, and alleged to be his birthplace.

=Gibeon=, Palestine. 32N. 35E. Famous in Old Testament history, especially for Joshua's defence of the city against the Amorites.

=Gilboa=, Palestine. 32N. 35E. Range of hills, on one of which King Saul and his three sons were killed in battle.

=Gingi=, Madras. 12N. 79E. Captured by Bandaullah Khan, 1638; by Sivaji, 1677; besieged for eight years by Zulfikar Khan, 1690; taken by French, 1750; by British, 1761; abandoned to Hyder Ali, 1780.

=Giria=, Bengal. 24N. 88E. Celebrated for defeat of Sarfaraz Khan, 1740; and Mir Kasim, 1763.

=Giridhi=, Bengal. 24N. 86E. Centre of Karharbari coal-fields, and described in Kipling's 'Giridih Coal-Fields.'

=Goa=, Bombay. 15N. 74E. Taken by Mohammedans, 1469; by Albuquerque, 1510; by British, 1807; recaptured by Portuguese, 1815. Contains tomb of St.

Francis Xavier. (See Marryat's 'Phantom s.h.i.+p,' Burton's 'Goa and the Blue Mountains,' 'Purchas His Pilgrimes,' Hakluyt's 'Voyages.')

=Gobardanga=, Bengal. 23N. 89E. Alleged place where Krishna guarded his flocks.

=Gobardhan=, Rajputana. 27N. 77E. Said to have been a favourite res. of Krishna.

=Gokana=, Punjab. 29N. 77E. Contains tomb of Saint Shah Zia-ud-din Mohammed.

=Gokarn=, Bombay. 15N. 74E. Place of pilgrimage for Hindus; mentioned in 'Mahabharata' and 'Ramayana.'

=Golconda=, Haidarabad. 18N. 78E. A ruined city, f. by Rajah of Warangal; destroyed by Aurungzebe, 1687.

=Gooruncondah= ('horse-hill'), Madras. 14N. 79E. Taken by Hyder Ali, 1768; yielded to Trimbak Rao, 1771; captured by Tippoo Sahib, 1773; British possession, 1800.
